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Help in accessing previous listings...

This topic must have been asked and discussed many times before but is there any chance of accessing our  previous listings?


I've been on ebay "hiberbation" for a while and would like to resume selling again.

Before I stopped, I've had several complete with 10-12 photos for each item at least.  If I can't find those listings, I may have to start all over again.


Thank you in advance.


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Help in accessing previous listings...

If it’s been past 90 days you’ll need to redo them. Did you save your pictures to your computer?

Everyone has options. Just be sure the best option is right for you.
Message 2 of 5
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Help in accessing previous listings...

If it has been more than 90 days since the listing ended, the item may still be on an eBay server somewhere around the world ... but that's not guaranteed.   You simply search for the exact title on google (put the title in quotes).

Message 3 of 5
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Help in accessing previous listings...

As the other said, 90 days is it officially, but some may still be lurking on the servers in whole or in part.

I've pulled up mine routinely from last year, some older, and a_c_green pulled one of his up from 2013 a while back, but the photos were gone.

Links in eBay confirmation, ended, sold, etc emails can lead you to them if you kept them (I have almost all emails received or sent in the last 20 years in many dozens of accounts - except the spams - archived here 🙂

You really need to have the item numbers for the listings to do much of anything if google searches can't reveal the listings.[ITEMNUMBER] where you plug in the 12 digit itemnumber for [ITEMNUMBER] in that URL.

add ?nordt=true&orig_cvip=true to the end of that URL if it does find something, but redirect to a current similar listing.

Good luck.

P.S. If you have emails but can't get the links in them to do anything useful, contact me via PM here and maybe I can help you extract itemnumbers from them (I'd probable need you to forward the emails to me unless I can walk you through picking apart the raw email source)
Message 4 of 5
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Help in accessing previous listings...

Your only chance is if you paid for the listings. You can go to your account, and check the year and every month until you find the item and the listing if it was sold and you had multiples of it. You can also go to Paypal and find the payments, they may still have the item or listing number. 



If you haven't paid for your item, you're a winning bidder, not a buyer!
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