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Photo Albums are a mess!

What on earth has Khorus done now?  None of my photos stored in my albums are private.  They have all been made public.  Hidden photos are now not guaranteed.   Also, many of my photos are so distorted that cannot make out WHAT they are.  Magnification is so HUGE can't even make out the picture!  Some photos in the album take up almost the entire page of photos.   Have tried to delete photos, but since can only do a few at a time because it takes forever to delete if choose more than one photo at a time. 


And then when it comes to trying to post the photos?  forget it!  They are cut off so only a small portion of the photo is seen.  Doesn't matter if you resize the photo down to smaller size, they are still mutilated.

Posting experience in the community is becoming unpleasant and waste of time.   Or is that the intent?


That's OK.  I don't need to spend my money here either. 


Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: Photo Albums are a mess!

For heaven's sake!  I just finished the first 4 pages only of all the technical issues that are currently from Sep 22 to today, the 27th.  That is only 5 days!  Problems far worse than photo album catastrophe, but it all adds up to the same thing.  Technical problems that are far too numerous to mention.  What has happened to this site?  It's a shame. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: Photo Albums are a mess!

Looks like the 'glitch' fixed itself over-night.  

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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