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OAuth credentials for single seller account

Is there a way to get OAuth credentials for a single seller account? 


I have a developer account but ebay has it marked wrong or something as a 3rd party developer account. It will only let me generate OAuth stuff as a 3rd party developer which requires URL callbacks and other things like that.


I just want OAuth credentials for my ebay seller account. I don't want to be associated with any 3rd party anything. I have no idea how to fix this and I have no idea how to ask ebay without being charged $75.

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OAuth credentials for single seller account

Hi @pet-stuff-now,


Getting a new access token for a user through the authorization code grant flow is a two-step process:


- First get consent from the eBay user to make API calls on their behalf (see Getting user consent)

- Then generate the User access token for each user (see Exchanging the authorization code for a User access token).


When your eBay application acts on the behalf of an eBay user, that application must obtain the user's consent before it can make requests that access and update/get that user's confidential resources. After gaining the eBay user's consent, you can mint a new User access token, a token that carries a user's authorization to let your application access the user's eBay account data.

Best Regards,
eBay Developer Support
Message 2 of 4
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OAuth credentials for single seller account

I am the user though. I am the developer and the seller at the same time. Do we still have to go through the URL callback process to get oauth access to the seller account if we are the same person? That seems needlessly cumbersome.


Previously with Auth n Auth we would login to our seller account FROM the developer account and that would grant us access and credentials. I am not seeing that option anymore. Is that option totally gone?


The issue is we don't have a backend setup for URL callback authorizations. 

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OAuth credentials for single seller account

Hi @pet-stuff-now,


To generate/mint the OAuth user access token for a user/seller, your application must obtain the user's consent before it can make requests that access and update that user's confidential resources. You can not get the user access token without getting the consent from the user. 


Once you get the consent from the user, you can generate the User access token for the user (see Exchanging the authorization code for a User access token).


When you generate the access token from the step "Exchanging the authorization code for a User access token" in the response you will get the refresh_token for the user, this refresh_token is a long-lived value that you can use to update an expired User access token. This means you do not have to get the user's consent each time you need a new User access token.


To update the access token after it expires, see Using a refresh token to update a User access token.

Best Regards,
eBay Developer Support
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