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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

I have sold 1,000s of ACEOs from early 2004 until current times.
From when I started selling in Atlanta, then, and following in Southern Oregon until mid 2015, and currently sell on Australian eBay site, ACEOs. Thousands of them. And started this forum, years ago, when it was part of my group, commencing late 2004. So I am now in Australia. And find it difficult to log in to these forums/groups.

Unless I am selling more than 3, I have always sent mine in a regular envelope - usually I buy blank cards in brown craft paper, with matching envelope(s). 
I place them in clear trading card sleeves which can be bought in trading card supplies. I buy tiny craft 'squares' that are about 1/4" or less square, in foam, with 2 sticky sides (remove paper from the sticky sides).
I use at least 2 per card. I place the ACEOs in the sleeve, side by side (if more than 1 ACEO), each with 2 of the sticky foam squares - if you just use one, the ACEOs, can swivel around, whereas 2 keep them in the orientation that you have attached to the card. I add any  extras, thank you note, COA, or whatever, also inside the card. I also have a tendency to cut up kraft brown cards in half, and add 1/2  for extra rigidity. 
I make sure that I use clear sticky tape to any envelope edges which may not be smooth.
I don't use tracking. I never have. Quite frankly, for what I'm selling, the postage is far too much. If I send internationally it's over $20 just to add tracking. I think I have ever only had one go astray.

I love having fun decorating the envelope I send. I think that sometimes, that helps them to be delivered more securely? You can also, wrap in glad wrap (cling film). 
I have no plans to change. I still sell to buyers in the USA, as well as other countries, from Australia. 
I'm not familiar with any requirements that might be different for USA users, but do know that even the Au site does have the packaging more specified. But I just have continued the same as I always have, with my 'greeting cards', with attached ACEOs in trading card sleeves (clear).
Hope that helps,
Sorry, it's really difficult for me to use the USA site - one of the reasons I don't sell on here, but on the Au site, instead as that is where I currently live.
I don't get notified well of these messagess, and seems I can't reply directly. So, I'm sorry re that.
All my best.


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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

So those tiny 1/4 inch craft squares don't leave any sticky residue on the backs of your ATCs? It sounds like you have an ideal method for mailing your cards. Before they started including greeting cards with the eBay standard envelope, I used to mail them in a regular envelope as well. I would and still do trim up a plain piece of white card stock to form a pocket for the greeting card to protect the card inside the envelope as well during mailing. The eBay standard envelope only gets a final scan about half the time, but it does save a little bit of money on the mailing cost, and every penny counts. The ATC you have listed is very pretty.

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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

The squares don't leave any sticky residue that I know of. BUT I do NOT stick the backs of ACEO/ATCs - I buy clear sleeves used for trading cards (easy to buy on eBay or craft stores) which fit perfectly.
Over the years sorting/mailing has improved in Australia, so possibly in USA, too. I'm amazed at the pristine condition my mail arrives in. I have sometimes used a blank 'ACEO/ATC' card - I buy these in bulk, too, on eBay - and, of course, use them for making ACEOs, too.  I'm sorry, I am not up-to-date on the eBay standard envelope,  and wouldn't use them anyway, as I love brown kraft paper envelopes, as I decorate them. The pleasure I get when some buyers relate to my decorated envelopes, makes me really happy. Even calling me the 'best ever' in feedback review. True that every penny counts. But also, because of the 'extra' level I go to with decorated envelopes, I have quite a lot of repeat buyers, and to me, repeat buyers are absolute treasures - they leave great feedback, and also tell others.  So to save a few pennies, you might? be missing out on buyers who watch your listings constantly as they want to buy from someone who goes just a step or two futher than just sending off bought items. I have buyers still, who buy from me, from what is 19 years ago, now, and many I consider 'friends' as we communicate online, sometimes, too - often in groups on facebook that are dedicated to ACEOs/ATCs - esp. in relation to selling on eBay, as we all consider that the best.
Hope that gives you a bit more insight, even though it's based on my personal experience(s). 
All my best,

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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.


These are 4 of my decorated regular sized envelopes, decorated by myself.  All these have been sent to people through mailing from Australia, either within Australia, but also USA, UK, Europe, Mexico, and I think also Asia. 

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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

Very nicely done. The eBay standard envelope isn't an actual envelope, you use your own envelope, it just is the postage discounted postage. But, it does use a big label for the postage, like mailing a package, so it would ruin your beautifully decorated envelopes.

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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

Jillian, you have put a lot of thoughtful effort into your artwork and packages! Very lovely!  Someday I would like to visit Australia! The Koala is one of my spirit animals. Well, I want to mail my artworks in plain envelopes with just the stamps just as you do. It's just that im worried that they could get lost or even worse, someone could scam me and say it never arived. I've read about such things.

I was only hoping we could get the  (ebay standard envelopes) service for ACEO because all I need is the tracking number  they provide. All my cards are under $20, and that is a maximum requirement they have. 

Until then think I'll just try mailing my artwork with plain envelopes and stamps and hope for the best. Perhaps I'll only purchase tracking for higher priced pieces. 

Thanks for sharing your insight and your artwork!  🐨 🇦🇺🪃

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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

I'm glad you like my envelopes.
It's amazing how much it cheers people up, even the postworkers at my locel PO love it when I bring thm in. They told me, even though it's a busy suburban PO, that I'm the only one who sends self-decorated envelopes, and it cheer them up, too. I like bringing different idea and emotions to people, and doing this only takes a bit of inspiration, and time. 
I hope that you get to com to Australia. Koalas are amazing for sure. We have parks where you can go hold some. Basically they are wild animals, though, and require special care, so I'm fairly sure that it's not allowable to have them as pets. But don't know for sure.
mps just as you do. It's just that im worried that they could get lost or even worse, someone could scam me and say it never arived. I've read about such things. I've heard such stories since I was first on eBay in 2000, pror to ACEOs. I've forgotten how many transactions. Sure some didn't go a smoothly as hoped, but FB staff are REALLY good to deal with. Don't be afraid to send msgs to buyers that you might be a bit wary of, because that gives you a 'paper trail' of what you may have promiesd or not, as well a what they said, too. 
I had one buyer in USA want hers delivered ot the USA from Au, before she went overseas for a year - but didn't tell me that until after I'd sent it. We msg'd back and forth, and eBay even refunded her, if I remember correctly, but because I had my msgs as backup proof, eBay still made sure that I kept the payment! 
So if you're a good seller with great reviews, eBay really do appreciate it. So just make sure that you are always somewhat personal when you connect with them. leave feedback, post promptly, and eBay love you for that. I'm sure they have their share of deadbeat sellers sand buyers, too. But it certainly is nothing I've worried about. Some times there are slight glitches, but nothing that is out of control, or able to be negotiated, as long a you sell goods as stated in description, have proof of packaging if needed, have backup messages from the site, if needed, and polite and so forth. 
All my best,

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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

🙂 thank you. Fun to do.
OK. I didn't know about the envelopes being your own.
Quite frankly I pay full 'normal' price for all I sent, and don't mind in the least. For some, esp. overseas, recipients still love getting them, esp. with Aussie postage stamps on them. 🙂 
Plus, I think it's better to 'surprise' a buyer with what  they aren't expecting - one big reason - if they buy again on eBay, they will always check out my stuff I have on offer, a they love getting what I send them. 
So it can actually give you very loyal customers, and great feedback.
Things that are important. More important that saving a small amount of cost.

I'm not sure how my profile shows here on this site. But if you go to the au site and user artist.jillian (a period between), you can read some of the revies there. some sayijng 'best ever' or whatever, though it's back a bit, ass haven't sold or listed with any regularity since covid hit.
Anyway, all my best,

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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

OK. I can see I'm 'artist.jillian' here. I had a problem when I moved here from USA in 2015. And put the . in the middle.
When I started on eBay in 2000, while living in Au, I was 'artistjillian' no dot.
I have several 1,000 reviews - forgotten how many might be as many as 10k? 
I also was able to use that account in the USA, when moved there in 2003. Not sure when the Au eBay started up.
But you can see my reviews. With the envelope comments, etc.. 🙂


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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.



I've bought ACEO's for many years.  Your envelopes are outstanding, just adorable!   They are little works of art before even opening it up!   I've always received my aceo's in regular envelopes, some are packed very well like yours, some are just sent without any special packing, but I've never had a single one arrived damaged.  None were sent with tracking but they all arrived safely and I've been buying them for nearly 20 years!


I also sold paper goods in a regular envelope (not artwork) for several years without tracking.  Only a handful were ever lost, very few out of thousands ...  it doesn't pay to add tracking for a low dollar amount item. 

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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy my envelopes. Some are quite simple ones, but others just seem to come together perfectly. I'm sure people who receive them spend time looking before they open up. 🙂
Yes, I bought so many, most were plain and in regular envelopes. A couple were almost 'overkill'. I felt sorry for the sender, even though I appreciated that they were well packed.
None I received were damaged, either. Plus I think with time, postal sorting equipment has progressed. No envelopes I've received - ebay or just general mail have even looked like they have been touched since posted. All pristine.
I also sell journal pages and more in larger envelopes, and all have had no issues, either. I hate courier services most of all. And even some packagess in mail are very inconvenient if you have to wait around for delivery for hours and to sign - then only be told you don't need to sign.
And agree it doesn't pay to add tracking for low dollar amount item. And if parcel has to be waited for, then that could inconvenience the buyer.
Thanks for your input. 🙂 


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