Depression/40s-50s-60s Glass
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Forum Posts


Hello I have some candle holders that I bought at the Good will. I think these are Boopies, Hocking. As I look on line I have seen the same candle holders under Candlewick, Boopies, and Berwick. I have the Royal Ruby book by Philip Hopper. On pages 1...

Westmoreland or Indiana?

If anyone has the Warman's Depression Glass 3rd edition book, please turn to page 195 and check out the photo of the Westmoreland Paneled Grape milk white goblet. I have this EXACT same goblet and listed on Ebay as such....then someone wrote to me an...

User avatar by Enthusiast
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Identity of several glass pieces

I have several glass pieces I am trying to identify. One is a lattice whit and clear vase! My grandmother gave to me, cut glass clear bottom, next are a sugar and creamer pink depression glass set, not sure what pattern it is, nor if it is fake, last...

Can you identify this piece?

Hello, Can anyone identify this piece? I bought it about 10 years ago in Canada. I have never seen another piece with this exact combination of swirls. I don't know if it's a depression glass compote or not. Thank you for your help. I have put pix of...

Fakes & The Cons Scammers Use

I have written and posted a guide on what buyers in the all categories should be aware of about fakes and the common practices the scammers use to deceive buyers. It was written specifically for native american artifacts, but the same dishonest tacti...

Measuring cup amber

Hi everyone! I posted some pictures of a three spout measuring cup that has no identifying marks. I am hoping someone can tell me who the maker is. It is a one cup and amber in color. Possibly ?? Hazel Atlas?? Thanks bobbie1991

Wine Glasses - Unknown Maker

Would anyone know the origin of these glasses? The pictures are not very good. They are a pretty soft blue, with gold trim...quite heavy and appear to be of good quality, but I have no idea who the maker is or the pattern, etc.

User avatar by Adventurer
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Hi from a newbie!

I recently got into glass (EAPG, Depression, etc.) and have only a few items (Normandie Grill plate, Mayfair creamer, Stippled rose sugar, Cameo handled plate, Banded rings 80 oz pitcher, etc.). I love the colors and patterns. I have a question: Do a...