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Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

I have been a Top Rated Plus seller for ever and will be loosing that because I have no sales. It is like a switch turned off and my 20 year ebay store is nonexistant. Any suggestions?

Message 1 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

I'm sorry but it has everything to do with Politics, No matter how much you tell yourself that it doesn't. The economy matters and the people in charge of it matters.  When the economy is good we sell more, when the economy is bad we sell less.

Message 31 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

I'm going to have disagree with virtually everything you said....

Message 32 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

That's not how the oil market works.


If the president came out tomorrow and declared that we would again open all oil drilling in all areas of the country oil futures would drop immediately and we would start seeing lower prices in several weeks without a single new drop of oil gong into the economy.   Once new oil started flowing we would see a substantial lower price at the gas pumps.

Message 33 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

These are the after effects from TFG after increasing the debt $8T in only 4 years. He gave permanent tax cuts to billionaires, and billions in bailouts to farmers and his oil buddies. Who in their right mind would cut tax revenue for the wealthiest and corporations while raising the debt?

Trickle down was the biggest lie created by Reagan, after 40 years it's proven to be a failure. Before that there used to enough money to pay for everything, now they have us pointing are fingers at each other over who's receiving what benefits while the billionaires and CEO's are laughing all the way to the bank.

Message 34 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

Economics are complex, far far far more complex than the average American cares to learn as is also the case with just about everything including politics.  


You are making simple things complicated.   If it wasn't for "Trickle down Economics"  we wouldn't have those new  22 million millionaires.  The people who benefited from trickle down economics started there own businesses and became one of those millionaires.

Message 35 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

If you don't believe in trickle down why are you here????

Message 36 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

@campanaelia wrote:

These are the after effects from TFG after increasing the debt $8T in only 4 years. He gave permanent tax cuts to billionaires, and billions in bailouts to farmers and his oil buddies. Who in their right mind would cut tax revenue for the wealthiest and corporations while raising the debt?

Trickle down was the biggest lie created by Reagan, after 40 years it's proven to be a failure. Before that there used to enough money to pay for everything, now they have us pointing are fingers at each other over who's receiving what benefits while the billionaires and CEO's are laughing all the way to the bank.

Uhhh Yep.


Over those four years more national debt built than any prior administration, twice as much as the prior in fact.  Funny speak of fiscal irresponsibility when "The Man" has never been fiscally responsible since achieving adulthood, that's not a knock, just a fact.  Bankruptcies, tabloids and in fact so bad a business acumen he literally could not get a secured business loan, most folks here could get one.  Deutsche Bank gave loans, unsecured and when they started getting investigated his two reps there tried flea Germany, both were caught.  One tried again, caught, then committed suicide.


I do have to disagree on one statement, well... Sorta.  We've basically 750 American Billionaires worth about 5.7 Trillion.  We've 22 Million Millionaires worth 158 Trillion.  Think about that, basically 1 in 12 adults.  Can't blame em', they took advantage of the 1980's - 2000's scenario.  Quite a few of them millionaires are immigrants, in fact eBay's founder, immigrated here.  Immigrants come in with a want to have a better life, succeed, least' most of em.  Canada, UK, Germany, Australia are embracing new immigration in huge fashion as they look towards America's past as the example.  Every time America has really embraced immigration the economy just booms.


I've said this before time and again here to anyone who cares actually read credible financial news AND understand it.  Once upon a time folks here at eBay selling think, "I'm competing against other sellers." 


That's still true.  


"Oh yeah, I'm competing against Amazon sellers and Posh Mark etc!"


That's still true.


What's NEW to this arena is now sellers are competing for the DOLLAR as finite money exists in ever so many hands.  Now we're competing against Walmart, Macy's, Kohls, Target, even Dollar Tree who's booming as is Walmart.   Online Walmart's done excellent this year, up a whopping 16% online third quarter even.


Now Macys, Kohls, Target, Best Buy, Autozone, Walmart, Target, Pet Smart and EVER so many more have NEVER competed against one another like people think here.  They have ALWAYS competed for the DOLLAR in modern times as they consign goods under terms with price protection.  They don't really much care what people buy in said stores, they care that are buying at THEIR STORES.  Of course products that don't sell they return or send out to wherever distributor/manufacturer want.  Product that doesn't perform they make $0 margins on, take up retail space... In fact they measure store performance BY retail space. 


They all compete for THE DOLLAR and NOW because of finite money and other factors online sellers have to not only compete with each other but FOR THE DOLLAR.  You could say, "eBay has to compete for the dollar" and that's really hard to do with a million different sellers not to mention trust, this/that and the fact 92 out of 100 shoppers are doing so on cellphones limiting real-estate in just HUGE fashion.


When things were 2G and 3G wasn't very fun shop online but with 4G and 5G plenty fast and every operation under the sun is now "Mobile First Engineering."


Imagine a news site, CNN or Fox, pick you're flavor but instead of several handfuls of writers there's 5 million and every single one wants there stuff to be read and paid for it.  That's where we are. 


Quite frankly given that fact its actually pretty damned amazing eBay hasn't sunk under the weight of mobile technology nor that of all that competition out there now for the dollar.  As much folks want tear into eBay this is company that has continually beat the odds for over twenty years now and well... That's something to be respected.

Message 37 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

@kphoto37 wrote:

If you don't believe in trickle down why are you here????

I’m not @campanaelia but I’d hasard a guess that they’re here because trickle down economics didn’t work.


The working class didn’t benefit from the corporations becoming richer so everyone is doing whatever they can to supplement their income.

Message 38 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

@kphoto37 wrote:

If you don't believe in trickle down why are you here????

Do you really believe ebay is only for people who believe in trickle down?

If that were true the majority of members would not be here.

Message 39 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

ALL packing supplies have shot through the roof this year.


It's horrible.


The only good thing is that sales have been so slow I still have a bunch of boxes left from when prices were lower, but IF sales pick up in Q4 it's going to be a nasty state of sticker shock when I have to replenish the supply.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 40 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

Nobody wants to buy the widget you are selling...

but if there was a different guy sitting in the oval office, everyone would want to buy it.

Everybody knows that!

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 41 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

Boils down to 3 things.


1. Ebay site issues, we are all affected.


2. The economy is not great and people have altered spending habits more to essentials/needs and less to nonessentials/wants.


3. The items we sell as sellers.  Some are hotter, some are saturated, some are vitals, some aren't.


You have nice items but none are needs/necessities.  Thats the issue because 2 and 3 hit you hard.


The suggestion would be to diversify into more needs based items that are selling well right now.    Or just really hot sellers of items right now.  If they can also be items you know about/enjoy, so much the better as it will help your motivation.  Also some of your items may sell better on other sites, some things do better in other places.

Message 42 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

I bought 24 rolls of packing tape and and 2 large rolls of 24" bubble wrap this week. Up around 30% since this time last year. Just nutz. 


Nawww, that's not possible.  Our inflation rate is just a bit over 3%.  It's actually VERY good.  We are in excellent economic condition.  Businesses are thriving everywhere ... EXCEPT here.  Yea.  It's eBay's fault your supplies cost so much. 

Now, let's get off the politics stuff.  

Has NOTHING to do with business.


C:/ end sarcastic.bastid.exe





Message 43 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

@chariot_badges wrote:

I bought 24 rolls of packing tape and and 2 large rolls of 24" bubble wrap this week. Up around 30% since this time last year. Just nutz. 


Nawww, that's not possible.  Our inflation rate is just a bit over 3%.  It's actually VERY good.  We are in excellent economic condition.  Businesses are thriving everywhere ... EXCEPT here.  Yea.  It's eBay's fault your supplies cost so much. 

Now, let's get off the politics stuff.  

Has NOTHING to do with business.


C:/ end sarcastic.bastid.exe





This is a public forum. I will post what I want to as long as it is within community rules. 


And BTW, prices on those particular items was up right at 30% year over year. 


Who said anything about eBay? The same products were more expensive on eBay. 30% higher this year from AMZ.


Posting ID
Message 44 of 49
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Re: Had my Ebay store for over 20 years now my sales are gone?

I think what they mean by the economy effecting sales is debt. We live in a debt based economy and most people live off debt now.


When Powell says we need to crush demand, what do you believe that means?

Message 45 of 49
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