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10 minute call for repair assistance with a certified technician - $14.95

How do I remove this option and check box from my listings?

"10 minute call for repair assistance with a certified technician - $14.95"

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10 minute call for repair assistance with a certified technician - $14.95

Another seller had posted recently about this idiotic addition to their listings, a service call for a stupid amount.


Hanging curtains needs a service call of 49.95? 


I feel for you. I looked at your listings and saw what you are referring to. So stupid. 


I can only feebly suggest that you call Customer Service and ask them if it is possible to get that garbage off your listings. It's like some big fat disgusting person sitting at his desk in a smokey room waiting for stupid buyers to buy this **bleep** and then he will give his opinion on how to screw a screw into a hole with a screwdriver.


I am hesitant to lash out at Ebay at this point but my patience is growing thin.

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10 minute call for repair assistance with a certified technician - $14.95

I just looked the listing and didn’t think it was issue. I have used services like that before when wanted to repair something myself instead of paying for someone to do it. It still saved me a pile of money.

I think it could increase sales.

Message 3 of 4
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10 minute call for repair assistance with a certified technician - $14.95

@theteamsetguy wrote: 
I just looked the listing and didn’t think it was issue. I have used services like that before when wanted to repair something myself instead of paying for someone to do it. It still saved me a pile of money.

I think it could increase sales.

Maybe, although in the case of the automotive parts sold by the OP here, this might be a case of going too far in the opposite direction. I can't see a whole lot of useful advice being dispensed in 10 minutes on the phone when the topic is something like installing cylinder heads. Either the buyer will get soaked for a whole lot of money when the call runs waaaay overtime, or the randomly-selected expert on the other end of the phone may find himself in over his head trying to find the relevant details for the buyer's specific application.


That whole "10 minutes for $14.95" line reminds me of those stupid psychic hotline ads on TV: the initial contact was cheap, but you'd never wrap things up in that short a time, and the person on the other end was under pressure to keep you on the line as long as possible.


Finally, as with the installation services, if Something Bad does happen as a result of the phone call and the attempt at providing assistance over the phone, you can bet it will reflect badly on the seller's feedback, as I doubt that the average buyer is going to understand that the seller has nothing to do with the service (and in many cases, such as this one, didn't even want it in their listing).


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