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Refund for shipping payment - item never delivered



I sold an item through auction, printed a label through ebay/paypal & tossed it into the outgoing mail basket at the supermarket. It disappeared. The buyer never recieved it, it never came back to me. I returned the money to the buyer & sent multiple messages to PayPal & EBay asking for a refund for the shipping. Not a peep. I would really like my $13.45 returned - or available as a credit to use on another outgoing shipment.

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Answers (1)

Are you saying that you printed a ship label at home, drove to your local supermarket and 'tossed the package' somewhere?.....

Without getting a receipt that you dropped it off???


"& tossed it into the outgoing mail basket at the supermarket. It disappeared."


Oh no....You have no receipt from the taker?

You are F******d, I'm thinking.


Too bad you didn't get proof. Can't help you.


Are you aware that you can schedule pick ups for free?

Just go to, click to schedule a free pick up, follow through with the info required...Very Easily done.

Your postal deliverer will come get your outgoing packages for free.


If the tracking numbers shows 'As delivered', it is your buyers problem.

If the tracking number shows no activity, it's possibly your problem.

Have you contacted your local postal supervisor yet?


I wouldn't just refund a buyer ontheir own word.

Do your due diligence first.

Good Luck.