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Turbo Lister Lists Items on Other User ID

I tried this on the Turbo Lister forum, but haven't received any replies, so thought I'd try it here.  

I have been a TL user for about 12 years now.  I recently (a couple years ago) added a second user  as I opened a personal Ebay account (a non-store one as opposed to my business "store" that I have had for years).   Until recently, TL has been performing well, adding the listings from each user ID to the correct Ebay account.  (Although the last couple of months Ebay has been charging my business PP account when I print the labels from my Ebay personal account).   Just this week, it has started actually adding the listings created in my personal TL user to my business Ebay store.  I am still receiving payment to my personal PP account, but it is sending the sold emails & actually listing the items in my business account!  

When I went back to re-check my listings in TL, it shows that they are created in my personal account - not the business one!   It seems that my 2 separate accounts are being linked & I DON'T want them to be!    Any idea what is going on???  Any help would be appreciated!  

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Turbo Lister Lists Items on Other User ID

I had that once. I lost my internet connection as I was "changing user" and somehow it corrupted the Turbo database.

From memory, the only way I was able to fix it was to delete that user and start over.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
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Turbo Lister Lists Items on Other User ID

Did you recently have to reauthorize Turbo Lister?  If so, accidentally entering the credentials for the wrong account would cause that behavior.  It happened to me not too long ago.  I was changing users in TL and got the prompt to reauthorize.  Of course, I had know way of knowing which account is was asking for, so naturally I entered the wrong one.


You can fix it by simply going into site preferences and removing the TL authorization.  May be best to do this on both.  Then go back to TL and do something to cause it to connect to eBay (checking for updates should work), and then go through the authorization process again.  Repeat with the other account and you should be back to normal.

If it works, sell it. If it works well, sell it for more. If it doesn't work, quadruple the price and sell it as an antique.

-- Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #80
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