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Seller Performance Standard.....did anyone knew????

Just found out that eBay doesn't care if you provide Excellent Customer service.

eBay Lower our Standard Performance and RESTRICT Selling Value cause we Ran out the Item?!!!!

Are you serious?

What Country do we live? Russia or some Communist Vietman?


We ran out the Item 7 times in Entire Year!!!!

So WHAT!!!! Big Deal right????  


If you go to Store or do Internet shopping million Sellers ran out the Items all the time,common situation,right?

Not with  GREEDY eBay!!!


Greedy eBay lower our Standard just because of that!!! This is so SICK to us!!!!


We keep 100% Customer Satisfaction,providing  Excellent Customer Service and Scumbag eBay Lower our Performance Standards and RESTRICT our Listing from 303 to 130 Listing!! This is SICK!!


Croocks Sellers who have millions COMPLAINS and Hundreds Negative feedbacks, they keep Excellent Performance Standars even they do not delive or shipped Damaged Item!!!!


All Croocks are OK to sell on eBay , but Honest Sellers get Punishment!!!! 

Welcome to te eBay Guys!!!! 

This is Commie Regime!!!


Hope this message get million Sellers just to know, cause we did not get any Memo on that!!!!

Leaving eBay is the Best way to go.....bye Felicia!!!

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