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Need help on get orders API

I am trying to get orders detail through which i am getting but somehow it doesn't give me quantity response so it gives me all the details apart from order quantity. for reference, please see below response.


[16:34, 10/23/2023] Vipulbhai Software: "OrderID" => "16-10691-29411"
"OrderStatus" => "Completed"
"AdjustmentAmount" => "0.0"
"AmountPaid" => "13.48"
"AmountSaved" => "1.5"
"CheckoutStatus" => array:6 [▶]
"ShippingDetails" => array:4 [▶]
"CreatingUserRole" => "Buyer"
"CreatedTime" => "2023-10-23T12:01:14.000Z"
"ShippingAddress" => array:11 [▶]
"ShippingServiceSelected" => array:2 [▶]
"Subtotal" => "13.48"
"Total" => "13.48"
"TransactionArray" => array:1 [▶]
"PaidTime" => "2023-10-23T12:01:11.471Z"
"ShippedTime" => "2023-10-23T14:34:45.000Z"
"IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled" => "false"
"EIASToken" => "nY+sHZ2PrBmdj6wVnY+sEZ2PrA2dj6wMkIKjAJCHoQidj6x9nY+seQ=="
"PaymentHoldStatus" => "None"
"IsMultiLegShipping" => "false"
"MonetaryDetails" => array:1 [▶]
"SellerUserID" => "superutensil"
"SellerEIASToken" => "nY+sHZ2PrBmdj6wVnY+sEZ2PrA2dj6AAl4KmAZmLogmdj6x9nY+seQ=="
"CancelStatus" => "NotApplicable"
"ExtendedOrderID" => "16-10691-29411"
"ContainseBayPlusTransaction" => "false
[16:34, 10/23/2023] Vipulbhai Software: hi

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Re: Need help on get orders API

Are using the GetOrders call in the Trading API  (QuantityPurchased)?


Below is the hierarchy of QuantityPurchased:



You have one element in "TransactionArray". Open that array to find "Transaction" and then open the detail of "Transaction" to find "QuantityPurchased".


There are many arrays in your response that should be opened to extract their more-deeply embedded details.




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