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If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

I read an article about a seller who met with a Congressman about a lot of issues they believe eBay was crossing moral , ethical and legal lines.  It got me to thinking what would other sellers bring up to a Congressman if they had an opportunity to talk with one? 

Message 1 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

@monroe67 wrote:

"I wouldn't, because those people don't give a twit about people like us.  If the people that run this place don't care, why would they? 
Keep believing they are there to actually help you, and you keep this system going, and getting worse."

Wow.   Your congress-person in the US House of Representatives has the closest relationship to The People in their district of any legislator in Washington DC.  If you truly believe your own congressional representative doesn't give "a twit" about you, it might be time next year to vote him out of office.  

You know that eBay users can see your location in your listings, right?  I took a couple minutes to google who your representative in the US House of Representatives is.  Looks like he is involved in a couple of committees and caucuses that advocate for real people, health, and environmental issues, like the Diabetes Caucus and the Congressional Bike Caucus.  Not to mention the Wild Salmon Caucus and the Wine Caucus, two groups I didn't even know existed!  

You vote out one clown who doesn't care about you and you elect another clown that doesn't care about you. 

Message 46 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

Some states don't have sale tax.  "SOME" It depends where you live. 

Message 47 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

the reality is that the only reason the typical congressman meets with anybody is if they thought that you could help them with the only 2 things that concerns them, more money or more power.

Message 48 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

@bryo_3145 wrote:

Some states don't have sale tax.  "SOME" It depends where you live. 

And it is not up to the federal government to interfere in that.  States have established the right to impose sales taxes, and Congress cannot take that away.


Sales tax is not a tax on merchandise.  It is a transaction tax. It is a form of consumption tax. Each buyer who "consumes" the item, so to speak, pays the consumption tax at the time of the transaction.  Whether the item is new or used is irrelevant.

Some argue that it is one of the fairest forms of taxation, because things like groceries, school supplies, basic clothing, medicines, rent, utilities, and so, are usually exempt from sales tax. (Exact exemptions vary from state to state.)


Any tax, of course, is a burden on the poor, including taxes on used cars and second-hand mobile homes, as examples.  But, in general, people are paying sales tax on things they're buying with money they have left after taking care of the basics -- rent, utilities, groceries, medicines, etc.


Message 49 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

@dr.automobiliac wrote:

I read an article about a seller who met with a Congressman about a lot of issues they believe eBay was crossing moral , ethical and legal lines.  It got me to thinking what would other sellers bring up to a Congressman if they had an opportunity to talk with one? 

So an article was written by a person, that has a grudge against eBay?? 

Nowadays, everyone has an 'article' to be written, and many simply 'shouldn't'. 


I would like to see 1 item of the 'moral, ethical or legal' lines they are 'supposedly crossing. 

Message 50 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

"I would like to see 1 item of the 'moral, ethical or legal' lines they are 'supposedly crossing."

Seriously? You live in a vacuum ?
How about this:

"Couple's case over eBay stalking campaign likely to proceed, US judge signals.
eBay has set aside $64 million to cover potential liability from the Steiners' case, and a potential related settlement with the U.S. Justice Department."

Does that count??

Message 51 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

@joliztoyco wrote:

"I would like to see 1 item of the 'moral, ethical or legal' lines they are 'supposedly crossing."

Seriously? You live in a vacuum ?
How about this:

"Couple's case over eBay stalking campaign likely to proceed, US judge signals.
eBay has set aside $64 million to cover potential liability from the Steiners' case, and a potential related settlement with the U.S. Justice Department."

Does that count??

That is:



4 "Individuals that WORKED here"

"Worked"- meaning individuals that are GETTING a Salary.


Therefore, No...

that does NOT count


I only made it big because you did and I assumed you couldn't see it at a normal size. 

Message 52 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

@bashort wrote:

the reality is that the only reason the typical congressman meets with anybody is if they thought that you could help them with the only 2 things that concerns them, more money or more power.

Uh huh, except Congressional Representatives make about $175,000 a year.  There are hordes of eBay sellers right here more less working folk that make considerably more than that.  Oh, I know, "its the under the table stuff" except for the fact elected officials have more hounds monitoring over them than you've ever experienced, your parents ever experienced, your grand parents and their parents all combined have ever witnessed.  As to power, well thats not an individual thing either other than "The Last Guy" who clearly admires power and authority, he's said so time and again.


Now party power, well that's a different story.  Democrats of recent (50 years) have never had that as the entire party is nothing but factions, faction after faction after faction.  If they ever got their act together as one united party we'd see upheavals of change be it good or bad up for debate.  The other one, well, its known as "The Country Club" as that's what it most closely resembles and as FUNNY AS POSSIBLY BE the man who claimed he was gonna "Drain the Swamp" is in fact the Swamp and does what?  Country Clubs!  Can't make this stuff up!

Message 53 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

@joliztoyco wrote:

"I would like to see 1 item of the 'moral, ethical or legal' lines they are 'supposedly crossing."

Seriously? You live in a vacuum ?

How about this:

"Couple's case over eBay stalking campaign likely to proceed, US judge signals.
eBay has set aside $64 million to cover potential liability from the Steiners' case, and a potential related settlement with the U.S. Justice Department."

Does that count??

Ya know here's an interesting itty bitty.


My one niece smart as a whip.  She went into Geology and began working as a Geologist in mines down south.  She endured harassment like you would not believe!  Company did NOTHING.  Union did NOTHING.  So finally she made statement that she was going to run for public office and BOY HOWDY was there change!   All these big bad brawny miner and company biggies went runnin' for the hills.  Big difference between most American males and the smart females.  Ones scared of their own shadows when the light wants open over them where the ladies, they get something in their teeth and they are the true lions, not the sheep.


So now she's a researcher and mostly on the hush about her work.  There's very good reason they want put humanity on Mars.  

Message 54 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

"Are all men created equal?" 


     That's probably a matter of who you ask and I won't head down that rabbit hole. 

Message 55 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

Definately not! None of the people involved are still employed by the company. The employees involved has had their day in court many moons ago. 

Message 56 of 57
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Re: If you a seller could meet with a Congressman about eBay issues what would you talk about

The trial is still going on. 
And unless eBay ponies up a settlement before then, it's scheduled to hit a jury in 2025.
I guess that would be "many moons" ahead of us??

You can always tell a cheerleader.

Message 57 of 57
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