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Apparently Ebay is fine with seller fraud

I reported a seller for listing a coral as a different coral (They listed a basic Eclectus mushroom coral as a Purple Monster mushroom coral. A price difference in the thousands). The coral they actually have is worth a couple/few hundred dollars. But the coral they have it listed as, is worth thousands. They even admitted to purposely listing the coral improperly. But apparently the automation/AI Ebay uses for these reports is fine with it. I said, "That ain't a purple monster. That's a basic eclectus mushroom." "They said, "Everyone shall now that, it’s just catchy for the views." Yeah, but here's the thing, some people who don't know a whole lot about corals may be duped into buy the coral thinking it's a Purple Monster.


Ebay doesn't really have an email for people to send customer support questions. So I guess this is the best alternative. 


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Apparently Ebay is fine with seller fraud

Since you are not an accredited ebay coral sheriff, ebay will ignore your report.   Not only do you not have your sheriff's badge, you might be a malicious competitor which is another reason to ignore your report.  Finally, what other people buy or sell is none of your business.

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Apparently Ebay is fine with seller fraud

Lmao. Not a competitor, just in the hobby (even if I was a competitor, knowingly labeling your product as something that is worth 10X than the actual product being sold is unethical in my opinion. It's also being bidded on as we speak). It's like someone putting a BMW logo on a Toyota, calling it a BMW, and hoping someone who doesnt know better buys it. I'd put the screen shot of the seller admitting to purposely misleading their customers, but that would break the terms and service for IDing the seller. Also, the way reports are processed is without human intervention. But hey, I'll keep up with my coral sheriffing bud. 

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