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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

Sellers!! Ebay is putting your business at risk by allowing hidden purchases option.
Fraudulent purchases are being put into the hidden section of buyers"Purchase History".
This gives you plenty of time to send the thieves their stolen items. Guess what else? U don't get paid! Buyer gets money back if they contact PayPal fast enough but, PayPal will not contact you until it's too late. HIDDEN purchases do NOT show up at all in the mobile app. the best sellers ship immediately so you the ones most vulnerable.
I'm going leave that out there just like that. please help me get eBay to get rid of HIDDEN forever. It's not necessary and it's a security risk.
Message 1 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

HIding a purchase will not hide the purchase from the seller. It only removes it from the buyer's dashboard.


HIdden or not, you need to verify payment in Paypal each and every time before shipping an item.


I apologize if I've misunderstood your post.

I love you forever, Christie! Fly high, precious daughter 1/14/1987-12/20/2016
Message 2 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

I really don't think even the op understands their post.
age is a measure of time , wisdom is the measure of how we used that time
Message 3 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

Why would anyone ship before Paypal shows they have been paid?


If you are saying that PP will allow a Dispute and then close it without notifying the seller, you should be posting this to the PP Resolution Centre and to their Boards.

I've noticed that PP employees actually respond to Board posters.

Message 4 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

@redbud_farm wrote:
I really don't think even the op understands their post.

Oh thank goodness... I thought it was me.

I'm not a lawyer, I don't even play one on TV

Blink Blink
Message 5 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!



What is a "hidden" purchase?



Message 6 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

I really think they believe a buyer can purchase , pay and the seller would ship , all the time not know the buyer bought the item.

Ah the eBay magic fairy that buyers worship ,
age is a measure of time , wisdom is the measure of how we used that time
Message 7 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

Hi, I just happen to read your sentence about Christie. I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter. I have a son almost the same age.
Message 8 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

There are several negative comments on this disagreeing with you.  This literally just happened to me this week.  Someone fraudulently made a charge on my account for an $800 pool pump (I don't have a pool by the way), hid the transaction so I would not immediately see it.  The merchant shipped the product within four hours of the order, and I had not noticed the hidden feature (not sure why it exists).  I disputed the purchase because it was not one that I made or authorized, but didn't even see it on my ebay account until after I had disputed the claim (I wasn't aware of the hidden feature).  Also, just for arguments sake, what's the value of the hidden feature?  

Message 9 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

Zombie thread

Message 10 of 11
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Purchase history "HIDDEN" SELLERS!!!!

Hi everyone,

Due to the length of time that has passed since this thread began, we have locked it from future replies. If this is still an issue that warrants discussion, don't hesitate to begin a new thread here.

Message 11 of 11
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