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Sales seem to have slowed down over the years.

From the UK, but posting on here, as well as the UK forum, as we have sold most items overseas over the years (all listings have appeared on due to international site visibility), and also seeing accounts on both forums of increased difficulties in selling . My mother and myself have had accounts , and brought and sold on here since 2004, mainly antiques and collectibles. Most things as late as 2015 used to sell either for good money, and  quickly on numerous occasions. Many buy it now items had even sold on the day they were listed, especially the Chinese antiques.

Starting to seriously sell again, as my mother is becoming increasingly unwell and needs the money for treatment etc . We are also planning to downsize and move, plus I also needed to get some money together to continue my postgraduate course at Cambridge (was recently rejected for a studentship yet again). We decided to sell off much of our collection. I started listing antiques and coins a couple of months, some of them rare, with the eventual intention of having up to 50 listings at anyone time. Only sold a few items (at auction) for disappointing prices, and haven't sold anything for nearly a month. I have offered free domestic postage, 30 day returns, one day dispatch etc. One object, the mezzotint, is offered for less than half the price that it usually sells for, in worse condition. Despite this there has been little interest, few watchers, and hardly any offers, except for one, which had an offer for 20% of the buy it now price. Even the Chinese antiques, which once used to be snapped up quickly by the Chinese buyers, are getting little interest.

I don't know whether it's due to Cassini (although some of my items are quite high up on the best match search in relevant categories I think ), or its due to fact that people in many parts of the world have even less money now, and that another recession is imminent. Or even they are simply not looking for antiques or collectibles on here anymore.

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Sales seem to have slowed down over the years.

@moti1947 wrote:

From the UK, but posting on here, as well as the UK forum, as we have sold most items overseas over the years (all listings have appeared on due to international site visibility), and also seeing accounts on both forums of increased difficulties in selling . My mother and myself have had accounts , and brought and sold on here since 2004, mainly antiques and collectibles. Most things as late as 2015 used to sell either for good money, and  quickly on numerous occasions. Many buy it now items had even sold on the day they were listed, especially the Chinese antiques.

Starting to seriously sell again, as my mother is becoming increasingly unwell and needs the money for treatment etc . We are also planning to downsize and move, plus I also needed to get some money together to continue my postgraduate course at Cambridge (was recently rejected for a studentship yet again). We decided to sell off much of our collection. I started listing antiques and coins a couple of months, some of them rare, with the eventual intention of having up to 50 listings at anyone time. Only sold a few items (at auction) for disappointing prices, and haven't sold anything for nearly a month. I have offered free domestic postage, 30 day returns, one day dispatch etc. One object, the mezzotint, is offered for less than half the price that it usually sells for, in worse condition. Despite this there has been little interest, few watchers, and hardly any offers, except for one, which had an offer for 20% of the buy it now price. Even the Chinese antiques, which once used to be snapped up quickly by the Chinese buyers, are getting little interest.

I don't know whether it's due to Cassini (although some of my items are quite high up on the best match search in relevant categories I think ), or its due to fact that people in many parts of the world have even less money now, and that another recession is imminent. Or even they are simply not looking for antiques or collectibles on here anymore.

i am surprised to read that you sell antiques and collectibles.

i don't know much about the European Market.

but the prices of A & C  in the US have gone down the drain.

(can only imagine it is the same overseas).

90% (easy) of the stuff i sold since the early 2000 NO longer sells or brings little money today.

nowadays it is about;

rare, desirable, hot and current fads (has to be priced right though).

the rest takes longer or just doesn't sell.

i recently gave 5 huge bins of A & C to the goodwill on an impulse.

wanted to start a booth in a mall and then thought i didn't even want to bother.

decent stuff and stuff i paid good money for.

even posted an ad on CL (locally).

took 4 weeks to even get an email of 1 interested individual.

today is a buyer's market.

the early days of ebay and online selling are over.


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Sales seem to have slowed down over the years.

The market has been down for me since January and the cost of listing on .com kept going up. Now days you have to run promoted listing campaigns to get seen properly. I moved all my listings to ebay UK as you get more free BIN listings there. But sales are still very slow and for the first time this year things are starting to run at a loss. It can also be due to tougher times in the world here in Oz the cost of living just keeps going up. Some old timer collectors have stopped collecting these were guys that would hoard anything. The new generations today don't have as much interest in antiques. Lots of sellers have left ebay for one reason or another perhaps some of these people used to be buying. The buyers now want things cheap as possible you may have to drastically reduce your prices just to sell something. I used to do much better on here but things have changed a high % now shop on their mobile and go for the cheapest item they can find that they are looking for. Granted you have a niche as do I but things are no longer what they were in this market. You could be being undercut but Chinese sellers who knows as there are numerous reason why you may not be selling like you used to. Do try promoting your listings and see if that helps.

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