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Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

We continue to make category changes to create more intuitive buying, selling, and search experiences. The changes bring eBay into closer alignment with industry-standard classifications, enhance search engine optimization, and make it easier for domestic and international buyers to find items. You can learn more about that here, feel free to review and post any questions you may have below! 


Please note that eBay experts will be present and engaging on the boards between 8 am and 4:00 pm PST on 4.13.

Message 1 of 9
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Re: Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

Why are toys still gendered? Very out-dated classifying.

Message 2 of 9
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Re: Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

@ohiochina I'd guess because ebay's data shows millions of buyers still search that way? 

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

Hi @ohiochina - none of the changes we're making specifically reference gender in any way, so we can't really address this question as part of this Update. We've sent this question on to the larger Toys vertical team and if we receive a response with more explanation we'll update you here. 


Message 4 of 9
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Re: Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

They specifically mention "brand, color and size".  That is already required.   And we sell thousands of clothing items a month, so we already do that.  HOWEVER, time and time again, when I am actually shopping on ebay, the "brand" is not on the left hand specifics filters.  Not just once or twice, but almost every single time I am shopping.  Instead, there is the useless "theme" and "occasion" and several other very minor options, in those left side filters.  And, that makes no sense.  "Brand" is crucial, and ebay sends customers to other sites by the thousands, by not offering that filter.   You are collecting that info for every modern clothing item, so it would be easy to make sure that is ALWAYS offered in filters.  Anytime you make shopping harder and more time consuming, you are costing us both money.  Guys, this is not rocket science here.  Please hire an actual clothing specialist, or even better, an experienced ebay clothing seller, to design those filters.  The filters that are crucial are missing from the left, and the ones that are absolutely useless are included.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

Same for dinnerware patterns. The brand of china is now gone. If someone wants a pattern of Franciscan or Haviland, etc., the easiest filter is now gone. #dumb

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

With the changes in the glass and china categories it is almost impossible to find what you are looking for.  

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

We love to keep our item specifics up-to-date. However when we try to download our items to see which item specifics are needing a change, the spreadsheet that downloads always strips out the conditional formatting of your spreadsheet so that when we see the spreadsheet it does not color in the cells (I.e. item specifics) that need to be fixed. Is there any way you can fix this so that the download will be helpful?  Otherwise what we get is just a spreadsheet with all data that we currently have but not what is required recommended or otherwise. Help in this issue would be greatly appreciated. 

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Question thread: Category & Classification Changes

eBay Staff (Alumni)

Hi everyone - 


We're closing this board from further questions and replies. We will continue to work with our internal teams to make sure outstanding questions are addressed next week. 


Have a good weekend!


Message 9 of 9
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