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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

I believe we had a similar thread for modelling so in spirit of keep this group active with train related stuff, here's a new question; What is your favorite prototype loco(s) and rolling stock (if any)?
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

Favrite locoss; GP38, SD40-2 and SW9/1200 favorite rolling stock; not sure about favorites but cyl/cov hoppers always add interest to a consist as you never know what they're gonna look like, everything from a shiny new SHPX cyl hopper to rust stained covered grain hoppers. I like seeing videos of BN/UP coming outta Powder River with a loooong drag of coal hoppers. Also i always found the short ortner hopppers intersting as the ones back in the valley from the Windsor-Hantsport RR were not common. I'd see them once in a while hauling gypsum.
Message 2 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

I don't have a favorite loco so to speak, but I love the old steamers. Being from the coal fields of Pennsylvania, I am very partial to the 21 Foot, 70 ton ore cars, but any open hopper has a place in my heart. If it is N scale and has Budweiser on it, I try to buy it, the beer is lousy, but I like Bud items. My favorite line is the old B&LE, Bessemer & Lake Erie. It was a short line in Western PA. CJ
Message 3 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

I have always loved "geared" locos; Shays, Climaxes and Heislers. These "critters" are fun to watch with all the moving parts, slow speed and funny sounding whistles. The "Galloping Goose" types are also fun. I like steam engines in general, but the geared types are the most appealing to me. As far as rolling stock, the beauty and grace of the ornately decorated old heavyweight passenger cars are very appealing. For freight cars I must go with the old 40ft wood side "billboard" boxcars. The advertising decorations make a rather drab car come alive. Sure beats graffiti, which I personally think is nothing but pure vandalism.
Message 4 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

My all time "Desert Island" favorites would be either GP7/9 or SD7/9 in either B&O or C&O livery. (A mix of high and low hoods would be nice.) I'm also VERY fond of the early diesels. Almost anything with the "Bulldog" nose, as I've heard them called. Although there are a few I don't like, like Alco DLs. Rolling stock: Well, as cliched as they are, I MUST have a few red, white and blue "State of Maine" boxcars! It's a childhood thing. Also, I'm a total sucker for tank cars, especially the older ones. Flat cars are cool because you can swap out loads and "play" freight-yard with them. AND let's not forget CABOOSES!!!! I really like the Bay Window design. I truly mourn the passing of this great American icon! I have one for every loco I run. (Some were tough to find too, I'll tell you!) Marc
Message 5 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

My favorite engines our steam and I wish I had the room for running the Big Boys. I also like the Bullet Nose steamers. Rolling stock, I like the heavy weight passengers cars. Freight I have no preference. Chuck 🙂
Message 6 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

I think we all have two types of favorites. What we would like to run and actually run. That being set by the room available for the layout and budget. So in the real world I like and will be running GP's and SD's and a few Alco's. Freight would be a long run of car's of mixed freight's. And any long passenger train that does not say AMTRAK. Lou PS Also any railroad but UP looks good to me.
Message 7 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

Lou, My answer was the "real world" answer. GPs and SDs with some Es and Fs thrown in. What I would LOVE to have, but simply can't "afford", would be a GG1 and the new (yet to be released?) Aerotrain! I think they are SOOOO COOOOL! However, for "authenticity's" sake it is only being offered as a set with cars, as I understand it. Mucho dinero amigo!($$$) Hey, I'd LIKE a Porsche Cayenne, but I drive a Forester.... Marc
Message 8 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

Another fun question to spark participation for those intersted. a) Do you have a favorite scenic/view area on the layout? hope that made sense. Is there a section you like best,the view, or arrangement of commercial shops, the park that overlooks the toxic sludge pit,etc.. or b) a point of interst you plan on modelling. Are you gonna model that scrap metal yard where as a kid you always lost your baseball over the fence. have fun. A lot of times a person's RR layout is a piece/extension of their personality/memories/character. dave
Message 9 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

I guess you could say we have a little of each type of car (or a lot of them, in some cases) I like the billboard boxes and anything that is nicely detailed. I guess the favorites depend on the mood for the day. Today we are running a switcher, tomorrow??? Maybe the gg1. Like I said, it depends on the mood and who gets to the test track first. We run them while eating dinner! (the test track is living in the living room on an old trunk for the time being, you can see them from the dining room, or if we have dinner ala cart from the couch!!)
Message 10 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

My favourite locos are GP60Ms and FP45s and F45s, I've never seen any except on video but to me they are trully beautiful pieces of machinery same goes for a 1967mustang (makes my heart race). Favourite rolling stock, spine cars and double stacks especially Thrall arciculated. Santa Fe super chief is one of the nicest passenger car sets I have seen, whether the Kato corrugated of recent times or the prototype high cars doesn't matter to me. I model SF, SP, BN and a little UP just because. The favourite part of my layout is the big reverse down grade hill that has about 25 feet of track to complete the grade. Favourite prototype footage(again I have never seen it in person) is Tehachepi although I quite enjoy Cajon with a really long TOFC train behind warbonnets. Barry...dreaming again 😉
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

To answer Dave: Scenic view? I guess the whole layout. I'm basing it on the eastern hills ala the Appalachians. The one gorge I have already done which you have all seen many times over might be one scenic point. Point of interest? Well I guess I have two planned. The downtown area and the "ghost town tourist attraction". Remember that my theme is a tourist based museum railroad. The sound modules I have installed will tend to draw people to certain areas when finished. The bar gun fight and the party at Wanda's in the "tourist trap"; the moaning of the ghosts in the actual ghost town; and the barber shop buzzing and clippers along with blinking signs downtown. Writing all this makes me realize that I have s**t load of work to do. B-)
Message 12 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

Right on Barry. Good to have another modern age diesel fan as well as a BN fan. dave
Message 13 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

Although not complete It seems like I (will) have 3 points of interest. 1) my Armadillo Ale brewing plant. It consists of a low-relief brick warehouse attached to a modern sheet metal warehouse.Separated by two tracks is the "original" brewing plant which is (was) a DPM 'gripps luggage' factory. 2) my scratchbuilt 30" long plastic plant which will have 5 tall plastic pellet silos. 3) kitbashed/scratchbuilt cement plant. scenic view- probably (will) my desert canyon loop that climbs 2 degres before passing over itself. Multi-Unit consist a must or call for helper service. Not so scenic being carved from rigid foam insulation with plaster cloth. And like Pete, talking about this I have work to do and need to take photos so you folks know what the heck I'm talking about.
Message 14 of 19
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favorite prototype locos and rollingstock

Not applicable
Greetings one & all, Just joining the group & rejoining the hobby. This time 'round, it's become a family affair. What's interesting is there's five of us, and five different likes, so this will be interesting to see how we fit it all in one 4' x 8' beginners layout. We're a Navy family, so we've been Nomads for a while & we're homesteading here in VA. Here's our breakdown: -My youngest (girl, 10) likes commuter trains, especially the Virginia Railway Express diesels and cars - she rides with me to DC any chance she can. -My next (girl, 14) likes the old steam engines from the Strausburg RR, although I don't know what they actually have - still digging through the pictures from when they were little. -My son, 16 likes the retro look of the F7's from the era of 50's - frieght trains mostly. -My bride of 17 years loves the UP diesels & mixed freights from the 80's on up - reminds her of what came through her small farming town as a young lass in Idaho -Dad (me) likes the modern diesels, especially the former Conrail (and now the UP), along with the double-stack intermodal (container) trains coming from Port Newark to points north & south. That's a lot but if any has suggestions on how to model some or all of it, I'm all ears! 🐵
Message 15 of 19
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