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How easy is for buyers to misuse returns and steal our merchandise on eBay

A client ordered a couple of items from me, after this person received the items claimed that we sent the wrong item and returned fake items to us. I wrote to eBay that I had received a fake item from a person that clearly misused our free returns to take advantage of the system. I also received a message from eBay that says that you don't have proof that the buyer caused the issue (Even thought I sent a picture of the item I received) but yet they took as proof the picture that HE SENT claiming that we sent the wrong item.


We offer free shipping and free returns, we have almost a thousand reviews from our clients and we have hundreds of sales weekly. We have been with eBay for more than 17 years and yet they rather take the word of a person with 3 purchases within the last 6 years.


It was only a $26 dollars transaction, that is nothing. But the fact that eBay believes that a seller like us who have a lot of great reviews, have been with them for 17 years, make hundreds of sales weekly would jeopardize our relationship over $26 dollars it is disappointing to say the least.


My concern is, if this would've been a $5,000 dollar sale, how easy is for someone to take our merchandise, lie to get their money back, and how fast and easy eBay partializes with them without taking in consideration our relationship.


I hope this person continues doing business with them and provide lots of profits since you believe WE ARE at fault here. Not only is a dishonest practice and a CLEAR ABUSE of returns policy and most importantly is THEFT.


I was in the hope that eBay would protect my business and that it was a safe platform to conduct business. But now I am sure I shouldn't take more items into eBay unless I want to put a risk my money and my merchandise.


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Re: How easy is for buyers to misuse returns and steal our merchandise on eBay

@elvey wrote:

And in order to make sure I win such a case I have recorded video of myself packing , labeling and then dropping off / handing over the package, in one take, when selling high-value items. 

Uh-huh. Sort of like Sokurov's Russian Ark. Too bad it won't do you any good as far as defending against a SNAD is concerned. Might make it to a film festival or two, though.


P.S. That had to have been close to an hour-long video. Who held that camera while you were driving to the post office? 

Message 31 of 32
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Re: How easy is for buyers to misuse returns and steal our merchandise on eBay

That evidence may or might help in a SNAD claim on ebay, but it would help you in a small claims court case for sure keep it up, and I hope you never have to go to court, but you would have some compelling evidence. 

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