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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

Ok, this is getting absurd.


I am already logged into my tablet and am on my seller overview page.  I click to see the new feedback left and i am constantly getting the idiotic captcha demanding i prove something.

STOP DOING THIS.  IT IS UNNECESSARY AND UNHELPFUL OVERKILL.  Not to just review my feedback.  Its driving sellers crazy.  And it doesn't really help keep my account safe.  Especially when I am still on the same device.  


Good grief.  Just stop making the site more unbearable to use.  Cmon ebay.  Apply your brains.

Message 1 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

I only ever get asked to 're-sign' in if I am changing something in my account details, even then I never get the capture thing, so weird it is happening, but............


it's eBay remember LOL

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 2 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

I do not think most users have to go through Captcha verifications unless they are routinely erasing browser cookies or using certain kinds of network or privacy settings (VPN, hotspot, Ghostery, blocking third-party cookies, or something similar).


I only need to go through Captcha verification if I erase my cookies, if I use an entirely new browser, if I sign in to an eBay country site I have not signed into before, or if I reboot my cable modem (which assigns a new IP-address).


If you are not doing any of those things, perhaps a corrupt or blocked eBay cookie might cause an issue for you. In that case, trying another browser or manually erasing your eBay cookies might be worth trying to see if you run into the same issues.


Otherwise, it may be that eBay has noticed something about recent sign-ins to your account that eBay deems suspicious; that might cause eBay to require additional sign-ins, and additional verifications may go along with that.


Message 3 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

The captcha instances have increased lately. I've noticed it's mostly when performing the same type of actions:


- viewing stores (including my own while I'm logged in)

- viewing feedback / profile pages (including my own while I'm logged in)

- viewing policy pages

- viewing payments tabs, reporting, etc.


I understand requiring it when viewing payments or multiple policy pages. But viewing stores and feedback it's a nuisance.


There's another discussion about it here:


And another one here:


Because of the numerous people reporting this in the linked threads over the past week devon@ebay, could you check to see if something has changed? I noticed a significant increase in captcha instances approx 2 weeks ago, particularly when viewing store pages and feedback/profile pages.


For what it's worth @eburtonlab, all of the great tips in your post don't solve this one (at least not for me). I did some thorough troubleshooting when this first started.

Message 4 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

WE are not ebay.

For some......It seems wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster.
Message 5 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

@rugerskick wrote:

Ok, this is getting absurd.


I am already logged into my tablet and am on my seller overview page.  I click to see the new feedback left and i am constantly getting the idiotic captcha demanding i prove something.

STOP DOING THIS.  IT IS UNNECESSARY AND UNHELPFUL OVERKILL.  Not to just review my feedback.  Its driving sellers crazy.  And it doesn't really help keep my account safe.  Especially when I am still on the same device.  


Good grief.  Just stop making the site more unbearable to use.  Cmon ebay.  Apply your brains.

It's a glitch that comes and goes - on one of the other very recent threads about this I mention that I have the same problem, and others have other scenarios.  Like the messages problem, it's intermittent and really needs to be fixed.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 6 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

@rugerskick ,


Are you accepting cookies from eBay?

Message 7 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

It is possible that eBay institutes a higher level of security for some users with suspicious sign-in activity to their accounts -- though I would have guessed that eBay would just lock the account and require the user to prove ownership to sign in again. Perhaps there are multiple levels of suspicion, and the lower levels incur extra verification, while the higher levels trigger an account lock.


It is also possible that one of the reasons why I do not encounter additional sign-in requests or verification is that I have at least a dozen active eBay tabs open at any given time.

Message 8 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

@eburtonlab wrote:

It is possible that eBay institutes a higher level of security for some users with suspicious sign-in activity to their accounts -- though I would have guessed that eBay would just lock the account and require the user to prove ownership to sign in again. Perhaps there are multiple levels of suspicion, and the lower levels incur extra verification, while the higher levels trigger an account lock.


It is also possible that one of the reasons why I do not encounter additional sign-in requests or verification is that I have at least a dozen active eBay tabs open at any given time.

Seem possible since I rarely get the sign in or and/or captcha. Normally I have MANY eBay tabs open in multiple browsers (different id's) plus I never delete cookies and only reboot my computer when Windows Update forces a restart.


When I go away in the summer for a month or more, I can look forward to a ton of log-ins and Captcha stuff with just about all the sites I regularly use, eBay is one of the worst for that but definitely not the only one. After a few days everything goes back to normal.


Another possible source of these issues might be your method of connection to the internet (dsl vs cable vs ??). With dsl your IP very rarely changes without a complete shutdown, not so sure about cable or something like Starlink.


Message 9 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

My ID is signed in to the same browser on my laptop all the time and signed in to the app on my phone all the time. I almost never have to sign in unless there's a reason I need to manually delete cookies or unless I'm accessing certain eBay pages with added security (personal info, etc). Can't imagine what would qualify as suspicious sign-in activity for an account that's always signed in.


Aside from a manual cookie deletion when the captcha increase first started (to rule out a bad cookie) I haven't had to sign in for a while. I think the last time I signed in before that was when I downloaded my 1099 over a month ago, and again about 6 weeks ago when I re-verified my account with a shipping provider which is something that has to be done about once every quarter and has never resulted in increased captchas starting weeks later.


The strange part is the captcha consistently pops up on FB and store pages - not every time, but several times a day whether viewing others' store/FB pages or my own. Before this started 2 weeks ago I never saw a captcha when trying to access those pages. Factor in all the reports that this is happening to others; in my view that's pointing at something changing on eBay's end.


Oh, I forgot that I have to sign in for account verification when I contact CS on social media and use the link they provide. But I've done that many times and never saw this kind of result with captchas on feedback/store pages so if that's seen as suspicious sign-in activity then it's new as of a couple weeks ago.

Message 10 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

Yes.  Nothing changed except Ebay.

Message 11 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

@wastingtime101 wrote:

The captcha instances have increased lately. I've noticed it's mostly when performing the same type of actions:


- viewing stores (including my own while I'm logged in)

- viewing feedback / profile pages (including my own while I'm logged in)

- viewing policy pages

- viewing payments tabs, reporting, etc.


I understand requiring it when viewing payments or multiple policy pages. But viewing stores and feedback it's a nuisance.


There's another discussion about it here:


And another one here:


Because of the numerous people reporting this in the linked threads over the past week devon@ebay, could you check to see if something has changed? I noticed a significant increase in captcha instances approx 2 weeks ago, particularly when viewing store pages and feedback/profile pages.


For what it's worth @eburtonlab, all of the great tips in your post don't solve this one (at least not for me). I did some thorough troubleshooting when this first started.

Hey @wastingtime101! I will look into this and try to see if there have been updates to our system for captcha. If there is any insight to share I will be sure to let you know!  

Message 12 of 13
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Stop requiring captcha security challenge to review my own feedback

Appreciate that, thanks Devon.

Message 13 of 13
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