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Received this message. What do you make of it?

This is the message in it's entirety, unedited. It came from a 0 feedback account that was opened December 2018. I find several things about it odd but I would love your opinion on whether you think this is real or from another ebay seller. Would also like to know if anyone else selling Dr. Denese products received this message.

My listing has not been removed as of today.


"It has come to our attention that you are selling SkinScience Labs, Inc.?s products on Trademarked products on third-party websites (such as but not limited to Amazon, Wal-Mart, eBay, and Google Shopping or any private website) without the express permission by SkinScience Labs, Inc.. We are notifying you that you are in VIOLATION with Federal Trademark and unfair competition laws protecting our products. SkinScience Labs, Inc., a Ridgefield, New Jersey company, is PUTTING YOU ON NOTICE to stop selling our Federally Trademarked products on third-party websites (such as but not limited to Amazon, Wal-Mart, eBay, and Google Shopping or any private website) without the express permission by SkinScience Labs, Inc., which is causing confusion, and harming our brand. You have 5 days to remove all of our products sold by you on any 3rd party marketplace website, or private website without the company?s permission, or we will be forced to pursue all legal remedies available to us under Federal Trademark and unfair competition laws"

Message 1 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

Probably just a competitor. Ignore it.

Message 2 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

They're full of baloney.  They have no control over the resale of their products, except through parties that have a contract with them.  If the items are genuine, then you can just ignore the message.

Message 3 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

Being that ebay did not contact you means this letter likely holds little to no water but...

Are you selling SkinScience Labs products? 

If no then I would probably ignore what is most likely someone's overactive imagination.


If yes and if I were in your shoes then I would take the letter on a slightly more serious note.


Unfortunately the question here is whether that message is authentic...

Personally speaking it is most likely safe to ignore.


Ultimately in order for them to remove your listings most corporations go through the VERO process.

When that happens the message you receive informs you that your listings were removed and there is little doubt as to the authenticity, also most messages that are "serious" contain some kind of contact information allowing you the chance to follow up. 


So ya it's probably just a lot of hot air.





Message 4 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

@needalittlehelpsometimes wrote:

This is the message in it's entirety, unedited. It came from a 0 feedback account that was opened December 2018. I find several things about it odd but I would love your opinion on whether you think this is real or from another ebay seller. Would also like to know if anyone else selling Dr. Denese products received this message.

My listing has not been removed as of today.


"It has come to our attention that you are selling SkinScience Labs, Inc.?s products on Trademarked products on third-party websites (such as but not limited to Amazon, Wal-Mart, eBay, and Google Shopping or any private website) without the express permission by SkinScience Labs, Inc.. We are notifying you that you are in VIOLATION with Federal Trademark and unfair competition laws protecting our products. SkinScience Labs, Inc., a Ridgefield, New Jersey company, is PUTTING YOU ON NOTICE to stop selling our Federally Trademarked products on third-party websites (such as but not limited to Amazon, Wal-Mart, eBay, and Google Shopping or any private website) without the express permission by SkinScience Labs, Inc., which is causing confusion, and harming our brand. You have 5 days to remove all of our products sold by you on any 3rd party marketplace website, or private website without the company?s permission, or we will be forced to pursue all legal remedies available to us under Federal Trademark and unfair competition laws"

I briefly looked at your listings. I`m just a guy with an opinion far as I can tell you are using all your own pictures and are not using information "borrowed" from manufacturers websites. If your item are genuine and you own them, I would think that the 1st sale doctrine allows you to resell these items. Here is just one of many links I found that explains it:


"There`s always barber college" - Dalton - Road House
Message 5 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

I agree with the other replies, if this was a real request from the trademark holder, it would have: 1. Come from eBay/VERO, NOT from a "0" user; 2. This was OBVIOUSLY not written by a lawyer ('cause SO MANY lawyers USE CAPS TO EMPHASIZE IN THEIR LEGAL NOTICES, right?); and 3. If it were legit, the author of the note would have known that they don't have a legal leg to stand on.

Do you have a lawyer you trust in the family or your circle of friends? This situation might just call for fighting fire with napalm - just for fun. Hell, if I was a lawyer, I'd pen a WONDERFUL reply for you, starting off with something like "Hello, fellow eBay seller. I am hereby notifying you that your previous communication has been forwarded to the legal department at SkinScience Labs, Inc. and they have informed me that you are not, in fact, their representative, and that your actions constitute wire fraud - a felony under US law. You have been reported to eBay, who will identify you through your account information and alert the proper authorities."

Not that I'd actually SEND this message - at least, not before vetting by a trusted lawyer or 2. But it sure would be fun...
Message 6 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

I got a similar message on a different product early last year.  I too came here to share what I got and the response I got was quite different than what you have received.  With that said, I'm happy to see that you are getting plenty of support here because I feel what others are telling you is correct.


It is either a competitor or someone that wants to be a competitor.  So they want to scare you off selling the product to allow for more room for what they sell.  


The way you received this message is not the way it would have come to you if it were a real Vero violation.  It would have come directly from Ebay with the information inside the email to tell you what was going on.  While Ebay is extremely brief in their explanation, it does give you something to go on.  And at the bottom of the email would be a way for you to contact the company in VERO that lodged the complaint.


You are fine.  I wish you the very best of luck in your sales.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 7 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

@hillbillymedia wrote:

I briefly looked at your listings. I`m just a guy with an opinion far as I can tell you are using all your own pictures and are not using information "borrowed" from manufacturers websites. If your item are genuine and you own them, I would think that the 1st sale doctrine allows you to resell these items. Here is just one of many links I found that explains it:


I am super careful about not breaking any policies because I am on thin ice with ebay by having 2 listings taken down in one week through the Vero program. I was using my own photos and words and I had no idea I wasn't supposed to be selling the item in question since there are currently 1400 of the same brand being sold.


Having said that, when I first started selling in ebay (not this ID) I was selling  SkinScience items. My listings were taken down by ebay thru Vero and I was given contact info for them and I contacted them. After jumping thru hoops to prove my items were authentic and were bought from a valid re-seller I got squat in return. In other words, I never heard back.


Fast forward approximately 8 years and there are still over 400 active listings for this brand. So I decided to try again. I successfully sold a handful of these items over the course of 4 months or so and never had a problem, until now. 


I think I will follow the advice to ignore this person. IF they are genuine, I believe they would go thru the proper channels to have my listing removed. The only way I will stop selling this brand is if I receive a cease and desist letter from a real lawyer.

The fact that this email reads like a person with no knowledge of the law or even how a business person would write an email is further proof that this is probably just a competitor who is afraid of a little competition. 

Message 8 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

@shinwell_johnson wrote:
I agree with the other replies, if this was a real request from the trademark holder, it would have: 1. Come from eBay/VERO, NOT from a "0" user; 2. This was OBVIOUSLY not written by a lawyer ('cause SO MANY lawyers USE CAPS TO EMPHASIZE IN THEIR LEGAL NOTICES, right?); and 3. If it were legit, the author of the note would have known that they don't have a legal leg to stand on.

Do you have a lawyer you trust in the family or your circle of friends? This situation might just call for fighting fire with napalm - just for fun. Hell, if I was a lawyer, I'd pen a WONDERFUL reply for you, starting off with something like "Hello, fellow eBay seller. I am hereby notifying you that your previous communication has been forwarded to the legal department at SkinScience Labs, Inc. and they have informed me that you are not, in fact, their representative, and that your actions constitute wire fraud - a felony under US law. You have been reported to eBay, who will identify you through your account information and alert the proper authorities."

Not that I'd actually SEND this message - at least, not before vetting by a trusted lawyer or 2. But it sure would be fun...

Unfortunately I do not know any lawyers who would do me a favor but your idea is a good one. 

The '0' ebayer would have held more clout if they had bothered to give a name instead of sending this anonymously.


I never take anonymous letters seriously. As I stated before, I have been through this before dealing with a REAL lawyer and I know how they write letters. They are usually accompanied by a cease and desist letter delivered via Fed Ex. 

The fact that this one was full of ALL CAPS to stress their point was a dead giveaway. LOL!

Message 9 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

"My listings were taken down by ebay thru Vero and I was given contact info for them and I contacted them. After jumping thru hoops to prove my items were authentic and were bought from a valid re-seller I got squat in return. In other words, I never heard back."


The reason you never heard back is because more than likely....your items shouldn`t have been taken down to begin with because the company is/was abusing the vero program. The program is unfortunately abused all the time and proving you are lawful is costly(which is what they count on).

"There`s always barber college" - Dalton - Road House
Message 10 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

@mam98031 wrote:

I got a similar message on a different product early last year.  I too came here to share what I got and the response I got was quite different than what you have received.  With that said, I'm happy to see that you are getting plenty of support here because I feel what others are telling you is correct.


It is either a competitor or someone that wants to be a competitor.  So they want to scare you off selling the product to allow for more room for what they sell.  


The way you received this message is not the way it would have come to you if it were a real Vero violation.  It would have come directly from Ebay with the information inside the email to tell you what was going on.  While Ebay is extremely brief in their explanation, it does give you something to go on.  And at the bottom of the email would be a way for you to contact the company in VERO that lodged the complaint.


You are fine.  I wish you the very best of luck in your sales.

Thank you. I have had several run ins over the years and you are 100% correct in how legitimate businesses deal with ebay sellers.

What makes this funny is that I only have ONE item from this brand that I am selling. Just one compared to others that are selling dozens. I wonder if they got an email also? 

Message 11 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

@needalittlehelpsometimes wrote:

@hillbillymedia wrote:

I briefly looked at your listings. I`m just a guy with an opinion far as I can tell you are using all your own pictures and are not using information "borrowed" from manufacturers websites. If your item are genuine and you own them, I would think that the 1st sale doctrine allows you to resell these items. Here is just one of many links I found that explains it:


I am super careful about not breaking any policies because I am on thin ice with ebay by having 2 listings taken down in one week through the Vero program. I was using my own photos and words and I had no idea I wasn't supposed to be selling the item in question since there are currently 1400 of the same brand being sold.


Having said that, when I first started selling in ebay (not this ID) I was selling  SkinScience items. My listings were taken down by ebay thru Vero and I was given contact info for them and I contacted them. After jumping thru hoops to prove my items were authentic and were bought from a valid re-seller I got squat in return. In other words, I never heard back.


Fast forward approximately 8 years and there are still over 400 active listings for this brand. So I decided to try again. I successfully sold a handful of these items over the course of 4 months or so and never had a problem, until now. 


I think I will follow the advice to ignore this person. IF they are genuine, I believe they would go thru the proper channels to have my listing removed. The only way I will stop selling this brand is if I receive a cease and desist letter from a real lawyer.

The fact that this email reads like a person with no knowledge of the law or even how a business person would write an email is further proof that this is probably just a competitor who is afraid of a little competition. 

What I did when I got a similar message is I responded to them and gave them a link to the Vero program and invited them to sign up and submit their issue about my listing through the proper channels.  I also reported the email to Ebay.


I never heard from them again.


BTW, I believe the violations roll off every 90 days.  While if you tried to repost them after that, you would get almost immediately dinged again, the violation count is wiped away after 90 days.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 12 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

@hillbillymedia wrote:

"My listings were taken down by ebay thru Vero and I was given contact info for them and I contacted them. After jumping thru hoops to prove my items were authentic and were bought from a valid re-seller I got squat in return. In other words, I never heard back."


The reason you never heard back is because more than likely....your items shouldn`t have been taken down to begin with because the company is/was abusing the vero program. The program is unfortunately abused all the time and proving you are lawful is costly(which is what they count on).

I agree. I found out later that the person I was dealing with was fired. I don't know why but I am assuming plenty.


 One of these days I hope I have the funds to take these people to court. If I buy something, it is MINE to do with as I please. As long as I use my own photos and words in the listing they have no right to tell me I can't sell it. Now if THEY want to buy it and take it off my hands so that I won't be selling it anymore, then by all means, buy it. I am totally OK with that solution.


Just so you know, that very thing has happened before. It was with the brand that got their lawyer to harass me. They told me they bought one of my items to check to see if it was authentic. They never once accused me of selling a fake product. They couldn't because they knew it was the real thing, They just went on and on about how they offer a 30 day MBG and I wasn't.

Message 13 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

@needalittlehelpsometimes wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

I got a similar message on a different product early last year.  I too came here to share what I got and the response I got was quite different than what you have received.  With that said, I'm happy to see that you are getting plenty of support here because I feel what others are telling you is correct.


It is either a competitor or someone that wants to be a competitor.  So they want to scare you off selling the product to allow for more room for what they sell.  


The way you received this message is not the way it would have come to you if it were a real Vero violation.  It would have come directly from Ebay with the information inside the email to tell you what was going on.  While Ebay is extremely brief in their explanation, it does give you something to go on.  And at the bottom of the email would be a way for you to contact the company in VERO that lodged the complaint.


You are fine.  I wish you the very best of luck in your sales.

Thank you. I have had several run ins over the years and you are 100% correct in how legitimate businesses deal with ebay sellers.

What makes this funny is that I only have ONE item from this brand that I am selling. Just one compared to others that are selling dozens. I wonder if they got an email also? 

Yep and one is all it takes.


One of the items I sell is a series of patterns put out by Annie's attic for Barbie dolls and friends.  I got dinged many years back for using the word Barbie in my titles, so I stopped doing that.  Yet there are 1,000's of sellers to this day that do it without issue.  A few I became friends with over the years and they never had any issue whatsoever.


I even got in trouble one time for Jacuzzi Inc.  I had a doll pattern to create a small pool / spa / jacuzzi in plastic canvas.  Jacuzzi had my listing pulled because I used the word in my title.  I had this multiple email thing go on with Jacuzzi's legal department on this subject.  Their position was that it could be confused with their products.  


SAY WHAT?!?!?  I asked how it could be confused with their products and they just continued that it could be.  I brought to their attention that it was a size that any human could use, in fact it doesn't literally even hold water.  But that didn't matter to them.  They said they would prosecute me if I continued.  OMG some people just haven't a clue.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 14 of 27
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Received this message. What do you make of it?

@mam98031 wrote:

What I did when I got a similar message is I responded to them and gave them a link to the Vero program and invited them to sign up and submit their issue about my listing through the proper channels.  I also reported the email to Ebay.


I never heard from them again.


BTW, I believe the violations roll off every 90 days.  While if you tried to repost them after that, you would get almost immediately dinged again, the violation count is wiped away after 90 days.

That sounds like a good idea. I have never understood why some sellers feel the need to try to scare off their competitors (if that is what is happening here). Even if they succeeded, there is ALWAYS someone else ready to take their place, especially when it comes to items like this. 


I am not even going to try to relist those items that caused my selling privileges to be restricted for 7 days. What is so ironic is that I have been trying to sell those items for about 6 months, maybe longer, and I never sold any. So I decided to just get rid of them and not take a chance on them again.


What hurts is the fact that at the time of my restriction, there were approximately 1444 of the same actively listed on ebay. As of today, there are 1444 so it looks like they only got me. I know that is probably not true but that is the way it looks to me. Oh well. 

Message 15 of 27
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