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July 6th: start of new ebay Shipping fees.

July 6th will be start of new eBay fees that include shipping. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider ... google me! -- Edited by artistjillian at 06/12/2011 12:16 PM PDT

-- Edited by artistjillian at 09/12/2011 12:31 PM PDT

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
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July 6th: start of new ebay Shipping fees.

So, basically, we need to raise the price of our items to include shipping, so we can SAY "Free" shipping, or be charged fees AS IF we sold the item for a price that included the shipping charge? Am I understanding that right? Hopefully, when I explain to my buyers WHY I am raising my prices in July and that they will be paying the exact same price with "free" shipping as they were when they paid shipping, they will still buy. I already rebate the extra shipping when they buy more than one aceo, and two or three ship for the same postage as one, so if I don't offer "free" shipping, ebay is going to charge me for shipping I rebate away! Going to go SCREAM now Vena
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July 6th: start of new ebay Shipping fees.

Yes, that is what eBay has advised us to do. (Raise the price to include shipping to say FREE shipping, and also add extra for the extra fees.) -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider ... google me!

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
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July 6th: start of new ebay Shipping fees.


I do not see how this is even legal. I have not listed for awhile. I listed a card. it sold for 1.75. I was charged 16 cents for the selling fee, then another 13 cents for a "shipping fee???" then paypal charges me 35 cents. That is 64 cents out of a 1.75. minus the 95 cents I paid for shipping which brings it to 1.59.  so I made 16 cents off my art work because the extra 50 cents I would have gotten for shipping went toward the card stock and hard plastic sleeve I bought so really I am giving my art away, or paying ebay to do it. So I call ebay and they tell me to put it down as free shipping and add the price to my selling item. The problem there is many times people like to see that .99 cent starting bid. this is just wrong.

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July 6th: start of new ebay Shipping fees.

I agree!


artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
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