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GetOrdersResponse missing VAT values

I'm having an issue with getting the VAT on an order over the API, via the web interface I can see the on the invoice my order correctly is 20% VAT but when I get the order via the API the totals are all correct but the VAT isn't listed, the web UI says £8.99 (incl. VAT), the API response says £8.99 with a TotalTaxAmount for the order line of £0.00. The listing is on the Global Shipping Programme but the order "eBayCollectAndRemitTax" value is set to false (if its relevant the sale/delivery is from a UK seller to a UK buyer).


I believe the API response is missing OrderArray.Order.TransactionArray.Transaction.Taxes values but I'm unsure why this would be the case.


Can anyone provide any assistance?


The invoice looks like so:

QuantityPriceVAT rateTotal


Subtotal (excl. VAT)£22.48
Postage (excl. VAT)£2.92
VAT amount£5.07
Order total£30.47


And the API response for this order (filtered out any identifying information):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<GetOrdersResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
			<AdjustmentAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</AdjustmentAmount>
			<AmountPaid currencyID="GBP">30.47</AmountPaid>
			<AmountSaved currencyID="GBP">7.0</AmountSaved>
					<SalesTaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</SalesTaxAmount>
					<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="GBP">10.5</ShippingServiceCost>
				<CountryName>United Kingdom</CountryName>
				<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="GBP">3.5</ShippingServiceCost>
			<Subtotal currencyID="GBP">26.97</Subtotal>
			<Total currencyID="GBP">30.47</Total>
						<Email>Invalid Request</Email>
							<ShippingCarrierUsed>Royal Mail</ShippingCarrierUsed>
					<TransactionPrice currencyID="GBP">8.99</TransactionPrice>
						<TotalTaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TotalTaxAmount>
							<TaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxAmount>
							<TaxOnSubtotalAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnSubtotalAmount>
							<TaxOnShippingAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnShippingAmount>
							<TaxOnHandlingAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnHandlingAmount>
					<ActualShippingCost currencyID="GBP">3.5</ActualShippingCost>
					<ActualHandlingCost currencyID="GBP">0.0</ActualHandlingCost>
						<Payer type="eBayUser">**REMOVED**</Payer>
						<Payee type="eBayUser">**REMOVED**</Payee>
						<PaymentAmount currencyID="GBP">30.47</PaymentAmount>
						<ReferenceID type="ExternalTransactionID">**REMOVED**</ReferenceID>
						<FeeOrCreditAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</FeeOrCreditAmount>



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