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Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Well SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhoot! Just when we thought you were going to be able to grace us with your wit and knowledge on a regular bases. So sorry to hear that they screwed things up again. Keeping our fingers crossed that everything speeds up now that the fever and "twitching" is gone. Can't wait to see your art! -- Carol in Missouri Check out my auctions here: -- Edited by kellyscolorstudio at 01/24/2009 4:23 AM PST
Carol in Missouri

Check out my auctions here:
Message 1 of 322
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321 REPLIES 321

Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

An update on my dental work. The procedure on Oct. 6th went okay and at the follow up on Oct. 13th, everything looked good so they removed the five stitches. He said it would take two to four weeks to heal and will look at it again on Nov. 3rd. Any continued good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated. Thanks for reading and thanks for the support. Sandra -- Sandra
Message 301 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Great update Sandra! hang in there.
Message 302 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Hello Everyone, It's been a great while. I've been taking care of both of my parents who are now deceased. I've moved into a new house with an art studio attached to it. Now I just have to find my motivation. Some of you will remember makeing ACEO's for my son when he went on his first trip to Iraq, well, he'll soon be leaving for his FIFTH tour of duty to the middle east, this time to Afghanistan. Enough already! On a sweeter note, I've adopted a beautiful red-headed daughter, Victoria. She loves to spend her spare time out in the art studio with me! Hopefully, I will be sending some work in soon. Love to all. I've missed you. -- Lissa Why is a closed mind always connected to an open mouth? -- Edited by creative_solutions at 10/24/2010 3:37 AM PDT

Why is a closed mind always connected to an open mouth?
Message 303 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Sandra, hope all goes really well. Hi Lissa. Good to hear from you, though I may be new to you I remember reading about your son. Wow his fifth tour.
Jean Moore
Message 304 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

The hole seems to be plugged (yay). I seem to have more saliva on that side of my mouth, but I hope that will lessen over time. Thanks for the support, folks. Sandra -- Sandra
Message 305 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

I bought this plant as a slip not knowing what color it was and now it is blooming for Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Photobucket
Life is a great big canvas, throw all the paint on it you can. ~Danny Kaye
Life is simpler than you think, always connect the dots!
When God and truth are on your side, you are not alone.
Message 306 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Hello everybody - I hope I'm ready to rejoin the living & arting once again! It's been a hectic year, starting with Jim's ordeal last May when he almost died from complications after knee surgery (the knee itself went just fine & still is). He's all okay now, though still trying to build up his strength - doing exercises daily for that. The summer & fall was spent growing a garden, 165 baby chicks & 2 ducks...& now 5 rabbits...& butchering a lot of chickens! & canning/freezing/drying lots of veggies & fruits. Our 1-bedroom house now stretches to house 5 adults: our Vietnam-vet homeless friend who does heavy work we can't do, our 17-YO DGS & his mother our DDiL - both of whom have helped around here (Anthony is now working for a big farm, working cattle, but stays here -- Susan was an RN till she had a stroke, she took care of both of us after our knee ops & helped w/ chickens/garden) & our DS comes over on weekends & does things like replacing our toilet (new one uses 1/3 the water & has a taller seat so we can get up easier). So it's crowded...stressful...but also nice to have a house full of family. Then the end of December I had my knee replaced (which was very painful while I was doing all that work) -- & almost died...blood pressure dropped after surgery & heart failure & kidney failure hit me. Came home Jan. 5 & home health nurse saw me next day & figured I'd be back in hospital because I looked so bad - but instead I've been getting better each day. Whew! I'm ready for some relief from stress! My son posted a picture of me (in hospital) & posted updates to my Facebook page, so some of you may have seen that. Again, hi all -- hope to be here often - I've missed you! Sue
Message 307 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Hi Sue I'm so glad to see you and hear from you here! We've all been so busy, but it's nice to know we can reconnect here whenever we can find time. (((hugs))) to you and yours, and glad you have a happy rambling house again! Don't overdo! Tell Jim hi for me... :-x -- •:*¨¨*:•.~Kelly~.•:*¨¨*:•.

Message 308 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Sue it's really nice to see you hear again. I have been wondering how you were and what all had been happening to you. Glad to hear that things are going better and hope you can drop in now your on the mend. -- Reality was once someone's dream.
Reality was once someone's dream.
Message 309 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Sue it is good to see you here. Sounds like you have had one h--- of a stressful year. Glad everyone is on the mend.
Message 310 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Hi again -- still fighting health issues (heart failure, kidney deficits, back pain) but still alive & kicking & trying to do garden work. I was ready to slow down on that & spend more time arting - then price of groceries started skyrocketing so gardening is a necessity of life (we could buy "food" but not high quality veggies & fruits). STILL trying to get back to ACEO's -- have been doing sketching, but no serious painting. Anyway - hope you all are doing well. Is eBay improving as a market yet? I notice they seem to be offering inducements for small sellers to come back. Do you suppose they noticed that the small sellers were also a major share of their buyers?
Message 311 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Hi Sue, good to hear from you. Hope you get a chance to make some art soon. That could be a good guess about Ebays incentives, also add up all the small sellers and it is really significant. I am so glad we don't have to rely on growing a garden here. It was 44 and snow mixed in with the incessant rain. Guess we are better off than the people in the tornado areas though.
Message 312 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

Hi Sue, hope you haven't been getting the big rains that we have had they sure won't help you if your putting in a garden. I did see the other day where a storm went around us but looked like it was headed up your way. Hope you get back to doing some arting. -- Reality was once someone's dream.
Reality was once someone's dream.
Message 313 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll

:-) :-x -- •:*¨¨*:•.~Kelly~.•:*¨¨*:•.

Message 314 of 322
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Re: Check In, Chat, Say Hi, Share News! lll


It's been a long time since I was here last! i am now a gramma (actually a year ago LOL) going back to college to finish my degree, and cleaning out my studio... it's nice to get back here!


"The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything."
– William Connor Magee
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