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Who the heck cares? (#3)

There is always someone who cares.   I know this is TCM's thread & hope she doesn't mind if I start #3.   We can't go without a 'who the heck cares'.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1 of 497
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496 REPLIES 496

Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Our high yesterday was 81°, west central Illinois here 🙂


I wondered how well your lighting was in the pod, Cathy. So no black yarn, then!?!!? lmao. Talked to my mom last nite and told her I never understood why she couldn't work with black fabri/yarn when it was dark. About 4-ish years ago, I learned that you just can't see it! I don't have any other vision issues, but black yarn, after dark, is a big fat no no for me, even with my nifty little light!


I'm loving the crab/lobster anecdotes!!!


Took Dad to doc this am. They drew blood, I'm waiting on those results. Unna boot is doing it's thing, so far, according to his home health nurse. He's on the mend. Now, if he'd just do his breathing treatments like he's supposed to be doing (3 times per day) that would be even better!


Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 391 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Good afternoon all,


Beautiful here - bright sun - and warmish.


I have  been trying to think of a ' baby ' gift - DD's best friend is due in August.


Not being over handy with a couple of needles nor a crochet hook as some here - came up with a brilliant idea - that totally gets me off the hook - lol meant the pun.


The newbie's Grandmother is a wiz with knitting - so being a thoughtful friend decided to give her a gift - which she will be able to give the bub.


Purchased this pattern - all the wool - little eyes etc - wrapped it all up for G'Ma - she'll get a good laugh out of this one.


Screenshot_20240416-111254_Word Trip.jpg


Wish I was a little handier - but as we all know mending a frog suit was a challenge. lol


Give me a paint brush any day.

Message 392 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Oh Fredi - so sorry - meant to add - hoping Dad is OK.

Message 393 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

You're right. Black is a difficult color to work with, especially in poor lighting. It fatigues the eyes too, or mine anyway.


I have to take more breaks and can't work as fast with it.


Wonderful news about your dad. This should be his go to from now on when his legs start acting up.


Dom, that was a neat idea. The sheep blanket is cute. 


It won't be long before you'll be going around in all those warm clothes.


Lol, we'll be hot in the states and you'll bundled up to keep out the cold. 

Message 394 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Dom, that's adorable! Love it! I wish I was a better painter, my Aunt used to paint and she was fantastic!


Daddio is doing pretty good (as he would say). Few more weeks and the legs might get healed up (per the home health nurse).


Cloudy, cooler here today. Might get rain. If we don't have any rain by noon I'm going to water the two pots of lilies I sat outside, that'll make it rain for sure. If that doesn't make it rain, I'll be watering my baby trees, lmao and that will really make it rain! HAHA I know the farmers need it, but I'd much prefer it rain overnite as opposed to during the day!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 395 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Overcast - cool - nearly time for the fur duds.


Rained overnight - will again this afternoon.


Painter - hello - when I say hand me a brush - this isn't Shirls we are talking to - I'm more into skirting boards & walls. lol


Went into town yesterday - for a heap of waterproofing for the upstairs deck - it's huge & ceeement.


Had a couple of drops into my wine glass while sitting in the living room - not on - don't like watered down wine. 


Over the office at the supply place the ceiling had fallen in - said to the bloke behind the counter - I certainly don't want what you used. lol


We had such a deluge a couple of Saturdays ago - peeps are still cleaning up.


Now need a few sunny days to do the job.



Message 396 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Rain supposed to be coming here this afternoon.


I think all the rain is what could be with the roses getting spots. Probably a fungus.


Well you do a lot of painting, Dom. Didn't you paint the whole house once?


I may be able to squeeze in a tiny bit of yard work before the rain, but I gotta head to town first for some avocados and a few other things.


Gotta go. Have a good one!

Message 397 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

We finally cooled down; thank goodness.   Upper 80's is too hot for mid- April!   High of 60's today and boy did I take advantage of it.   Planted a large leaf hosta in one of the shaded beds. Digging the hole was no fun...tree roots and rocks.   Hope it grows as nicely as the others I have.   Put some flowering plants and variegated vinca in the 2 cement urns in front of the shed and re-potted a root bound Purple heart plant.  They remind me of purple wandering jew.  Set out the Mexican petunia pots and pruned them down for regrowth.  Re-potted the lemon tree.  Cleaned the dirty pots.  Pruned the forsythia.  Still need to cut down the Angel Trumpets...if they don't do well again this year, they are getting tossed.   Cleaned the outside windows & door to kitchen area ~ opens onto the deck.  Tossed some more flower seed in the back corner of the yard...still need to get the zinnias seeded.   After all that, worked up an appetite.   


Have had sewing on a button on my 'to-do' list for a week now...still not done.


Fredi ~ Sounds like your dad's legs are improving and that is good news. 


DOM ~  Little sheep blanket is really cute!  I wish I could make stuff like that. 


Hope everyone is having a good week-end. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 398 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Dad's legs got unwrapped/rewrapped on Friday. Nurse said they are looking good. Dad told me there was a big ol tater chip he wanted to peel off, but the nurse wouldn't let him. I said don't you go unwrapping to peel it off, leave it on there!! (He calls the flakes of skin, tater chips, lol, yes my dad is weird, but then, so am I!).


Hit camp yesterday, one camping buddy got a new camper, so the old one was sold and gone last week, new one in place yesterday. Then we just sat around in the sun while the guys did stuff. I managed to crochet two pot holders! 🙂 I can't take a big afghan project to camp, it's too much of a hassle, but I can do small ones, like the potholders. I plan on taking the scrubby yarn to make dish scrubbies for everyone some time this summer!


Taking Cricket to the vet this am, pretty sure she has a UTI. I'm going to ask for liquid antibiotics, they are easier. I can pill her, but I just don't want to have to pill her! 

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 399 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Hope Cricket can get healed up quick, Fredi.


I used up the last of the varigated blue Sugar & Cream cotton yarn on dish cloths. 


That's like I do when I go in the storm pod, Fredi. Small projects like pot holders and dish cloths.


We're only supposed to get up to maybe 65 today. Nights in the 40's tonight and tomorrow night. 


Tuesday is predicted to get into the 70's but 80's after that.


Yesterday was overcast and light rain and chilly.


Well, i'm gonna have to get out those tube shaped hummingbird feeders and take down that bigger one. 


I thought I had it put back right but something was off. Wasted sugar water 3 times.


It clicked when I put it together the 4th time and wasn't dripping like the other times.


Looked out this morning and it's empty and I know good and well there hasn't been anything out there to drink all that up that fast.


Ticked me off. Bought the blamed thing back in March. There's some trick to it cause it held the mix the time before.


Well, anyway, y'all have a good day!

Message 400 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Cricket is on the mend, got a shot of antibiotics and a weeks worth of liquid! Yay! She was BIG BIG BIG mad tho! So much so that vet asked if she was an outdoor kitty. Nope, she's strictly indoor, she just doesn't like people. He got that from her big mad hiss when he came into the exam room! Cricket is a one person cat, and I'm not her person, the Plumber is. She tolerates me cuz I feed her, but that's about it. I've been giving her a bit of soft food after I squirt the antibiotic down her throat, I'm hoping that makes her less mad. I do think she is doing better, there wasn't any little pee spots on the floor by the door or by my toilet this am!


Forecast high of 64° today, plus rain. Supposed to rain on and off and maybe thunderstorm until about noon. We need the rain, but I'd rather it rain at nite when I'm sleeping! HAHA


Everyone, have a great day!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 401 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Woohoo we are scheduled for 80's the rest of this week and the next week and next Thursday said to be around 92 and that Friday as well.


Husband took a few days off and is outside getting the lawnmower going.


Don't know how much longer the thing will run, but I sure am glad it cranked.


Got to get busy. Supposed to get groceries when he's through anf gets a shower.


Have a good one!



Message 402 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Weather report for la Costa Pacifica:  About what we expect at this time a year.  Heron has not been reporting because it is close to same report every day.

High temps in the mid 60s.   Mid 50s at night.  Low marine layer of clouds at daybreak and usually burning off between 9 AM and 11 AM, although one day it was overcast all day (no rain).  Plus, Heron has another time consuming project.  Heron has lernt how to work his 'new'  shredding machine.  Cross cuts and rolls small bits of paper into small wads of paper.  Recyclable also.  And Heron has been shredding  years of old documents and correspondence. (example: year 2011 a large batch of correspondence shredded!)  Modern machinery is really great and of course improvements in electric motors and electronic motor controls have been superb.

Not much else to report.  

Message 403 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Fredi, I totally get your dad...calling the skin flake a tater chip because it does kinda resemble a mini chip, but ho no, don't even think about pulling it off!


Poor Cricket all fussy and fuffy...I bet a UTI feels the same way for them as it does us.


Cathy, was the wind blowing that day you hung the feeder?  Sometimes if it's blowing hard enough to slosh the feeder around, it will empty out.   I have a newer one, glass, and if I don't get the little drink ports back on there just right, it will leak.  Had another plastic tube type that I had to cut circle of thin cardboard to put in the lid as a gasket so wouldn't leak.  My neighbor has his feeder out already, I might wait another week or so.  It's a tad early for them here, but with the spring weather coming on sooner each year, they may be here sooner. 


Heron, sounds like you are having some fun with your shredder 😂  I have some stuff hanging around for several years that I need to get done but keep putting it off.  What you are describing sounds like my 'grinder'.  Makes perfect spit wads.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 404 of 497
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Getting cooler by the day.


Anzac Day here - Lest We Forget.


images (6) (4).jpeg

Message 405 of 497
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