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How to download active listings report, in a similar format as downloading CSV on seller hub.

I should probably mention I'm new to API stuff.  I'm creating a basic inventory management system within Google Sheets, using an API Connector extension.  So far it is working really well for downloading current orders, assigning storage locations, and creating pick lists, etc.

I'd like to be able to download a daily "All active listings" report, similar to the CSV that is provided in the reports tab of the seller hub.

I tried a 
LMS_ACTIVE_INVENTORY_REPORT task, then getResultFile.  However, that only gives an XML of item numbers and quantities.  No titles, or other info.  Not the data I'm looking for.

What method should I be using?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: How to download active listings report, in a similar format as downloading CSV on seller hub.

Well, I'm trying to look for an API call to retrieve "active listings" from an ebay seller account, but honestly, I'm not finding it now in the docs.


I'm about to ask if there's no simple "get listings" call in this new ebay REST API.
Message 2 of 7
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Re: How to download active listings report, in a similar format as downloading CSV on seller hub.

It would seem they neglected this important call.  For now, I'm using one of the old traditional API's "GetMyeBaySelling".  It's cumbersome, but it works.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: How to download active listings report, in a similar format as downloading CSV on seller hub.

Ok, the thing is this. EBay, with the new "REST API" changed how things are done.


Now "listings" in the new REST API, are treated like "Offers" and before reaching into an "offer" there's a prior process that needs to take place.


So first, you have to create "inventory". Once you have an inventory item based on a "SKU key", you can create a new "offer". This offer when it's created is still "pending listing", and it's only listed when you make the "publishOffer" call.


So the new "listings" in the new REST API are called "offers.".


That's why they have a "bulkMigrateListings" call or something like that where you convert your current listings, into "Inventory".
Message 4 of 7
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Re: How to download active listings report, in a similar format as downloading CSV on seller hub.

Thanks for responding.  But I'm not quite following. 
Are you saying I can't use the REST API to grab data from my current listings, unless the listings are "converted" first?  Does this effect my listings on the eBay site?  Do all newly created listings moving forward have to be converted in the API after the fact?  This seems overly complex for just grabbing a little data from my listings.

On a slightly different note, I've now ran into a call limit on the old "GetMyeBaySelling" API, which has been working great until today.

Error 518, "Your application has exceeded usage limit on this call, please make call to Developer Analytics API to check your call usage." 

The API documentation states I can make 300 calls every 15 seconds on that API.  I'm only running ~30 calls every 5 minutes.  What gives?

Message 5 of 7
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Re: How to download active listings report, in a similar format as downloading CSV on seller hub.





Some eBay listing features are not yet supported in the Inventory API, but listings with these features can still be migrated, and the features will remain on the listings. The downside to this is that these features/settings cannot be modified once the migration takes place. The seller should take this into consideration, and where it makes sense, perhaps do some revisions to some listings before migration.

The following features are not supported by the Inventory API, but will not block the migration and will remain on the listing after migration:

Any listing-level Buyer Requirements
Listing enhancements like a bold listing title



Back when I was researching this I couldn't find a clear way to manage the inventory objects within the regular eBay webui (in case the api were to have issues). I can't remember, and it might be outdated information but I recall vague suggestions that a store subscription might have better inventory management tools (this may be untrue, so don't take my word for it, someone who knows different can correct). I also didn't see a clear how to on how to fully migrate back if it doesn't work out (again, maybe you can and it's painless, my head wasn't wrapping around it though). As I don't have a store subscription and am not big enough to see a need to migrate, I opted for sticking with the traditional methods (at least I then know I have a full unpaid webUI that mirrors what I do in the api for backup).

Message 6 of 7
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Re: How to download active listings report, in a similar format as downloading CSV on seller hub.

Looking into it deeper, it seems this "migration" will break everything.  We do have a store subscription, but we sell mostly one-offs.  Having seller assigned SKU's, and listings that don't simply just close after it sells, and inability to have custom options per listing, etc. etc. will not work for us.

All I wanted is a list of my running listings, with a couple variables pulled with them.  The old GetMyeBaySelling call works OK (forced pagination is super annoying).  But as of today, it stopped working due to a call limit error (even though I'm nowhere near the call limits).  I hope its just a bug and it gets resolved quickly.  It's broken my new app!

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