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Every other site on line out selling my e-bay items

E-bay has gone from first to last in sales .  Getting worst everyday NOT one sale in 6 days , month so far 45 % off  and getting worst. Only 2 more months on my premium store subscription most likely will closed store and move to another cheaper site as other sites sales are much better.  17 years here on year and it gets worst every year. When e-bay gets out sold by the Ranch you know things here are falling apart.  For those of you starting out with e-bay beware and becareful .  The web is changing and we as on line dealers need to change with it. Alot of people do not trust e-bay this includes dealers as well as cutomers.  I am looking for other options as with all the changes e-bay is going to be making this may not be the place to sell collectible books and paper. E-bay can not even figture out what a signed limited book is , why on earth would I let them set my prices.   The next 2 months will tell the tale as this is business and if e-bay can't make sales what would be the sense in paying them for a shop.

Good luck to all














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Every other site on line out selling my e-bay items

Not every person on eBay wants what everyone is selling. It's also possible that due to the lesser number of items on other sites that your stuff is more easily found. Could be any number of reasons. Congrats on getting sales on other sites!
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Every other site on line out selling my e-bay items

Nice items !


I am now going to go check all of my Robert Crais books, just in case.   grinning


FWIW, I've been slow this month.  But...I don't have as much listed as usual because I am winding down this operation and I used Vacation Mode (I did not hide my listings) with extending handling time for almost a week.  I think it takes a few days or a while for those to reindex or whatever they do after being guilty of those sins.


=^.^= =^.^=
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Every other site on line out selling my e-bay items

One of the most unfortunate things is that I can be top listing when you do a search looking for an item I have, or I can be easily the best price doing a search...... and still low sales. That just tells you that people aren't looking for it.


But the harder question is why aren't they looking? There is still a decent market for the items. I do still sell stuff eventually. Where did all the buyers go?


Could it possibly be the games on eBay? The bad sellers? The horrible search? or a little of all of them?

"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything" Colin Kaepernick the new face of NIKE
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