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your july and august statement are ready

received this this morning , second time in a week , despite pay pal saying its been paid. What the heck is going on??????

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your july and august statement are ready

had a similar crazy eBay email. Mine yesterday said my June invoice was ready for download. pretty sure that was available months ago.

Message 2 of 9
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your july and august statement are ready

I got the same emails yesterday for July and August invoices downloaded...weird. Plus no sales in the last couple days or 1 sale by a best offer that I accepted and 1 just a few minutes ago but usually have more especially over the weekend. Something just seems off to me lately. Also weird things happening on my dashboard and account menus when trying to add a user to my account which wasn't working then it said it did but the "user" never got the email to finish setting up their permissions so I don't know what's going on! 

Message 3 of 9
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your july and august statement are ready

there was a previous posting about this, but I don't see it anymore.


I also received e-mails for June, July, & August. Why? Did eBay make an announcement about the issue? I know I never received an e-mail about the mistake.


I did receive my September invoice early this morning and paid it. 


I'm still staying positive that things will get better. There was a recent change at the corporate level, so lets see what happens.

Message 4 of 9
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your july and august statement are ready

@sextons-sweet-deals wrote:

there was a previous posting about this, but I don't see it anymore.


I also received e-mails for June, July, & August. Why? Did eBay make an announcement about the issue? I know I never received an e-mail about the mistake. 

1.  This is what the subject line of my e-mail said  "Your account statements for July - September 2019 are available."

2.  This eMail  was sent to my personal e-mail account by PayPal -  has nothing to do with eBay other than what monthlypayment  were sent to eBay.

3.  From what I see, in my case, it is just a  summary statement  of  activity  for each of the months of July, August and September.  Seem to  save having to add up all you  monthly activity - a good thing as i see it.


I did receive my September invoice early this morning and paid it. 


I'm still staying positive that things will get better. There was a recent change at the corporate level, so lets see what happens.


"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 5 of 9
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your july and august statement are ready

they were e-mails from eBay for my invoice for month June, July, August, and then September. Nothing related to PayPal.
Message 6 of 9
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your july and august statement are ready

The other message you speak of might have been mine from yesterday (10/13) and I can't find it either!

I did call Customer Support yesterday and got a nice young woman who said she'd not heard about this and would refer it to higher ups. So at 6:46 am today we are awakened by a phone call from eBay, no message and I did not answer it. Shortly thereafter, received an email explaining how to set my account preferences so I don't receive notifications of invoices available. That was not the issue! I was concerned about receiving notification of my June invoice being available in October!! Has my account been hacked? Is eBay tech screwed up? Do I have a computer virus? (no)

I'm chalking it up to the fact they've made so many changes with new updates lately that they've screwed up processes that did work fine...Ebay are you listening?? This makes those of us who pay attention worried!!

Glad to know at least I'm not alone and to have the chance to blow off some steam before I email this woman back and tell her she's a total idiot for "being glad she could completely resolve my issue." LOL!!!

Message 7 of 9
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your july and august statement are ready

To add to the what could be the cause, My emails were also from eBay but they were in the from members folder not from the from eBay folder. that right there got me wondering who really sent  it and if it was legit why it was there.


Not going to worry about it though had them already and just ignoring the message.

Message 8 of 9
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your july and august statement are ready

You're absolutely right...When I filter my messages by "from members" these invoice messages are listed,even though it still says they're from eBay! Really weird and kind of creepy. My PayPal account is OK so far and my eBay account is current. Will just have to see if eBay execs take any notice or figure out that something's going on.

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