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Books - Is there a glitch going in the category?

I am trying to list a lot of Walter Black / Zane Gray books.   I have Ebay managed payment selected as the payment method.  However, when I try to start the listing I get a message that I have Western Union selected as a payment method.   I am listing from a computer, so no phone type issues.  

Anyone else selling books running into this? 


Thank you 

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Books - Is there a glitch going in the category?



Hmmm....I'm a book seller and haven't run into this.    Is your account already in Managed Payments?  It isn't clear to me from your post whether it is or not, nor is it clear to me if you are talking about managing payments from buyers or to yourself for sales.  But if your account is already on MP, then that is the ONLY choice you have for payment processing from your buyers - the MP system offers various payment options to buyers and the seller is hands off, and it should default to that in the listing creation process.   If your account is already on MP, and you are talking about how YOU get paid, when you used the word "payment", that should already be set up there as well.  Go into your Payments account and check the settings there.  Be sure Western Union isn't checked somehow.  Be sure you have it ready to manage orders for your sales and where you want your own payments to go to.  

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Books - Is there a glitch going in the category?

Yes, I am already in managed payments, have been for a while.  

This is the only one it is doing this on, was able to upload other things; which is why I wondered if it was something with the books Category. 


Thank you 

Message 3 of 6
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Books - Is there a glitch going in the category?

Did you check to see if Western Union is mentioned anywhere in the description of the books? I once tried to list a magazine where one of the horse's names was The Western Union and eBay rejected it by saying I was trying to use Western Union as a payment method.

Message 4 of 6
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Books - Is there a glitch going in the category?

Zane Grey wrote a book called “Western Union”. Is that in your lot?

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Books - Is there a glitch going in the category?

Thank you. 

Yes one of the books was western union.. so I put union western with a note to switch the words)  


These bots are ridiculous 

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