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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

1st one added large shipping sums to the shipping on the invoice, for items listed as Free Shipping to usa. Of course i told him to remove it because it's a violation, etc. Then ebay started harassing me constantly, over and over, for  Unpaid Item, then i would call and CS would remove that, then it would go on over and over again with the same items.

I reported all of it to BBB but it  still went on and the seller is still selling. Ebay says they have removed all the huge number of fake Unpaid Items it generated on my account for 3 items, but who knows for sure if they are all off. This first seller, had hundreds of negatives for this scam but of course, when ebay wrongly closed his fake coercive Unpaid Item claims against us buyers, their system automatically removed the negatives he so very badly deserved.

Then, this latest thing is because t he seller's country has now stopped any outbound shipping because of covid. So he stopped shipping to usa. His listings now say he won't. He should not be allowed to have his listings on ebay USA since he does not ship here now.

I tried to pay but ebay will not let me pay at checkout because  they say in red text, "seller doesn't ship to your country" so ebay will not allow me to pay it. They told me to change my address! Now, they are sending me an Unpaid Item claim! That is so dammmm nerve wracking and stressing. I have asked the seller many times to cancel the sale, or change the shipping to allow it to ship to usa. So ebay will at least allow me to pay. But he never has done either one.Just makes excuses about his country not allowing shipping. And l eaves me to get Unpaid item claim from ebay.

Wasting even more time messaging customer service as well, with no answers so far.

I am so done. it is way too problematic, and ebay is helping these sellers abuse the buyers. They have rigged the system so a buyer cannot exit a bad sale such as these, and must deal with the stress, injustice and time wastage of trying to resolve it. Ebay is part of the problem of course, they should give us a way out in such cases. But all they do is make it worse by the false Unpaid Item claims they send and then closing it against you.

 Pics from 2 different orders and sellers, below.


Message 1 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

when buying clothes i always refer to thier own charts. so, you are way behind, off the mark  and preaching to the choir. i am an old hand on ebay, and  this stuff i am describing here just started happening so the system changed to allow it .

If you as a seller block buyers whoa re honest about bas sellers, as many overseas definitely are, and you t hink you are as bad, and so worried about me, well, go ahead and block me. i don't want to buy from scammy sellers. Just spare me.

I am not at all worried about ebay not liking my disputes, since theya re very apologetic and are removing the fake unpaid item claims with many apologies. Tehy say it will not affect my record as a buyr at all since they recognize it is a scammy seller and the seller is at fault. They must be aware of how thier system is glitchy ont his score by now. after hundreds of people have no doubt contacted tham about these tactics by now.

 i don't in t he least appreciate all this preachy nonsense, i am  trying to report a new phenom that is happening. I have been on ebay for many years, this stuff is new. And not to be tolerated.

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Message 20 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

Do you check a seller's feedback before or after you purchase?  Based on your feedback left, you seem to have problems with many sellers.

Message 2 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

yes i do. but i buy cheap stuff from overseas usually, so that will sometimes have problems from sellers. the one wanted to compensate for cheapness by overcharging added shipping fees after the sale..... they do all kinds of wierd things . I buy a lot of stuff, i don't leave feedback for most of it. Would take far too long.

But,  i guess you think what they do is just fine. Yes i am a person who does hold people to their word. This stuff is gross violation.

Message 3 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

FYI, it's totally taboo to add any extra undisclosed charges after a sale.  and these were not small ones. I def do not like being put into a horrible position as those did. Very stressful. These ones seemed to start just when i bought from them.But that one guy had all his negs removed by filing fake Unpaid Claims when people refused to pay his exorbitant added charges.

Message 4 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

My gosh, such a long rant when there is a VERY simple solution: STOP BUYING FROM SELLERS LOCATED IN INDIA! Do you REALLY think that you can purchase an item for 6 cents and get free shipping on top of that?? Come on. lol

Message 5 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

I was going to reply to this 5 minutes ago and already it has replies.I would have to agree with the title,it seem so appropo for you,as others have already pointed out,this is all own your own doing.I am unsure why you seem to be a magnet for bad deals but I guess you are used to buying stuff that you have to wait for that is just low budget.I will not buy items out of the USA for the most part,too many good deals in the USA.I have so much I could say on this topic but I feel its better to bite my tounge.

Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 6 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

are you joking? this is ebay. people have been selling like that for 20 years as i recall.  yes, some times the item goes for a low bid and according to ebay, it must be shipped AS LISTED. why don't you know that already? are you new to ebay?  sellers DO lose some, and win some. these scammy guys know it. that seller had hundreds of negs from others just like me, for the same reason. He tried to make up his own rules though.

Message 7 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

That is NO excuse for their bad behavior or ebay's allowing it and facilitating it.  Yeah i just love it when people come on here trying to blame the victims. Sellers who violate  the rules so blatantly or mess up the buyers, are just not acceptable. These people do it to hundreds each. but the unpaid item claims always wipe off the negatives from thier account. Even if we have the Unpaid claims removed by Customer Service, since it is entirely the seller's fault.

Message 8 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

and i have to disagree, i have almost never found any sort of comparable deals, from usa sellers for the most part, ever since usps started charging exorbitant fees here. Sellers in the usa just can't keep prices down because of it.

Message 9 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

how many more time are you going to victimize yourself.I do not see people feeling sorry for you,it would appear that this is of your own doing.I guess you do get a lot of good deals on low budget items.I guess its difficult to wade thru all of the low dollar items and figure out who to avoid.   good luck with more deals ,they are out there

Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 10 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

absolutely not appreciated. take your self righteousness and victim blaming some place else.
Besides, thier victims are int he hundreds in some cases. I am not the only one. This stuff should not be allowed and buyers need recourse, period. they need a safe out  because it drags on for days, and threatens our standing as a buyer. NOT COOL IN THE LEAST, AND BEING NASTY ABOUT IT, TO THE VICTIMS, IS NOT A SOLUTION.

Message 11 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions



  "Ebay says they have removed all the huge number of fake Unpaid Items it generated on my account for 3 items, but who knows for sure if they are all off."


If you do not have problems buying from other sellers like being blocked.  Then the unpaid item strikes are gone. Most sellers have a Buyer requirement set up that automatically blocks Buyers who: Have 2 unpaid item strikes in the last 12 months.

If you run into a block because of that, then contact CS again and get them removed. There's really nothing to stress about.


  "I reported all of it to BBB but it still went on and the seller is still selling...  So he stopped shipping to usa. His listings now say he won't. He should not be allowed to have his listings on ebay USA since he does not ship here now".


The BBB has no power to get ebay to remove items from the site. eBay is leaving the items on the site because many members buyers and sellers from different countries use the U.S. based site to get world wide exposure. If the seller is shipping to other countries, their items will be viewed by everyone, but only those in countries they ship to can buy/pay for them.


 "... I tried to pay but ebay will not let me pay at checkout because they say in red text, "seller doesn't ship to your country" so ebay will not allow me to pay it. They told me to change my address! Now, they are sending me an Unpaid Item claim!..  And leaves me to get Unpaid item claim from ebay."


Are you sure an unpaid item dispute has been opened, or are you getting messages that say "you need to pay for these items or a dispute could be opened".  Only a seller can open a dispute, eBay cannot, and if one does get opened all you have to do is respond saying seller no longer ships to my country, so I cannot pay. The case will be closed without you being sanctioned in any way.


You replied to armyairforce4 who wrote  "Do you check a seller's feedback before or after you purchase? Based on your feedback left, you seem to have problems with many sellers" saying;

  "yes i do. but i buy cheap stuff from overseas usually, so that will sometimes have problems from sellers."


If you are filing disputes for half of those items you've left non-positive feedback for, you will probably be limited in the number of disputes you can file in the future, and possibly lose your buyer protections for awhile or all together. You could avoid at least half of your issues by taking the time to check profiles before buying from sellers and clicking on the numbers of non-positives to read only those comments. 

Continuing to keep buying from foreign sellers listing cheap, low quality goods is more of a waste of time and stressful than doing your due diligence and having more successful transactions.


   If you do not check feedback profiles before buying then you are self defeating the purpose of there being feedback profiles.  While you are entitled to leave non-positive feedback for transactions.  The number you have left may come back to bite you, if a seller who you make an offer to, or whose item you bid on, checks your profile you could find bids cancelled or offers refused, and they would likely block you as well.


  "I buy a lot of stuff, i don't leave feedback for most of it. Would take far too long".


I've bought a lot more things than you, and have always found time to leave feedback.  You use a lot of one word comments and since they are auto-filled when you type the first letter leaving them doesn't take that much time. You can skip the star ratings if you want. Doing that might space out the non-positives you leave.  Doing that certainly takes less time than opening disputes and writing long missive topics and replies.










Message 12 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions


you are incorrect about much of what you said. I don't have anything auto filling  feedback! maybe you do.

when filing at BBB, ebay shows up and actually does something about the situation, although not very well. their system has really bad loopholes that bad sellers exploit, tot he harm of innocent buyers. .

and it is far more complicated than you say it is, to deal with this mess these horrible criminal fraudulent sellers create for unsuspecting buyers.

This is a recent phenom btw! i never encountered it til about a month ago or so.

It has to do with automation not  working properly.

as for these type of sellers, ALL THIER NEGS ARE REMOVED BY FILING UNPAID CLAIMS when t hey do these stunts. Making them invisible to buyers! As you can see, the reds are in my pic  but they are no longer on the  perpetrator's feedback profile,. hundreds of negatives  all recent. All doing the same thing, right after he did it to me, NOT BEFORE.

SO They are then victimizing innocent buyers. who tried to pay but were victimized  by high amounts added to invoices, or by this change of shipping. He DID ship to usa, but told me he changed it due to covid  stopping all shipments from his country. IN THAT CASE HE SHOULD HAVE CANCELED THE USA SALES!



Message 13 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

yeah he also has his settings specifically that he does NOT ship to usa, or anywhere at all. if he doesn't ship, his items should not be visible.  he is going to entrap other buyers and maybe did, but unpaid strikes have removed the negatives . so nobody can see it.  Ebay doesn't allow anyone to pay for an item that doesn't ship to your address. A SCRUPULOUS SELLER WOULD CANCEL SUCH A SALE.  same for both these criminal minded sellers bot h from india, both very recent. Which i had never encountered before, usually it's just shill bidding from them.

Message 14 of 24
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Awful sellers think they can abuse buyers with bad actions

Others are telling what you need to be doing to better protect yourself. Those cheap items aren't worth the potential of losing buyer protection if your filing cases a lot that is a risk. Screen sellers better for yourself. 

“Birth certificates show that you were born. Death certificates show that you died. Photographs show that you have lived.” -Unknown
Message 15 of 24
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