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I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH EBAY!!  I have been with them for almost 20 years or whenever they got started.

I had their phone number and whenever I had a problem which was not very often, I could call them and get a live person and get answers. I CANNOT DO THAT ANYMORE!! Now you get an auto answer which you cannot get past, and ever get a live person. They always refer you to their website. . Ebay no longer wants to talk to you or treat their customers decently. I feel this as a complete letdown after all the business I have given them.

The owners of this venture is making so much money that they no longer care about their business!! The owners are perhaps relaxing with their bimbos on a summer cruise in the Bahamas or whatever. Our country has definitely gone downhill in a hand basket. What can a normal citizen DO??

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I was also disappointed when their phone number to an American rep stopped working a few months ago. You can reach an overseas rep by telephone. Yesterday because my issue was complex they actually transferred me to a domestic rep. You have to go to the chat assistant and just keep telling it that you want to speak to a representative and eventually there will be an option to request a call back and someone will call you within a minute or two.

Message 2 of 7
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You can post your question or problem here if you care to.


Request a callback:


Or use Social Media.

Message button in upper right on landing page.

Posting ID
Message 3 of 7
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What kind of problem are you needing help with?

Unless it's a problem with your account, most issues can be taken care of without talking to anyone.

Have a great day.
Message 4 of 7
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They have not had a number you could call in over 2 years and even they did have it, it was to a call center. 

Message 5 of 7
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It was a special number giving out at eBay Open. It was called like concierge service. You got an American rep immediately and it's worked until a couple months ago. It was very helpful for me at least 50 times or more. I saw it on an old daily refinement youtube video. He didn't openly advertise it but I noticed it in an email he was writing in one of his videos years ago.

Message 6 of 7
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I feel your frustration. I don't really ever had a issue with getting a call back, but they do make getting in touch with someone very difficult. Yesterday I was lucky enough to get a US based rep for my sales tax problem and the guy that helped me was awesome. Other times in the past, I usually with get someone foreign, which isn't the issue, but sometimes they will tell you whatever without really giving you any more information you already got. I had a recent refund request where the person had included a AI generated pictures of Will Smith as Adolf Hilter as proof we had supposedly sent the wrong item. When I called,  the lady said she would look at the pictures, but after supposedly reviewing them she was like "This isn't a picture of your item?" 😐 After all that back and forth she tried telling me I wouldn't need to do anything, just let it sit. Lol, I already knew if I didn't accept the return, I would be out of my money and the item.

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