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Who the heck cares? (#3)

There is always someone who cares.   I know this is TCM's thread & hope she doesn't mind if I start #3.   We can't go without a 'who the heck cares'.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1 of 504
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503 REPLIES 503

Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Very pretty. Kind of comforting to have a plant from home that a parent grew.


Love that color.


Yesterday it started a very light sprinkle of rain and I checked the weather app on the phone.  We were due for a thunderstorm in an hour from then. 


So I threw on the yellow rain slicker and got the fire wand and out the door I went. 


Got  2 big bonfires going. Maybe 8 ft. high at one point.  I sat in the swing and watched them burn.


For some strange reason Rolling in The Deep was playing in my head.


DD got and ugly bruise from that, Dom.  Wonder what caused the horse to throw a fit.


Looks promising on the tree situation. That will be interesting to see what the offer.


Fruit, hope you aren't stove up from that fall. Appeared to be a nasty one.


Hope the trees don't loose their fruit.


The little blueberry bushes are loaded. The blackberry bushes have plenty  on them too.


Maybe I'll have enough to make a few things this uear.


Gotta go.


Have a good one!

Message 421 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Dom, I had a vague idea of what Anzac day was, simply because you mention it every year, but every year I have to go check it! I wish it was on our calendars, I would remember more!


Can't wait to see if the owner treats you well for the tree!


Yikes! I bet that hurt like crazy! Poor DD!


Geez, Fruit, take care of yourself! Also, I like to trip over an air pocket as well!


I love Iris, they make me think of my gramma, who had a TON of them!


Whew have I had a few busy days! Dad got his first iron therapy infusion on Monday so I took off half a day for that, and played catch up all today. Been so busy this am, it's crazy in here! HAHA Starting tomorrow I'll be boss free for several days, which will give me a chance to breathe and get some stuff done!


The weather here is warming up and I've turned off the furnaces and wall heaters at home and I hope they stay off! This weekend looks good for camping, if the rain forecast changes!


Speaking of camping, we've got some roof leaks with the seams on the slide outs on the camper. The Plumber has gotten the stuff to coat it, but it needs power washed first, might be able to get it power washed either tonite (and camp needs mowed) or tomorrow and then get it coated this weekend, again, dependent on the rain.

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 422 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Hope you can get all that stuff done so you can go camping, Fredi.


We've only got a 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms for Saturday so maybe you won't get rain.


Went on the other side of the fence yesterday and picked some blackberries. They're just starting to ripen.


Saturday evening we're having a sing at the church. Food afterward. Fried chicken and everybody is bringing side dishes to go with it.


Gonna get some groceries to last us through the weekend and to take to Church.


Son is gonna get off from work early today. Him and Husband went on separate vehicles this morning. 


The cigar lounge is having a celebration party for their 10th or 15th anniversary. 


Well, gotta make a list and then head out.


Have a good one!

Message 423 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Camp didn't get mowed and camper didn't get pressure washed! While we did get rain last nite, that was it, tho it sure looked like it most days!


Still camping this weekend, the Plumber says they will mow camp tonite and possibly pressure wash camper tomorrow. Dependent on rain, we've got a 55% chance of scattered thunderstorms in the area, so who knows!


Sounds like a fun party at the Cigar Lounge!!


I love fried chicken, but I don't get it very often. I bet the church ladies make some really good fried chicken!


Woke up this morning to Cricket peeing blood on Peanut's potty pad. She's a smart girl, she needed to make sure mom knew she was peeing blood (Peanut's potty pad is white, so that made it very clear, very fast). Have a call into the vet, since she's labeled as a 'mean' kitty, I might not have to take her in, vet just might prescribe a different antibiotic and I'll just have to go pick it up! Which I sure will, as soon as they call and tell me. She's not straining to pee, just doing the little pees all over again, this time with blood. I did put down a few more of Peanut's potty pads for her, if she would like to use them. Poor baby, she's miserable and needs some meds ASAP!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 424 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

It is the time of year for aches and pains and scrapes and bruises...! Heron was trimming a large Rhamnus Californica bush (aka California buckthorn bush).  Heron was reaching way out forward and leaning into and onto the bush.  Naturally Heron fell INTO the bush and received one

puncture wound and one scrape and one bruise.  However, the bruise was not as large as yours and it has now disappeared.  Happened 6 days pasado.  Heron has been pruning Rhamnus bushes here since April 2001.

These plantas are a tough rugged and mean plant.  Their branches are tough and springy.  Like spring steel almost.  However, they survive drought well and Heron never replaced the bushes.  They were in place when we bought this Condo.  Yes, pruning time is adventure time!

Message 425 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Blackberries YESS...!  When Heron was 12 years old he was reading one of the boy's monthly magazines.  There was an article about making a bird feeder (out of wood) and attaching it to a window on the house. 

So, Heron found enough wood in our pile of misc wood (stored in garage).  Heron attached the feeder to his window.  Put some cracked corn onnit.  Took a few days for the Jaybirds, Cardinales, and sparrows to find the cracked corn.  The birds liked the cracked corn and Heron enjoyed watching the different species of birds.  

Well, a year later a batch of vines grew below the bird feeder. Then some berries appeared.  Then the berries grew large and very dark purple in color.  Yes, they were blackberries and sooo delicious.  Every year the crop of berries grew larger and larger.


Church suppers; the Wednesday evening type.  An anecdote: When Heron was in the USCG and in between paydays and hungry for super good tasty foods he would attend the Wednesday evening Church dinner.  In uniform.  The food at a Church dinner was always super good.  At one Church in a medium sized town located at the Jersey Shore there was a woman that cooked apple cobbler.  She cooked a lot of it and Heron ate a lot of it.  (Times when Heron had money he would visit and donate some).  Especially after the USCG and other branches of the military began to pay 'technicians' a monthly bonus of $50.   $50 is not a large amount now-a-days but in the mid to late 1950s we could buy 10 standard size candy bars for $1.  It has been about 62 years now and Heron still remembers that super good apple cobbler.  

Message 426 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Must've been very good apple cobbler.


Mama would make blackberry cobbler when I was growing up. Peach too. We had peach trees back then and blackberries growing along the fence.


We also had a big pear tree and plums and figs. Mama and Granny made jelly and preserves with all of that.


Yes, you can usually get a good meal at Church. They have a meal at our church on Wed. night too.


We try to have a sing one saturday night a month and a meal after as well.


It depends on who is singing as to how many to expect. The man singing this time has had a large crowd one time and small group another.


Did a lot of advertising this time, so who knows.


Fredi, poor girl has got to be miserable.  Yeah, she's spicy as you say. Tab is labeled a combative patient too. Some vets sure not what they used to be.


I'd hate to see them try to work on a bull.

 Y'all have a nice evening!




Message 427 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Heron ~ falling into the thorn bush was not a good thing!  I have 2 Washington Hawthorne trees and they are the dickens to work with! 


Fredi ~ poor Cricket...her bladder is very irritated...wonder if she has stones?  Smart kitty to use the pad.  Hope she gets the treatment she needs to be well again. 


Have a good weekend, folks.    We had our first of a 7 day stretch of rain.  Just planted the doggone Zinnia seeds too...hope it's not going to be too wet for them. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 428 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Cricket is doing ok, her pee is more yellow now than red, but she's doing small pees every where. Today will be day 4 of the new antibiotic. 


My dad's legs have gotten worse and so has his breathing, I'm not sure what needs to be done but something does. My problem is I'm the only one in my office until Wednesday, if I have to close down to get dad to the doc, I sure will, but I'd rather not. 


Had a fairly good weekend, other than worrying about Dad and Cricket. 

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 429 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

(((Fredi))) rough trying to take care of the ones you love.


Sorry about your dad going the other way when it looked like he was finally starting to get better.


Well, if your dad has to go to the dr. your boss should understand. That's a family emergency.


Praying for your dad and you too. Taking care of a parent can put a strain on a person. Been there.


Heron, hope you got those bushes whacked back and don't have to fool with them for a while.


If you didn't live in CA where you're regulated to death I'd say to try pouring salt to them if you didn't want them.


There's water runoff to think about too, though. Might render the yard sterile. 

Message 430 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Hi Cathy: Good comments re bushes Rhamnus Californica.  They sometimes are really difficult to trim.  However, they are very slow growers and sometimes only need trimming once a year.  And they are drought resistant.  Those are two reasons Heron keeps them in the patio planting area.  So, Heron's puncture injury on left arm is healing ok and soon Heron will be trimming a different area of Rhamnus Californica bushes. But, trimming very carefully. 


New subj: Recently we discussed the wonderful veggie known as broccoli.  Well, Heron checked the frozen food section of the local Kroger subsidiary supermercado.  He discovered a 'new' product in the broccoli section.  It is a 10 ounce package of broccoli florets.  Package designed for 'steaming'.  However, Heron cut opened the package with scissors and boiled the frozen florets for about 9 minutes. They were ready to eat.  Nice soft broccoli.  10 ounces for 2.29.  And the picture on the package is a picture of el Gigante Verde (in English= Green Giant).

Very delicious meal.  Probably better than eating 18 oz in one sitting.

Nothing much else to report from the Coast except the weather showed that after 12 Noon today there would be a high UV count.  Weather reports are getting more interesting now-a-days.  Sometimes we even see a 'glare factor' as part of the weather forecast.  

Message 431 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Well, at last Heron will not have to worry about the constant trimming of the bird of paradise plants.  Heron finally dug out the last tubers and we now have NO birds of paradise in the planters.  Heron has hisself to blame.  Heron is the guy that planted a batch of bird of paradise plants throughout the planters in the patio planting area.  Primarily because they were on the HOA 'approved list'.  However, they grow like a weed and the tubers multiply until there is a large 'mass' underground. And it takes 4 to 5 years to finally get them gone.  And now Heron will have more time to remove the California wild grass.  It grows like a weed. Wait! It IS a weed...!  

Message 432 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Thank you Cathy. I think dad's right leg was a bit better when I washed and wrapped it yesterday. I'm hoping it was just so bad because the wrap hadn't been changed on Sunday since Friday. His nurse will be there this afternoon, so I won't need to wash and wrap them, thankfully. Dad said he breathing was better yesterday, I know when he's got pain his breathing goes to c r a p. And his legs felt better!


Yes, if Dad has to go to the doc, Dad has to go to the doc!


Heron, I've lived in my house for 13 years now and I'm still fighting the trumpet vines. If I ever find out who planted them, I'll string them up! I chop them down over and over again, I'm winning the war, but the battles are brutal! HAHA


Cricket, I think, is slowly getting better as well. I think I felt like she wasn't because I didn't take her and they didn't give her a shot of antibiotics and that acts as a booster to getting better! When I go to the doc I always say if you're giving me an antibiotic or a steroid can I have a shot in the bum, too? My doc says not many people ask for that! I said I do cuz I get better faster! There were bloody pees this am! In fact, there were no tiny pees anywhere (except maybe the litter boxes, but that's hard to tell!) WHEW!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 433 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

This past Sunday marked the begining of "Tulip Time" in nearby Holland.....which means I will be "hunkered in the bunker" at home until this coming Sunday.

It started off "as usual" on Sunday.......beautiful weather & the tulips were in full bloom........that night, heavy rains/wind.

Today (Tues.).......the local news is reporting that the tulips are 70% done for the year, all those tourists will see are stems. We had massive storms coming from the South, tornados cut a swatch through the center of Michigan (lot of damage, 1600 homes without power). Other than soggy yard & the usual water in the basement I'm fine.


The county had a recycling event for I loaded up the car with the various computer crap from the basement (it's embarassing to find a Comordore computer in your basement) , an old television (sm.) & all the old "oil based" paint cans I could find.......& drove about 50 miles round trip to a town called "Wayland" to get rid of it. Only from 9a.m. -noon & it was backed up almost 2 blocks to get into the parking lot.

......& it hardly made a dent in the basement.😖 I think I may have cleared one shelf, still a bunch of paint cans to get rid of (all latex, so if I put the stuff in to "solidify" it, it can go in the trash a few at a time).


I finished up with the planters for the cemetery (Mr. Fabulous' side of the family. Mine are 2 hours away, so those will be silk arrangements)....hoping it will stay dry enough for me to finish planting stuff in the yard.


P.S.: the double white "Beauty of Moscow" lilac I planted in 2019 (stick in a box) has FINALLY decided to bloom. Obviously heard about "late bloomers".....& decided to run with it.

Message 434 of 504
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Hola Fru...!  It is a good thing to hear from you regarding the toranado that was running loose through Mich.  Heron has seen several news reports this A.M. and was wondering if you were ok.  There were also reports of really mean toranados in OK.  Some small towns flattened.

That is really nasty and the videos are nasty also.

(Junk stuff: There is an Apple IIe sitting in one of the office desks here.

Heron was unsure of what to do with it.  Either donate it to some place or scrap it?  The key to the special computer desk needs to be found before Heron can act on this situation.  The desk is one of those older designs that allows the computer to be lowered into the desk.  After the computer is inside the desk there is nada but flat top desk, partly glass and partly wood. Strange what folks will hang on to for decades. The computer was new in 1981. The Apple computer was a 'prize' won in a sales contest amongst the 26 field sales guys.  Heron won this computer because he signed up the most new distributors for the corporation's products.  The sales contest ran six months. The info booklet said the Apple computer had a value of $900 in year 1981). 

Message 435 of 504
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