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Antique Oil Paintings

I do wish EBay would do something about the market being flooded by garbage. I am interested in oil paintings and I am sick and tired of the huge number of pages flooding EBay with absolute crap.

main culprits are sellers from Ukraine, Peru, France and Bulgaria. The child like garbage from Ukraine claiming to be antique is posted in ridiculous numbers. You can’t see the wood from the trees. What I need is a way of blocking certain countries from my search results. Is there any way of doing this?

Message 1 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

You can check "North America" or "US only" when searching in the "Item Location" section if you want to avoid listings from other continents.  


  • Default
  • Within25 mi
  • US Only
  • North America
  • Worldwide
Message 2 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

You should learn to train your eye and not rely on  others to do it for you. After 40 years I learned the best learning is achieved by self insight then when you goof up you have learned a valuable lesson on your own.



Message 3 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

need add China in,dont forget😋

Message 4 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

@peclem38 wrote:


 The child like garbage from Ukraine claiming to be antique is posted in ridiculous numbers. You can’t see the wood from the trees.

I'll venture that petulant art buyers on eBay are not the greatest worry for Ukranians these days.

Message 5 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

How is this helpful?

Message 6 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

@sonomabarn67 wrote:

You should learn to train your eye and not rely on  others to do it for you.

Sounds like the original poster has no problem telling the difference, but on a page of 50 search results they want to see what they're looking for, not 12 of what they're looking for and 38 of what they're not.


@melda58 's tip is what I would have suggested to @peclem38 in this situation.


It won't block sellers in other countries drop-shipping from a US address, but it will block stuff that's shipping from overseas.


If there's a commonality on key words, you could try excluding those key words from your search using a - before the word, or using the advanced search option.

Message 7 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings


Excellent response. The "subtract" search query is an invaluable tool.


The condescending platitudes are strong in some. I'm glad some are willing to give helpful replies in lieu of rebukes. 



Message 8 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

I should have added that if there are a handful of sellers you don't want to see, you can exclude them through Advanced Search.


Yes, it's more work to do that, however you can set up an Advanced Search then make it a "saved search" or you can even bookmark it then just change out keywords as needed. You can filter categories, specifics and more.


Hope that gives the OP something to work with. If they still need more help, a post to the Buying board on this forum might yield responses from several more experienced buyers on how to get search to show you what you're looking for.

Message 9 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

Thanks for your input. For any that enter this room and don't agree that becoming up to speed on their prefered topic is not in their best interest, I'm at a loss.


Personally, I have subscriptions and a backlog of auction catalogs from houses I have done business with over the years that I refer to and hey!  does anyone need a couple of art/antiques libraries? Photo archives? The whole point is people need to know their stuff before entering the marketplace and quit blaming the format. Look, an original Marc Chagall for $50, how could I be so lucky? You get out what you put in.

Message 10 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

I guess you misunderstood what I was saying, sonoma. My point was it appears the OP does know their stuff. Which is why they know the search results are full of junk that's not up to snuff and are asking how to make search work better for them. They can weed through the junk, but they don't want to weed through the junk. That's understandable and I was trying to help them find ways to minimize the amount of junk.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

I didn't misunderstand anything.


"I do wish EBay would do something about the market being flooded by garbage. I am interested in oil paintings and I am sick and tired of the huge number of pages flooding EBay with absolute crap.

main culprits are sellers from Ukraine, Peru, France and Bulgaria. The child like garbage from Ukraine..."


This sounds more like someone venting that they can't find exactly what they are looking for than anything else. And, I don't see anything in OP's post that suggests  they have a surperior command on sussing out items that are better than others as you suggest. Esp when mixing in digs in on other cultures and countries like OP did. I rend to zone out on whatever they were trying to say at that point.. I have good friends in France and they most certainly are not "culprits".

Message 12 of 13
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Re: Antique Oil Paintings

If you want to appreciate oil paintings, it is recommended to start with the highest price.

If you want to buy, I don’t know what to do?

It was when the Wuhan pneumonia broke out and I was locked down at home that I started paying attention to oil paintings on eBay.

I thought I would die soon from the pandemic, so I didn’t buy it on eBay, just looked at it。🤣

Message 13 of 13
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