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Problem with Buyer and PayPal

Our PayPal settings got switched from accepting payments to not accepting payments. No idea how it happened, but it seem to occur after we were forced into the managed payment program.


We sold an item recently and for the first time since joining managed payments this buyer is wanting to use PayPal, but can't because we had our PayPal settings turned off when we accepted their offer and ended the listing.


We changed our settings and now accept PayPal. but for some reason the buyer still can't use their PayPal to pay for this item. What solution can we offer to them?

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Problem with Buyer and PayPal

Your PayPal settings have nothing to do with it if the buyer is in the US and you're using managed payments.


There are other payment problems going around the site and so far the only thing that I've seen work for buyers is to use a different payment method. eBay's been aware of the problem for months but I haven't seen any fixes.

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Problem with Buyer and PayPal

Check your pay pal account. We had an issue last week with the same thing. Once we checked paypal it said we needed to "update" owner information. I guess paypal sent out emails about this update (we did not received any) I had to contact paypal and have them walk us through filling out the information. Once it was done it can take 24-72 hours to process and get paypal back to normal.

Message 3 of 7
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Problem with Buyer and PayPal

I'm not in managed payments but it's my understanding that if you are in it all payments go in through that system including when a buyer uses Paypal.  It shouldn't go through your PP account at all.

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Problem with Buyer and PayPal

I had a new issue last week... my buyer couldn't pay with PayPal, his preferred method, and messaged asking if I accepted it. (It shows as the first method of payment on my screen.) An odd question, as I've had successful sales go through that way... and, yes, since I moved to managed payments, without changing any settings.


Turns out, he was able to complete his purchase from his laptop... the option didn't show on his phone. That seems odd, too, but it's certainly not something I can pin on managed payments.


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Problem with Buyer and PayPal

Your PP account isn't going to have anything to do with how or if a payment using MP is processed.


MP does NOT use your PP account to process a payment.  It goes through MP's PP account.  So your problem is within the MP program and you need to call Ebay to figure out why your buyer is having problems paying.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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Problem with Buyer and PayPal

I agree with beardedbovine.  I also think the main problem spring from PayPal's truculent attitude toward buyers.  They want people to use PayPal, but they do not want anyone who uses PayPal to ever have to open a case.  That is a major part of what users are paying for by using PayPal, even though anyone's credit card card company will protect them from fraudulent transactions.  


OP, my advice is to cancel the original purchase and let your buyer repurchase the item again for the same price, or if you are both comfortable with it, accept a cheque from your buyer.  In the old days, before PayPal that was how everyone used to pay, and it worked just fine most of the time for most of the people involved.


eBay should make clear to PayPal that they either service all buyers's credit cards or they service no buyers's credit cards.  Either they provide the service to everyone equally or to no one.  It is not right that they get away with this sort of thing.


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