Disabled e-Bayers Discussion Group
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Forum Posts

Helllllp got a silly ?

Hello to everyone, I haven't been on the group for almost a year due to personal issues. Now I have a question about shipping and I need some help. Ok.. so I have a perfume to ship out which is in its own box. I first paid shipping on media mail then...

Holiday Favorites?

What are your Holiday Favorites? I love to listen to all the great music that is available this time of year. And those fabulous bands within football games and on tv all the next couple of weeks. And of course this is peak season for migrating birds...

Stray Animal Stories

Over the years I have learned how many animal lovers we have in this group. This topic is a place we can share memories of animals. Here is one I will never forget: Going back about 30 years ago we had a business in one of our big old barns. We were ...

Local Health Food Stores

Is it me or are others finding less help from the medical world than in the past?I been getting more help from the Local Health Food Stores. Taking various herbs and vitamins. And also looking up things on Doctor Oz. He has some good suggestions. Was...


Just found out that I am in remission for the second time!!! I have been battling Stage 4 breast cancer for almost 13 years. Had 12 treatments of a new chemo called Kadcyla for lymph node mets behind my sternum and in my neck. Latest PET scan shows n...

I'm back but in slow motion

Hi to everyone and I hope your days are going well. I have been out of commission for quite sometime but have decided I can't sit on my inventory anylonger. So I'm going to sell the best I can. I think I'm going to need some help since much of Ebay h...

The Trouble with Doctors

I had a follow-up visit with my new primary today. She got the results of the blood test and had all this advice for me. I pretty much read her the riot act and then she read it back at me. We both deserved it and have agreed to continue to build on ...

User avatar by Thrill-Seeker
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Been Out Of Action for a while

Been unable to do much the past 10 days or so. Just getting back. Things have quieted down here in our group. Some of you come here and read messages quite often. For some reason you do not post things. If you are reading this please respond to a top...

Things Cats And Dogs Do

We've had many animals during our lifetime. They each had their own personality. Going back in the early 1970s Liz called me one day and told me about someone having a station wagon full of puppies. She said the puppies were just being taken to the d...

User avatar by Trailblazer
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Things We Have Learned In Our Group

Find myself going back a lot of times and reading old postings. Helps remind me of things I have learned within our group. The one thing I really notice is how much more positive many of us are. It seems to become obvious when going way back and read...

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