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Help me solve the mystery of the cracked NGC rated American Gold Eagle Coin slab,

The buyer won several auctions, adding up to over $700.00. Before paying for those auction wins, they contacted me stating, not asking, they wanted a coin from a newly posted auction and would pay $5.00 over the starting bid, in which case I would be losing money. I felt pressured since it was a demand not a question, and the fact they conveniently had not yet paid for the large purchase. In the time it took me to figure out what I should do and reply, a bid came in from another buyer, and then another, and all at once, it was clear I would not be able to stop the auction and give them the coin. Although they had undoubtedly made me feel uncomfortable, I felt bad and paid for shipping, which was over $30.00 with signature and extra insurance. Days later, I noticed a comment on my feedback that simply said "nice coin." That sounds like no big deal, but compared to all other feedback, it stood out. It gave me the vibe that they were upset and by leaving this flat short apathetic comment was their passive-aggressive way of letting me know , and it just so happened to be from the buyer I had unintentionally let down. Immediately, I wished I hadn't followed through with the large sale. I sensed trouble was coming my way. The next day, my fears were confirmed. The buyer messaged stating that one of the 1/10 ounce American Gold Eagle NGC-rated coin slabs was cracked. The buyer provided one cropped-in close-up of what looked like a scratch, I have attached the actual photo sent to me by the byer. It showed no indication that it was the coin slab I sold them. NGC slabs are pretty durable, and I don't know if a "crack" that small would be possible. They stated that it couldn't have happened on the way to them because it was so well-packaged, insinuating I had intentionally sent them a damaged item. How foolish would I be to do such a thing, knowing it would jeopardize my business? Furthermore, I have had damaged items before and made it clear in the description; they always sold with no problems. When they claimed it was already damaged prior to my sending it, is when I knew they were lying because I packaged the coins and inspected them myself. I even polished the outside of the three slabs to make sure they would arrive nice and clean. The buyer was brazen enough to accuse me of using a fake photo in my description, which I proved wasn't the case by showing the original timestamped photos from the shoot the same day the auction was uploaded to eBay. After all of these false accusations and claims, the buyer never asked for a refund. As perplexing as it was, they didn't ask for anything. It seemed like a strange If all this was true, that would make me a con artist, so why are they reaching out to tell me this and not reaching out to warn eBay? Why is there no sense of them being upset in the message? I would have been super upset if someone did to me what they claimed I did to them, and I wouldn't even message me; I would be yelling out to eBay to have them shut me down. They did, however, end the message by saying, "I thought you should know before I left my feedback." they still have never left their feedback.  Was this meant to scare me into offering them something, definitely meant to inspire fear. It felt like extortion. Once again, I felt pressured or bullied into doing something, just like I had felt when they demanded I end the auction and practically gift them the gold coin. Even though my policy says no returns accepted, I replied letting them know I would be happy to do a refund once I received my gold coin. Who wouldn't? The price of gold was soaring, and the coin was worth more than what they initially paid for it, I am sure they were aware of this since they are obvious collectors of precious metals, which raised more red flags.  The slab was supposedly cracked, but the coin was unharmed, besides you could easily send it off to NGC and they will replace the encasement. I am new to this, but it feels to me like there is some scheming going on, and I can't put my finger on it. Perhaps one of you seasoned sellers with all your experience is able to figure out what this is really about. Weeks passed and nothing, then out of nowhere, without ever replying to my offer of a full refund, they opened a case against me. Since I paid USPS for the extra insurance and new that I dropped off an undamaged item I opened a case with them, I provided my side of the story along with the close up shot which is what I received from them.  I am assuming USPS would be getting in touch with them and was curious what they would say.  I reached out to them and ask them for more photos of the package and the original label which were being required by the post office and never received a reply.  At the very least, this will serve to further document their odd and uncooperative behavior.  It will also show that I have not simply given up on my end and pursuing different ways of investigating the issue.  Hopefully, placing doubt in their minds, making them think twice in case they do have nefarious intentions.  Unfortunately, I know that the odds are stacked up against me and eBay will most likely side with them and refund the money, and they will come up with more lies that eBay will be more than happy to accept allowing them to keep my gold coin as well. They have until May 3rd to send the coin back. Am I being paranoid here, or am I correct in saying there are multiple red flags flapping in the wind? I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my story. I will happily accept any referrals, suggestions or bits of information that could possibly help me out. Or if you have a similar story to shareproof of damage.jpg, I would love to hear it and what the outcome was. Thank you all very much.

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Re: Help me solve the mystery of the cracked NGC rated American Gold Eagle Coin slab,

if you haven't, add them to your Blocked Bidder List (BBL) immediately...


i recently had the same sort of buyer... after him getting everything he wanted, he gave me a neg with the description full of bald-faced lies... after reporting to ebay, they removed the description but not the neg... i did everything correctly as a seller...


there is more to this, but that's what it boils down to...


it's been downhill since they removed the ability of sellers to give anything but positive...

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Re: Help me solve the mystery of the cracked NGC rated American Gold Eagle Coin slab,

Sorry to hear you had to deal with the same scam.  It is infuriating that these criminals get away with this, and eBay seems to side with them.  I have been researching other sellers that have been suffered the same or similar unlawful activities and was shocked to see the huge number of sellers that have been ripped off.  It seems that the word is out and all these losers are aware that eBay will side with them, so of course the number of incidents will surely increase.  We need to do something about this as a group, they don't listen to us independently.  I no longer see the point of selling on a platform that is so unsafe, it is insulting, specially if you do all you can on your end to maintain a positive experience for buyers.  So far the buyer has not returned my coin, they have 3 more days to do so.  I am assuming they will wait till the last minute, knowing that my funds will be held.  It's insane and wrong to punish a seller when they have done nothing wrong, correction I suppose using eBay as a selling platform was wrong.  No sellers no eBay!

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Re: Help me solve the mystery of the cracked NGC rated American Gold Eagle Coin slab,

Help cover yourself.  Take photos of everything you send when you are sending it and with expensive packages, I highly recommend that you take a photo of everything in the package and how the package was when you shipped it.


With graded slabs, I definately recommend that you put them inside the plastic slab sleeves that you can buy from Guardhouse.  If you don't have any, you can message me and I will glad to sell you some.  I will be putting up a new listing for them soon since I am about to order some more, but I do have at least 10 packs that have 100 sleeves per pack.

I also recommend that you get your self a heat sealer (lots of good cheap ones from Chinese companies) and then heat seal them in an extra layer of bubble wrap.  They stay safe and it looks professional.

A lot of times people will feel you out hoping that you will give them some sort of discount to avoid negative feedback, however many are just stacking the cards for their planned attempt to try to fleece you.  Having good pictures and great communication with your customers that remains professional helps, especially when they play the radio silence game and ignore you when you are trying to resolve a situation.  eBay does not resolve cases very often in the favor of the buyer if they refuse to even attempt to find a peaceful resolution with the seller.

Taking down a listing for a customer that wants to get a special deal on an item should never happen once it has bids on it.  1.  It will impact your seller's matrix because you pulled a listing because of some sort of defect and you will be charged a fee for what ebay would have collected on that item.  2.  You can jeopordize your account status doing this.  Remember, once it is bid on, the item should run its course unless you absolutely made a glaring mistake in your listing. If you automatically relist the item after fixing the mistake you can contact eBay and they will refund any fees they charged you for the pulled listing.  A lot of buyers see items in auction and they will try to contact a buyer to make a private deal in hopes they can get it cheaper than they might in auction.  Don't do that.  It could get you in trouble if eBay notices since they monitor your chats, or if a customer reports you.  If you think a customer might be a potential future customer outside of the site you can send the a business card with your info so they can reach you or shop your personal website if you have one,  Just don't ever send that information through eBay because you will be banned fast.

It sounds like you are spending a lot of time worryng about what other people think.  If someone gives you positve feedback and then says "nice coin," that is not a bad thing.  There are many people that just don't say a lot and it is a miracle that they even leave feedback.  Paranoia selling is part of the job at first, but you have to keep it in check.  If you sell 100 items every month you will likely have 1 unpaid item to handle and for 200 items you will likely have someone that is not perfectly happy.  At 1000 items you might get your first truly troubled comment.  I have been fortunate because I only had one neutral case a long time ago and that was due to USPS during a winter storm and eBay removed it.  The customer did not know that he should not leave feedback about that on eBay as a neutral or negative and he has bought from me many times since.

I have had my share of bad buyers and I have almost always found some mutually beneficial way of solving the issue.  It sounds like you found a schmuck, and that stinks.  I have had people make a big deal about their purchase and then never return it, or they will buy two of the same item and then want me to pay for them to return the other because they only need one and don't want the other after I paid to ship them both.  Why should I pay for return shipping for two coins when I had unaltered photos that could be seen? This isn't a clothing item that one needs to try on.  When you run into odd situations like I just described, you can always call eBay Customer Service.  In that particular case eBay told me to have them ship the item back, and then tell them after receiving it that I would not be giving them a refund for shipping because what they did was an abuse of the return system.  The folks at eBay noted my account and said that if any negative feedback was left, they would take it down.  So sometimes it does help to communicate in advance of a problem with eBay because they do try to take care of their sellers most of the time.


I know I am long winded, but I hope some of this helps you.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Help me solve the mystery of the cracked NGC rated American Gold Eagle Coin slab,

Buyer is trying to bully you and clearly has worked quite a bit, huh? Trying to beat you up for discounts (end the auction early ... issue with slab ... filing for return ... etc etc etc...)


Thats not a crack, thats a scratch. The fact you mention cleaning/polishing slabs tells me you wouldve seen it. I do the same to wipe slabs down. I hate the glue residue u get from peeled off stickers from previous owners.


They opened a return? I sure hope you ACCEPTED the return from them? Otherwise they can go to eBay and get a free refund w/o return. Probably opened the return to pressue you to offer a discount.


USPS will do nothing as far as insurance goes. No way are they paying out on that.


Block them. Take the return. Re-sell the item. Forget them.


I've had a number of buyers like that over time especially when I first started, the moment they realized they wouldnt get anywhere they quit. Once you show weakness they pounce and just keep going.

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Help me solve the mystery of the cracked NGC rated American Gold Eagle Coin slab,

ajs_coins_and_alchemy.... has said it best !

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