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error when posting to issue_refund with returnid

When we issue a refund against a returnid,{return id}/issue_refund


we get the following response:
message=Invalid item or transaction id. Ids of item or transaction should be positive number


But the documentation for that request does not mention these fields:


The returnid itself is correct, we get all the information from{return id}?fieldgroups=FULL


What am I missing?


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Re: error when posting to issue_refund with returnid

It turns out, we where using an erroneous value for "accept-language" http-header and fixing that resolved the issue. All other request with the same value were successful and the error message in the response seemed unconnected to an issue with http-headers ...

Message 2 of 4
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Re: error when posting to issue_refund with returnid

@autodidaktix thank you very much for discovering this issue. I would never have thought about to change the accept-language.  In my case, the accept-language was set to en_US. Are you using the `ebay-api` npm module by any chance?

Message 3 of 4
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Re: error when posting to issue_refund with returnid

It was our own code, directly setting http headers actually to the same value as you did, maybe or probably copy paste from somehwere, I do not remember.

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