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Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

Hi! I've seen a huge increase in sellers of auction listings to demand immediate payment. It's harassing. Ebay's term state that buyers must pay for the auctions they win but I believe the terms also state that sellers have to allow 4 days to buyers. Is that correct? I've gotten a lot of push back from sellers saying they can do whatever they want. 

Message 1 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions



It is an option, and hardly harassing. You cannot walk in a store a say you will pay for something later. 

Message 2 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

Ebay doesn't offer sellers an option for immediate payment on auction style listings. I know they tried it with some sellers as a test. Anyways, as a seller, you agree to Ebay's terms. Which state a buyer has 4 calendar days to pay. I guess I'm just looking where to report these sellers. 

Message 3 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

"You cannot walk in a store a say you will pay for something later. "

LOL. You can't walk into Ebay.

Message 4 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions


Sellers have a toggle choice to require immediate payment. 


As a seller I have mine set to off so that my buyers don't have to immeadiately pay on offers they or I accept. They have 4 days to pay. I can change that in a minute if I want and require Immeadiate Payment. 


I would assume it works the same for auctions, but not for sure as I don't run any auctions.


Posting ID
Message 5 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

Thanks, but you're right auction listings are different. Anyways, here's where to report these sellers:


Either of these should work:  "Seller doesn’t want to complete the sale" or "Seller sent threatening or abusive messages"



Message 6 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

I had a buyer with lots of feedback last summer that ghosted me summer despite being very active in their bidding, even in the last hours of the auction. 


Despite numerous invoices sent they wouldn't respond. I filed a non-paying bidder and they finally responded after eBay closed the case in my favor. They finally responded that they wanted to pay. 


eBay needs to lose the idiotic terms of allowing buyers time, in days to pay for auctions. This is just as bad as people who ask you to hold something until they get paid.  The payment should be automatically taken at auctions close. 

Message 7 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

Absolutely, you can.  Plenty of stores will put something on hold.  And eBay absolutely gives buyers a few days to pay.

Message 8 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

On stuff i'm selling locally, i refuse to hold items for more than a few hours. I'm not Kmart layaway. If they don't have funds for immediate payment they shouldn't be bidding.  

Message 9 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

One could easily say that if you cannot wait four days for payment, you should not be using auctions. eBay sets the rules, and their rule is that a buyer has a few days to pay. I don’t know when this became complicated – it seems so simple.

Message 10 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

After 4 days a seller can cancel due to non-payment and a buyer gets a "ding".

I guess some sellers are pushy asking for payment immediately through emails?

A seller can cancel a wining auction but the seller will still have to pay an eBay fee cancelling the auction unless maybe...not sure...something wrong with an address of buyer or such.

Winning an auction on a weekend and I am in Vegas that weekend...the last thing on my mind is paying for a winning auction...especially if it was a few dollars.

Some of these responses are rather silly. Of course, some sellers don't go anywhere or have other things to do in life.

Message 11 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

eBay needs to lose the idiotic terms of allowing buyers time, in days to pay for auctions.



So you think that making a buyer wait a week or so for an auction to end, should automatically entitle you to an immediate payment?   eBay did try to enforce this on buyers, but it was short lived.  They even removed the buyer payment requirement from the sellers page that required a payment source be selected in order to bid.   It didn't take long for buyers to figure out that the 'new smoother checkout" resulted in being auto-billed  at the listing end.    If I won 10 listings from the same seller at auction with a $5 shipping charge on each, my shipping alone would be $50 for ten pairs of earrings from the same seller.  

Lucky for me, by the time my buyer IDs were put into forced enrollment, I already knew what was going to happen so I just didn't participate.  

If you don't like a 4 day wait, don't participate.  Use fixed price with immediate payment required, and don't entertain offers.  It is not quite as buyer UNfriendly as the old forced auto-pay, but should work for you. 

Message 12 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

You're right I don't like the I need to think about paying option, which is why I use buy it now. 


The fact that eBay allows people to wait this long tells of how sorry the state of  some people's personal finances are. 

Message 13 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions



" i refuse to hold items for more than a few hours. I'm not Kmart layaway. If they don't have funds for immediate payment they shouldn't be bidding".


As far as I can tell, you have not listed any items using the Auction format,  so what do you know about them?  You seem to list items only as Buy It Now (BIN) "Listings" not Auctions.


Sellers who list items using the auction format, may have auctions ending anywhere from a few minutes apart to a week or so apart, so the now removed Auto Pay for auction wins feature was a deal breaker for many who bid on auctions. 


If you are cancelling transactions within a few hours for non payment, then you are using invalid reasons for the cancellations, and sooner or later you will be called out on it, and get a defect on your account, besides having to pay the final value fee for the cancelled transaction.

   You can add Immediate Payment Required to your BIN listings if you want, but it may dissuade some buyers from buying from you if they would like to purchase more than one item at a time, because they cannot request a combined shipping total, before paying.

Message 14 of 29
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Re: Sellers requiring immediate payment on auctions

Last I noticed immediate payment was an option on my auction listings. I never have used it since I give people the option of buying more over 7 days to save on shipping. I can't say if it is still there or not. On day 11 my settings cancel the sale and give an unpaid strike. I recently took a look to see if anyone was getting blocked from buying (like most sellers if someone has 2 unpaid strikes in 12 months I block them) and I was shocked at how many people are trying to buy but have 2 or more strikes. Really did not expect that.

Message 15 of 29
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