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Sold on eBay-Certain Todorganics Weight Loss Products Are Toxic Oleander Seeds


If this link isn't found please research todorganics.

If you bought a todorganics product on eBay your health could be at risk. 



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Sold on eBay-Certain Todorganics Weight Loss Products Are Toxic Oleander Seeds

Sorry, the link I just posted  in this reply didn't  work either. I erased it.


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Sold on eBay-Certain Todorganics Weight Loss Products Are Toxic Oleander Seeds

Link is not found/dead link.  Searching the plural with the s on the end returns very little almost nothing.


Searching the singular returns a bunch of places say it is the greatest thing since sliced bread 🤔


I probably won't buy any even though I could stand to drop a few pounds.

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Sold on eBay-Certain Todorganics Weight Loss Products Are Toxic Oleander Seeds

You're  right it's  todorganic no s.

Very dangerous.  Nuez de la India Seeds Slimming Nuts are actually seeds from the Yellow  Oleander plant. All parts of the plant are known to contain cardiac gylcosides that are highly toxic to humans and animals. 

That brand isn't  the only one FDA listed. NUT DIET MAX brand  is also on the list. 

I think the recall is so new that eBay isn't aware because they are for sale on eBay.




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Sold on eBay-Certain Todorganics Weight Loss Products Are Toxic Oleander Seeds

Years ago I was in Florida with the Navy and we had a big (not native, it's Med Sea I think) Oleander tree out front as landscaping. The Oleander moths are beautiful but terrifying looking, like exotic wasps. They are poison and naturally marked scary looking so that birds don't want to eat them.


Before Google, but I just had to research them.


Oleander is a neat lookin' shrub, but yeah, it's a poison plant. Even it's inclusive native bugs are poison.Syntomeida_epilais_jucundissima_(15243278172).jpg

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Sold on eBay-Certain Todorganics Weight Loss Products Are Toxic Oleander Seeds