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Will my ad groups compete against each other if they have the same keyword(s)?

I am curious if when I use Advanced Promoted Listings and have multiple ads groups with some of the same keywords, will they compete against each other and drive up the bids?


Also, if I search and click on my own listing will I get charged? This seems like something eBay would do, but I'm new to the advanced listings so not completely sure.

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Re: Will my ad groups compete against each other if they have the same keyword(s)?



Competing Ad Groups:

  • Yes, ad groups with overlapping keywords can compete against each other. This can drive up your bids as your ads compete for the same impressions.
  • To minimize this, ensure your ad groups are well-defined and targeted to distinct product categories or themes. Use negative keywords to exclude overlapping terms from irrelevant ad groups.
  • Monitor your campaign performance and adjust bids or keywords as needed to optimize efficiency and avoid unnecessary competition.

Clicking Your Own Listings:

  • Generally, eBay won't charge you for clicking your own listings in Promoted Listings campaigns. However, there are some exceptions:
    • Clicking from outside eBay: If you click your listing from a different website or platform, eBay might consider it suspicious activity and charge you.
    • Repeated clicking: Clicking your listing repeatedly or using automated tools to click it can be flagged as invalid traffic and incur charges.
    • Clicking from the same IP address: If multiple clicks come from the same IP address (like your office computer), eBay might suspect click fraud and charge you.

Tips to Avoid Charges:

  • Click your listings only for testing purposes and do so sparingly.
  • Use different devices and locations when testing clicks.
  • Avoid using automated clickers or bots.
  • Monitor your campaign reports for any suspicious activity.

By understanding these potential issues and taking precautions, you can use Promoted Listings Advanced effectively without worrying about unnecessary charges or competition between your own ad groups.

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Re: Will my ad groups compete against each other if they have the same keyword(s)?



Competing Ad Groups:

  • Yes, ad groups with overlapping keywords can compete against each other. This can drive up your bids as your ads compete for the same impressions.
  • To minimize this, ensure your ad groups are well-defined and targeted to distinct product categories or themes. Use negative keywords to exclude overlapping terms from irrelevant ad groups.
  • Monitor your campaign performance and adjust bids or keywords as needed to optimize efficiency and avoid unnecessary competition.

Clicking Your Own Listings:

  • Generally, eBay won't charge you for clicking your own listings in Promoted Listings campaigns. However, there are some exceptions:
    • Clicking from outside eBay: If you click your listing from a different website or platform, eBay might consider it suspicious activity and charge you.
    • Repeated clicking: Clicking your listing repeatedly or using automated tools to click it can be flagged as invalid traffic and incur charges.
    • Clicking from the same IP address: If multiple clicks come from the same IP address (like your office computer), eBay might suspect click fraud and charge you.

Tips to Avoid Charges:

  • Click your listings only for testing purposes and do so sparingly.
  • Use different devices and locations when testing clicks.
  • Avoid using automated clickers or bots.
  • Monitor your campaign reports for any suspicious activity.

By understanding these potential issues and taking precautions, you can use Promoted Listings Advanced effectively without worrying about unnecessary charges or competition between your own ad groups.

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