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Refresh Token - From where to get eBay Refresh Token

I want to get an access token in C# API for that I will need a refresh token, from where I can get it.




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Re: Refresh Token - From where to get eBay Refresh Token

A couple of posts that might help:


In addition, the response from shipscript on the other post shows the implementation in php.


Also, don't post any tokens, or credentials you've encoded to the forums, that is a security issue...


So like is mentioned in each of those posts, you do not want the client_credentials grant type you are using, that gives an application token, you want a user token.


The user token is a 2 step process


What you want is to generate a URL first.


Use that url to log in.


When you log in the URL will update to a string that contains a code= &


Grab that, make a body that uses the grant type of authorization_code with just:


"grant_type": "authorization_code"
"redirect_uri": YOUR_REDIRECT_URI_HERE


This will return the refresh token and the access token.


You can then use:


"grant_type": "refresh_token"
"scope": "your scopes separated by spaces"


on that refresh token from that point forward.



A rough example of the 1st half:

  static string appId = "";
  static string certId = "";
  static string redirectUri = "";
  static string scopeListString = "";
  static string oauthsignin = "";
  static string oauthendpoint = "";
  static string Generate_Url()
    Guid uuid4 = Guid.NewGuid();
    NameValueCollection qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString("");
    qs.Add("client_id", appId);
    qs.Add("redirect_uri", redirectUri);
    qs.Add("response_type", "code");
    qs.Add("prompt", "login");
    qs.Add("scope", scopeListString);

    //include or not, this works either way, but it might not be useful or implemented incorrectly
    //oauth2 standards documentation is lacking and vague on how to implement correctly
    qs.Add("state", uuid4.ToString());

    return oauthsignin + "?" + qs;

  Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the following URL into a browser and log in, grab param between code= and & once logged in:\n");
  Console.WriteLine(Generate_Url() + "\n");
  Console.WriteLine("Enter in the code= param you copied from the returned URL");
  string codeinput = Console.ReadLine();

  string body = $"grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri={redirectUri}&code={codeinput}"
  response = client.UploadString(oauthendpoint, body);
  json = JObject.Parse(response);
  Console.WriteLine("This is the token response:\n");


Message 2 of 3
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Re: Refresh Token - From where to get eBay Refresh Token

@five_notch_trading_post Thanks for the help and Suggestions. It is working now.


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