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We’ve expanded our Authenticity Guarantee program for sneakers to now include kids’ and baby sizes—no kidding!


Over the last year, we’ve noticed an increase in searches for kids’ models of popular kicks, and a rising trend of parents choosing branded or designer sneakers for their little ones. In response, we wanted to make sure the sneaker shopping experience was just as safe and easy, whether shopping for size two or twelve.  


As a seller on eBay, you can now enjoy the benefits of our Authenticity Guarantee program when selling eligible kids’ sneakers. The perks include professional authentication and verified returns, all at no additional cost to you.


We’re continuing to expand Authenticity Guarantee eligibility to cover more sneaker brands, models, and price points. We’ll let you know about further updates as they come.  


Learn more about Authenticity Guarantee and what items are eligible here.


Thanks again for selling with us.  


The eBay Selling Team.