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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids

I have an auction listing that repeatedly receives "best offers",  but not actual bids. The offers are always significantly higher than the "BIN" price.  I believe that these are from scammers, and twice, Ebay has cancelled the offers, for which I was thankful.  This has happened for several months now. The "buyers" either have no history, or after a while, when I check back, they have lots of reviews as scammer, but at the same time they get a positive rating.  

Does anyone else have this issue?


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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids

You can set your auction listings to allow for b.o. It's similar to FP listings (in allowing offers)  in that respect. With a FP listing, buyer offers < the BIN price but hopes it's reasonable enough that the seller will accept. An auction with b.o. allows a buyer who doesn't want to wait for the auction to end so they make an offer that is higher than the starting price and what they think is reasonable enough that you'll accept it. 


Whether some of the offers are from scammers, of course that's possible but some may be legit buyers. If an offer is acceptable to you and if you accept and abide by ebay's policy, you should be fine.  Make sure any payments show in your account and don't text or respond to requests for contact info.

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Message 2 of 10
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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids

Not all offers are going to be from scammers. I just made a BO on an auction item a few days ago. Offered exactly what his starting bid was at and included a note to the effect of "Guaranteed sale, man. Accept and get your money now, or decline and wait 3 more days for your money". 

Well, he decided to wait and, as I knew would be the case, I was the only bidder for his item, about 3 minutes before the auction closed. Can't fault him, I suppose. Wouldn't have blamed him either, if the offer had been significantly higher (a sure sign of a scammer). 


I think the problem with BO listings is, those who are auctioning want and expect a higher amount than their opening bid, where FP sellers understand that the BO's they receive are usually going to be lower than their price. 

If you have never owned a dachshund, no explanation is possible.
If you have owned a dachshund, no explanation is necessary.
(with apologies to St. Thomas Aquinas)
Message 3 of 10
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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids

I think the OP probably seeing scam activity.  I have pretty much given up on BO for auctions. I start most with low opening bid and no reserve (some with a min price I am willing to take). When I was suing BIN with the process, I had an opening price on a several hundred dollar item at 19.99 and people would offer me $15. Occasionally, I'd get a real and acceptable offer, So I just let the market do its thing.


as @friskya indicates many auctions open with the retail price.  That's fine. I think some people don't want their items circulating for months on on BIN GTC collecting dust so to speak. Fo auctions, it's buy today becauses when its gone its gone.

Message 4 of 10
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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids


Just to clarify I believe the OP is talking about BO's in excess of the BIN...

So if the BIN is $200 the BO is likely $250-$300 maybe even $400 - $600...


Message 5 of 10
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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids

@gjs_16 wrote:

Just to clarify I believe the OP is talking about BO's in excess of the BIN...

So if the BIN is $200 the BO is likely $250-$300 maybe even $400 - $600...

Yes, I think the other responders missed that. And there’s no doubt that they’re all scams.

Message 6 of 10
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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids

You do know that you do not have to respond to offers, right?

Your choices are accept, refuse, counter or simply ignore and let the offer die after 48 hours.


Message 7 of 10
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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids

Yes-- that's what I have been doing--when it looks like a scam, I ignore it until it times out. I have been on Ebay for 15 years, although this listing is under a newer ID ( for my business).  My other ID has top seller, 628 ratings, etc., so fortunately, I am not new to this.  But "new sellers" often attract the scammers.   And as I am typing this--eBay just cancelled the bid !!

Message 8 of 10
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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids

Yes I keep having this happen and I've accepted the offer and then they try to take the transaction to text rather than over eBay. 100% a scam and I never go through with it and they never send me the money. It's unfortunate 

Message 9 of 10
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Auction listing receiving best offers, not bids


It will be recommended here that "newish" seller IDs DO NOT USE THE BEST OFFER FEATURE at all.   Yes, an offer on a BIN listing for more than the Buy it Now price is most likely a "text me" scammer,  a buyer that wants extra time to pay, or someone that wants your listing "off the site" while you wait for the day you can cancel for non-payment. 

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