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New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

I just had 2 Civil War era scrimshaw cups removed. They were made from cow bone. They are not even close to looking like ivory. And every similar example ever sold on eBay or elsewhere online says they are made of cow bone (never ivory). When I contacted eBay, I was told that all cow/bovine bone items cannot be listed. It doesn't say that in the published eBay policy online, but I was told that the policy on the website hasn't been updated yet. No explanation from the CS representative, other than that they need to protect "wildlife". Great job implementing this policy. When I did a search for "cow bone", it only brought up 8,300+ listings.
I get that dishonest folks were using cow bone descriptions to list ivory items, but this wholesale ban of cattle bone products is throwing the baby out with the bath water. God forbid they spend a little effort trying to remove listings that deserve to removed, rather than wholesale bans of legitimate items. Whatever is easiest for their AI bots, I guess.

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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

Okay but how do you know the CSR was correct and honest about it.  Multiple people in the thread told you CSRs just lie or make assumptions to get you off the phone.  And you are the one who said yourself there are 8300 listings with 'cow bone.'   So how is that possible if cow bone is banned, whether updated in written policy or not?  
Here's what I think happened.  One of your competitors reported you for falsely selling ivory under the term 'cow bone.'  They probably said you can tell by looking at it.  Tthere ARE tell-tale patterns in elephant ivory that can sometimes be evident in photos, but you would have to know that, and whatever eBay employee took the report just took the snitch's word for it (better safe than sorry).  I do not believe that actual cow bone is prohibited here; the CSR just told you that.  

Message 16 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

I suspect the CSR knows nothing about how the bot that removed your listing works.


I suspect the CSR does not know anything about restrictions which are coming with policy revisions.


I suspect any listing with the word scrimshaw might trigger the bot. And the bot has not gotten to the listings you see which are in violation.


I suspect that the listings which you were told were not in violation, do not trigger the bot and perhaps the CSR can run the bot to check for violations.


In any case, the CSR cannot override the bot, and if he figured out a way to, it probably would only last until the bot found your listing again.


There are so many improper acts of censorship occurring with the best of motives on Ebay and on other sites, and there is no appeal.


If it is worth keeping your Ebay account, accept this action. I have accepted the fact that I cannot list thousands of dollars worth of merchandise because a bot says no.

Message 17 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

I had a feeling 'scrimshaw" might be problematic which is why I avoided it in that ^ cufflinks listing ^.  

Message 18 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

Thanks tobaccocardyahoo. Before I give up entirely, I may take one more try at getting a truthful answer from an online social media eBay CS agent. Maybe the other CS agent lied to me, but she seemed quite believable at the time. Here is a screenshot of the message I got from eBay when my listings were pulled. Note that it says I can relist if I follow the rules they outlined.

Also note that I followed all the rules they stated with my initial listing. I explicitly stated that the item wasn't ivory and I listed the species name of the domestic cow in my listing before it was removed. Here is a screenshot of the removed listing:
ebaycup descriptioncropped.jpg

Yet, the bots removed my listing and the CS agent contradicted the email by saying that no cow or bovine items are allowed, period! She went on to say that it was a policy change that hasn't been updated on their website.

Even though their email says I can relist if I follow their stated instructions (which I did initially), I'm afraid they will remove it again and suspend my account. Maybe I should give up, but I would at least like to know the truth.

Message 19 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

Yes I would do the social media contact, but take the listing down until you get that answer.  Shouldn't be more than a day or two, so why risk your whole account for only that much chance of selling this one item?  

Message 20 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

The listing is not active and I have not relisted. I won't do so until I have something "in writing" from a social media CS rep.

Message 21 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

Sorry I guess I was confused and didn't realize it had been taken down by the bots twice.  

Message 22 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

It was actually 2 different cups (separate listings) that were both removed at the same time. The scrimshaw designs were different on each. I did not relist either (yet). Maybe I can get some clarification from a social media CS. If I do, I will update everyone.

Message 23 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

Screen Shot 2024-05-10 at 9.15.42 PM.png
Was it a queen conch?  That one is pretty famously endangered.  Of course if the shell is just found empty on the beach it's not like the animal was killed by humans, but there's no way to tell by photos of a shell for sale.  Same goes for if you find a single bird feather in your yard, in fact it's not even legal to OWN it, never mind sell it.  Totally illegal unless it's an antique stuffed one and you have proof of its' age.   

Message 24 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

Update: I exchanged messages with a CS on Facebook and she looked at my deleted listings. She then confirmed that I followed all their rules. Unlike the phone CS, she says you can list cow or bovine items if you very specifically identify the species name in the listing (which I did in the deleted listings). It appears that the phone CS was either misinformed or lying to get me off the phone. So, now my deleted listings are supposedly being sent to the eBay review team who supposedly deleted them in the first place. They are being asked to review them again and I'm supposed to get a reply via Facebook within 72 hours. We'll see.

Message 25 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

Excellent update, thank you (and congrats!). Will you also let us know if the listings get fully relisted?  

Message 26 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

I'll definitely keep interested folks posted. I've been told in the past that there is no appeal process for removed listings. Maybe there really is. We'll see.

Message 27 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

@virginia_quailman wrote:

I'll definitely keep interested folks posted. I've been told in the past that there is no appeal process for removed listings. Maybe there really is. We'll see.

Yeah this is exactly the kind of "Breaking News" that the Community is made for.  

Message 28 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

Please keep us  updated  .     This  thread is first  I have heard  about issues of items made out of cow bone  getting taken down . 

Message 29 of 31
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Re: New Unwritten Policy Against Sale of Cow Bone - I Guess Sellers Need to Have ESP

@virginia_quailman wrote:

I'll definitely keep interested folks posted. I've been told in the past that there is no appeal process for removed listings. Maybe there really is. We'll see.

Maybe where you ran into trouble was calling them scrimshaw (haven't scrolled up to look).  Bots aren't too bright and can't figure out that scrimshaw can be done on some kinds of plastic, bone, etc as well as forbidden substances.


They shouldn't be pulling 150+ years-old theater-made trench art/soldier made items.  Exotic materials were never used; it was always something to hand, and cow bones or sheep bones from the soup pot were definitely handy.   Assorted ivories weren't.  Then again, this is eBay, Land of the Brain-damaged Bot and the Script Kiddie. 

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
Message 30 of 31
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