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Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

I tried to report it to e-bay , I go and check all appropriate boxes only to see the dreaded ooops! we run into some trouble so nothing I can do!

it's very possible the seller is not even aware if he/she use some software program that lists automatically ...once a seller ( on another site ) had the program list every item for 1 cent  until they caught on ( but not before the news spread and the sharks bought the best items ) I hate to think what ever happened and how he/she fixed. I was rewluctant to even report anything , but the listings are a mess, crowding other seller's listing from the top etc...Anybody else had this experience!?


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Accepted Solutions

Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Not sure how you are reporting the seller, but here's a link on eBay:

Online Customer Service - Report an issue with a seller (

krazzykats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

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Message 3 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings


What you can do is reach out on social media via Facebook:


These agents are US CS eBay employees and may better serve you and the situation.  Many positive posts with their ability to be helpful & address this better than the bots or the overseas agents can do.  I reported 2 items today as they were illegal to sell on eBay.  They magically disappeared.  Give it a try. 


Good luck to you!

Message 2 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Not sure how you are reporting the seller, but here's a link on eBay:

Online Customer Service - Report an issue with a seller (

krazzykats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 3 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Methinks that the powers that be don't want us to actually report bad sellers.

I tried following the previous suggestion and always arrive at the same OOPS!  something went wrong ( or something similar)

I'm too busy to pursue this matter knowing that it may never be corrected, there is also the factor that the seller may not be aware of the problem, as I already stated it did happen to another seller when the software they were using went haywire ( could have also been human error , of course )

I'll keep working on my listings and only if I encounter more flagrant policy break from same seller I will take advantage of your suggestion. Thank you for now , I'll keep monitoring the situation for further action!

Message 4 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

We Run Into a Problem. Please Try Again Later!

This is the message when reporting a seller , who by the way is starting to seriously aggravate me with blank listings, no picture or titles . I don't know how this is even possible, if I skip a picture the computer lets me know right they circumvent this is a puzzle!

Message 5 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

I took your advice aqnd used the link provided, got a prompt reply that they would contact me!


Message 6 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Well, as ole' Willie said" much to do about nothin"

They are still " running into problems "...yep! They must be busier than a one-legged man at a dancing contest!

I'm still puzzled by how they are breaking the rules without the bots intervening! 

No picture, no title, no condition , how ?...How? HOW???

Message 7 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

I need help...just tried to list a book by Vardis Fisher , and the usual suspect ( I'm almost ready to spill his name ) has 9 listing of same book ranging from 19 to 60 dollars...not one listing has a picture or description!!!

What's really amazing one of the listings has 2 watchers!

I'm ready to throw in the towel!

How does this happen!

I copied/pasted the link to the listings, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it here, but if there is aDoubting Thomas here I can point you to the listing , either by posting the link or just mention title and author , it should get you there! Please, somebody, go check it out...UNREAL!!!

Message 8 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

The listings are probably long-tailed books that have been listed since the beginning of the internet.


krazzykats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 9 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Well, at least I've learned a bit about economy ...never heard the term " long-tailed " but methink you hit it right on the head! I still wonder how the bots are not catching the flagrant , shameless way this guy ( or girl , or whatever woke people wants to be called ) is abusing the system.

O.K. I can rest easy now, I realize that no matter how much I despise this sort of behaviour , there not much I can do about it...I'm defeated, never mind what they say " all is needed for evil to win is for good men to do nothing"  badly paraphrased methinks!

Thanks for the economy lesson , I'll quietly go away and nurse my bruised ego!

Thanks, mon frere!

Message 10 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

PLEASE post an update if you actually get a productive response.   OBVIOUSLY, this error message we're all receiving, is well known by the powers-at-be at eBay.  Most likely, there was NEVER an error, it was simply an auto-generated response, so nobody could report any of the issues eBay says they are concerned about. 

Message 11 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Well, you just confirmed my suspicion , if other people get the same message , it is obvious tha the error message is automatically generated just to avoid the problem of investigating to the detrimental possibility of losing financial gain.

Having said that , methinks there is little we can do about it, its their paying field and they own the ball!

Message 12 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Tried this route for two days.  Constantly returns a "We ran into a problem.  Please try again later." message

Message 13 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Ad infinitum...forever more.

Abandon all hopes ye who enter here...good ole' Dante must have used eBay once!

Message 14 of 18
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Re: Unable to Report Seller with Bad Listings

Link doesn't work. I am having the same problem, when you go to submit says "there is a problem"!!! Been trying for a week now  

Message 15 of 18
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