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Printing label

I am having trouble with an error in printing a label. Anyone else experiencing this ? Error states Something went wrong and we were not able to generate the label.

How Important is it to be a "Top Rated Seller"?

So basically I've gotten a lot of US postage to ship my cheap stamp lots by using stamps instead of ESE, and I noticed my shipping with tracking has dropped to 95.47. Under 95.0 I won't be top rated anymore. How important is that? Does it give me pre...

Hi. I need help with an item.

Hi. I am sorry to bother but maybe someone can help me. I got this on a Vintage Store and they told me is a Vintage Versace Versus 1994 safety pin from a belt, dress or jacket. I want to list it on my store but I want to make sure this item is 10...

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No more American Express

I have used American Express here since the beginning. It’s the only form of payment I am comfortable using online. I just received an email that after August we can no longer use Amex on eBay. Why??? That extra 1% fee can’t be it. Is it bc of the pr...

eBay Open 2024 September 25 - 26

I expect we'll get the official announcement at today's Summer Seller Check In, but the Seller Center page has already been updated to show eBay Open this year will be September 25-26. https://www.ebay.com/sellercenter/ebay-for-business/ebay-open Loo...


No longer getting notifications on my phone

Hi. I happened to be looking at my ebay account on my PC and noticed I had a sale. However, I never received ANY type of notification on my phone (a OnePlus 8t Android phone). I did not make any changes to my phone and verified I have all push notifi...

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