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Who the heck cares? (#3)

There is always someone who cares.   I know this is TCM's thread & hope she doesn't mind if I start #3.   We can't go without a 'who the heck cares'.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

The apple trees are starting to bloom, as well as the pear trees. Some of the perenials in my rock garden are coming up & the spring bulbs are blooming.....

So (of course) it got down to 30 degrees last night.😖 I spent several hours yesterday afternoon putting buckets over plants, taking a clematis off its support, laying it down & covering it with a sheet......& the double white "Beauty of Moscow" lilac is wrapped up with sheets/rope (looks like a body bag upright in the yard).


I woke up at 4a.m. to the sounds of the helicopters from "Apocalypse Now"....which meant the big frost fans came on in the orchards about 1/2 mile away. They just now shut off, it's about 36 degrees outside. Once it gets up to 40, I get to go outside & uncover everything.

And.....probably get to do this all over again tonight.

Mother, Nature is toying with me.

Message 406 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Cathy, I would totally be loving your weather! We're forecast for the 80's this weekend, but with strong to severe thunderstorms and rain basically from tonite all the way to Monday!


Heron, I love shredding paper here at work, but I hate my paper shredder. I want one that sit over a trash can, not this all in one unit I've got. The bin fills up sooooo fast!


Shirls, my dad will pull them off, if given the chance, even tho he knows he's not supposed too! I'm guessing that a UTI for kitties feels just like ours does, except we know what's going on and they don't!


Ack, Fruit! UGH!!!!! Hopefully everything does ok and doesn't get frost burnt!


I came home Tuesday evening to three piles of poo from Peanut. Each one progressively worse and progressively bloody. Poor baby, I have no idea where or how this came about but I'm very thankful my mom was able to take him to the vet. He got an antibiotic shot and a weeks worth of two a day antibiotic pills. So now I've got Cricket on the liquid and Peanut on a pill. It's bit crazy in the am, cuz I've been giving Cricket some soft food after I give her meds, and that means that all three cats get soft food and Peanut wants fed and all I want is coffee! HAHAHA


Dom, heading into fall for you and we're heading (or about into) spring now. Anzac day for you is like Memorial day for us, or Veteran's day, right?

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 407 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Gonna be extra nice, Fredi. No rain!


That's the thing we worry about--storms. Then before you know it it's hurricane season.


It's very hard to leave that alone, Fredi. Anytime I have a sore healing I'm flaking away what I can.


Husband says it'll never heal if I don't leave it alone and slaps my hand.


Shirley, it was dripping right when I hung it up. It was doing fine then all of a sudden it started.


The part that holds the water is glass the bottom is plastic.


The little tube ones are great. I don't know why I bought a big one. They never feed together. Always one to a feeder.


Last year before they left I had 4 coming by each day.


Glads are beginning to bloom. A big white one is opened up, like a frilly dress.


Got 2 new 50 ft. hoses. Gonna be busy.


Fruit, I bet you've got your hands full this time of year. Not like it used to be but outdide with your trees and plants.


<font face=comic sans><font size=4><font color=blue>Happy Anzac Day!</font color></font size></font face> Dom


Well, I'm not erasing it. Didn't show up in preview. Sometimes it won't and will show up when you post.


html from the old days when the boards were more creative. Could've got something wrong in the code too, though.


Haven't tried it in years.


Anyway, have a good one!

Message 408 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Hola Fruit...!  Is it possible for you to use smudge pots to keep your orchard trees warm?  Heron remembers when Orange County Cal was really chock full of orange groves.  Thousands of acres of orange trees.

And sometimes during a rainy season the temps inland would drop to 30F.  Then the smudge pots would be lit to keep the trees warm.


Message 409 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Hola Fredi..!  Yes, the new shredder is all in one type design.  And yes, the bin for the shredded stuff fills rather quickly.  And yes, sometimes the little pieces of paper will scatter around the machine.  However, having the shredder machine is better than using scissors (the old method) .

(Heron is trying to reduce paper now because next year our electricity costs will be going up and up).  If it aint one thing it is another!

Message 410 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Yes, Cathy, it is very hard to stop picking, thankfully Dad's tater chips are covered by the unna boot! 🙂


I think, maybe, my boss is gonna get me one of those shredders that just sits on top of  a trash can, that would make it easier to shred stuff, at least for me!


Dark and stormy here, I love a good dark and stormy day, but I'd prefer to be either curled up under my current afghan project or curled up in bed! HAHA

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 411 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

This phone is going back and forth between here and facebook. Just gonna write the whole thing together becase when I try to separate the paragraphs it bumps me back to the rfacebook page. Yes, I have a few open so I can go from one to the other. Fredi, I like a good nap on a regular rainy day. Not a storm. Well, I don't like writing like this. Maybe it'll be staightened out this afternoon. Have a good one@

Message 412 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

@domino-710 Thanks Dom for the history lesson!


Anzac Day, 25 April, is one of Australia's most important national occasions. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War, landing in Gallipoli in 1915. ANZAC stands for 'Australian and New Zealand Army Corps'.

Anzac Day is celebrated throughout the United States, and by American troops serving abroad. The Los Angeles National Cemetery is the site of an annual commemoration and the Los Angeles area is also home to a large number of immigrants from Australia and New Zealand.


Can't say that I have been familiar with this; esp since supposed to be "celebrated throughout the US".....have never seen it on a calendar! 😳  

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 413 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

<font face=comic sans><font size=4><font color=blue>Happy Anzac Day!</font color></font size></font face> Dom

 Yep, Cathy, that was a blast from the past!  Had forgotten all about being able to do that!


Frost fans...another thing had never heard of.   Get tired of covering stuff esp. now that spring arrives ahead of time...everything greens up and then a frost sneaks in.  Several years ago we had a hard freeze; 2 or 3 nights in a row on April 25th.  By that time trees and everything were fully leafed out.  Very hard on the trees; all the leaves froze so looked like cooked spinach hanging from the limbs.   Called the city arborist.  He said if the trees had ample food reserve in the root system they would recover and produce a whole new set of leaves.  However, he added that if dry conditions prevailed, it could result in a great loss of trees a few years down the road.  We did have a drought that year with extreme high temperatures for the summer.  A couple of years later, we did lose one of our trees and suspect it was due to 'Mother Nature' menopause symptoms 😂  So can imagine what this could do to an orchard. 



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 414 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Being a war historian, Heron knew what is ANZAC.  However, Heron had never heard of ANZAC Day.  

Message 415 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

I haven't looked at the calendar to see if it has Anzac Day on it.


The 27th made it 9 years that Mama has been gone. Today would've been mine and my 1st husband's 35th wedding anniversary.


Time marches on.


Husband and I will be married 25 years on Aug. 6th. Sure doesn't seem like it.


Yes Shirley, those were the days when you could really do some neat stuff on the boards.


I wish ebay would do some of the things it used to do.  I remember treasure hunts and contests.


They don't do much of anything now.


Son cooked steaks today. He did a fine job. 


I should sleep good tonight. Ate well, but not too much.


I finally found a box to send off that flowrr thing to my cousin. While I'm in town I should go by the thrift store and see if there's anything interesting in there.


You never know what you might stumble up on.


G'nite everybody!





Message 416 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Absolutely beautiful here.


Sorry all - I thought you all knew about Anzac Day - think I have mentioned it every year - now for 7 years. lol


Seems like we are getting some solution to the tree.


Handed it to the owner - all the details - now they are coming up with - compensation - removal - visual amentity - environmental etc - and re-instatement.


Will be interesting to see their offer.

Message 417 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Oh - poor DD - Giselle threw a tantrum - lol - she rarely does - but something upset her.


This was when it happened - now a really - really - great bruise - didn't break the skin.




DD wil live. LOL

Message 418 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

I didn't even need a horse......last Friday, I was in the garage, tripped over an air pocket & went *** over teakettle  right onto the concrete. Totally mashed my right shoulder, as well as various scrapes.

No bruises....but couldn't use my arm very well....still a bit sore.


Perhaps the aftershock waves when I hit the floor upset Giselle....horses can sense these things.🤕

Message 419 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Everybody getting beat up around here.   Been doing some spring cleaning in the house and have had to drag out the ladder to get to a few places.  So far, so good. 



My Iris' have done quite well this year, but this one is my favorite.  Brought this one from home in NE.  My mom had these for years and years.  I remember them as a child. (1950's) When my parents moved to another house in 1980, she dug them up and moved them to their new home.  When mom passed away in 2001, I dug them up and brought them here to TN. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 420 of 497
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