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Best Match--The Worst

Three times this week my search results have been sorted by "best match" and I am not able to change it to "Newly listed" or anything else without signing out and signing back in. I would NEVER select "best match" to sort my search results. It's driving me crazy. ok, crazier. -- Edited by mreas at 01/16/2008 1:59 PM

"All black and white, nice." ~ golders
Message 1 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

stupid ebay.

"All black and white, nice." ~ golders
Message 2 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

I haven't had this problem, but went to "Best Match," just to see what it would do. It gave me an entire page of crows. I've never bought any crow art, so what is this a match for? I don't understand what "Best Match" means. How can they show you the items that are the best match when you haven't entered any search criteria, other than ACEO? Oh, and when I sign out, ebay gives me a page of "recommened items," all Hannah Montana crap. HUH? -- Kathy
Message 3 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

stupid ebay -- Kathy
Message 4 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

Rumor had it that best match would be based on a formula that considered, among other things, who had the shiniest stars.

"All black and white, nice." ~ golders
Message 5 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

My stars are dull. 😞
Message 6 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

Ahhh . . . good system. Don't buy something you actually want, buy from the guy with the shiniest stars. -- Kathy
Message 7 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

The secret to having really good stars is to just never sell anything. -- Kathy
Message 8 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

Was that on ebay or the playground? I think they have given up on 'ebay', there has been so much wrong with the searches there. I can only get titles and prices, no matter how many times I change my preferences. I've used 'playground' for about 4 months now. Only because I can't use the other. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider ... google works for ME!

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
Message 9 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I was able to get out of the "playground" and back to the traditional search page. How long that will last is anyone's guess. -- Kathy
Message 10 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

I ran away from playground the first time they showed it to me, and haven't been back. My troubles are on the old ebay search.

"All black and white, nice." ~ golders
Message 11 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

That explains it then. I can't use it, haven't been able to for months. *sigh* -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider ... google works for ME!

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
Message 12 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

I was able to switch it back from playground immediately after they started it. At that time, they also had a survey, and I gave my very blunt feedback to them.
Message 13 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

That's what I did too, but I got the impression that eventually they would be converting to playground anyway, and that we'd all be stuck with it. I keep expecting to wake up one morning and . . . GACK! Wasn't "Best Match" also supposed to become the default search sometime in January/February? I remember reading that somewhere, maybe on the community boards. -- Kathy
Message 14 of 69
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Re Best Match--The Worst

I too have got stuck with 'best match' for last few days. It IS a really stupid search - comes up with a totally random selection. I have to switch to the playground to do a proper search. Actually i like the playground, particularly the snapshot option BUT you still cant search completed listings on it, which is infuriating. Danielle (formerly stevedan2)
Message 15 of 69
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