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That Little Old Winemaker......

no wine thread so here goes. Production is still going strong. Jut getting the last push on before I quit for the summer. Got 2 in primary, one ready for filtering/bottling, and still got a kit in the box. Bought a kit yesterday that I spurged on. it was a 6 week kit/18L that was on sale for $109. Quite the kit. Juice, bag of wine skins, hungarian oak shavings, hungarian oak cubes for later stage, plus the normal ingredients. It has to age for 9-12 months. So figured I would do it now as opposed to wait til next fall and wait that much more for its completion. The guy told me that after 12 months, you'll appreciate spending that kind of cash for the kit. Since getting home from away and starting wine in march I've made; -Barolo -Strawberry zinfindel -European chardonnay -sauvignon blanc -nebbiolo and brewing is tropical blush and French grenache syrah mourvedre how's your winemaking going Dot?
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

So Dave, Do you have anything new brewing? I just bottled a Pinot Grigio, good enough to drink young too! Well, close anyway. I have one fermenting and am trying to think of what type I want to try that I haven't done yet.
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

My wine buddy and I bottled his piesporter. I didn't go halfs on that kit as we just aren't struck on whites. We like fruit wines, blush, and espec live for reds. I still have 2 different types of whites from 2 years ago. So no more. Only make the above for ourselves. What did I make all fall??? -Italian Primo Tivo -Malbec -bottled up the Australian Cabernet Merlot shiraz that sat since last june. It is very good. Have a Tropical Fruit Reisling (fruit wine)in the clarifying stage. Soon time to pick up another kit to start I guess.
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

Shhhhhhhhhh........ This is a secret between us only. OK? My bro-in-law gave us a bottle of his home brewed Cranberry Shiraz.........I'm only using is for cooking. Tried a real Australian Shriaz and hated it. Too sweet! I'll stick with my Italian Reds. We both prefer a very dry wine. Merlots are OK, but they again have to be Italian. And don't get me started on the American grape juices.....My pallet is different from yours. That's life. B-)
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

bunch of drunks, I only have beer or spirits ( occasionally ) ]:)
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

I'm on your side Barry, A nice big shot of Crown Royal straight up no ice. Good liquor shouldn't be diluted.
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

Who can afford Crown Royal in Canada! I have friends smuggle up Early Times bourbon from the States when ever they can. That's my preferred libation, even more than my toonies. I like cubes in my bourbon, but my Glenfiddich is neat. Sounds like I'll drink anything. Even Screech! It's true, it's true! B-)
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

Eary Times is good but I prefer Jack Daniels or Wild Turkey, both neat, Glenfiddich chilled is good, and just about anything pure or double malt always goes down a treat. ]:)
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

Got a Strawberry wine ready for filtering/bottling, a Cabernet Sauvignon ready for filtering and then off to the seller to bulk age for 6 months. And I have the kit I made a year ago that is ready for bottling. I looked at the schedule and it was started 22 May and went to the cellar in july, but there is no damn way I'm waiting til july to bottle/drink it. Probably next week I will bottle it. It will still taste mighty fine.
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

Geeze, take a leave of absence for a few months and come back to read about this group of boozers! My son is back in the states safe and sound. My life is now stable again and we are trying to get back to what we call normal. I just bottled a fruit wine that I made from scratch and bulk aged. Even I liked it and I am not fond of sweeter wines. It has berries & citrus fruits in it. Just a combo I had on hand one day and put together. (sweet & sour) I just love experimenting! I have a chardonnay that was made from all juice (from Italy) (not a kit) that is bulk aging and I had several requests for a blush or lite red so I bought a kit for that. I know I won't like it, but the younger crowd around here does! I have been steering away from kits and trying different recipes and stuff. I made a white one that way that came out not as I had intended. A friend says to age it longer & that it has what it needs, but I say it may make the cook pot instead. No waste here! More some other time.
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

I picked up a beer kit to try out so we'll see how it turns out. Took a break from wine-making as usual when spring/summer starts.
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

I was thinking of that too, but noone really drinks much beer here! You may have eased up over the summer, but I have 2 going and 3 to start this weekend. Two kits are going and I got juice for 2 to start and I am making a fruit one as well. My family treated me good for my birthday this year so next year we will have some good stuff to toast with! I just bottled a Blush that I made for someone else! Well, studio is finished downstairs, new office is in spackle, have paint for train room. SOOOOON, I hope by winter we will have something started RR wise!
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

Hey Dot, Good to see you again. What is Joe up to nowadays. Back "on the job"? B-)
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Re: That Little Old Winemaker......

Racked my beer kit into a carboy for next stage. Can't wait to try it in the next few weeks. Alky!!!!! ]:) -- Edited by ginzokid at 08/05/2009 4:42 AM PDT AYE!!!! -- Edited by dl85vette at 08/05/2009 1:10 PM PDT
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