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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

Recently I sold an item and as customary I inspect a Buyers "Feedback Left for Others", upon opening the buyers feedback for others, my first thought was this guy is Color Blind, NO, just kidding, I opened to 200, and counted 149 Negatives of Others, but still if he was Color Blind, his Feedback for Others was still Unsatisfactory, in my opinion. So my next thought was "How do I dodge this Bullet ", well I sale Airguns too, and in the past I have had to Cancel orders due to an Address that I don't ship too, So after thinking about it for a while, I did something I've never done before, I canceled his order due to Unsatisfactory Feedback, "Choose Issue with Buyers Address" Refunded his money, Put him On my BLOCK LIST, and made no attempt to contact him, of course eBays' stance on this is Give the Poor Little Scammer a chance, My stance is NIP these Guys at the Bud. After 7 days he gave me a Surprise Negative, you can read his Tear Jerking Saga of how I left him Hanging, also can you feel all the Remorse I'm Feeling, LOL, well eBay would not remove the feedback, and yes they ready did say I should have given him a Chance, well I gave a reply to his Negative along with his Username, so if you're a seller or a buyer who thanks he may sell something in the Future, check out my feedback received  as a Seller this guy is one of the best candidates I'm ever seen for the BLOCK LIST.  

Message 1 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

You did it right. There are many "shake down" buyers who sell negative feedback removals to sellers. It's alway a good idea to check "Feedback Left To Others".

Message 2 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

Yikes!  At first I thought, well maybe this is one of those buyers who only leaves feedback when it's negative.  But no; he has left 1548 feedback (about half of it negs, as noted) vs receiving 2197 feedback.  About 100 of those are old seller feedback; the rest were received as a buyer.


It's unfortunate that you are one of those he left a neg for, but IMHO it's not surprising that a buyer who's inclined to leave negs would  leave one for a transaction he's unhappy with such as a cancellation. You would have had a 50% chance of avoiding a neg if you had shipped the item and had handled the situation very delicately.

Message 3 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

I would do the same. 

I’ve been here since 1996, and from day one, I have known that it is up to ME to protect ME, not eBay. 

CONSERVITVS  •  Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay member since: 1996

Message 4 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

You did the right thing.

I can't understand why eBay would allow 'buyers' such as him continue to buy.

Message 5 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

I would agree how you handled it. Sometimes taking a little effort saves you the hassle of returns/fraud. It sucks that you have to take the negative feedback but i think most that would look deeper into your feedback would understand why you did what you did. You can't make everyone happy and it appears no one can make that user happy at all. 😪

Message 6 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

While your instincts were good that the guy likes to give negatives, you kinda walked into that one by canceling with no contact.  Not that you had a lot of good options, but your best bet would have been to complete the sale, make him try to extort you, and then report him.  Would have been more satisfying than what happened, but it's not without risk.

Message 7 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

Sometimes you have to take one for the team.

Message 8 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

Did you report the buyer?  eBay doesn't need that kind of buyer and neither do we!

Update BBLs everyone!

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 9 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

Buyer should report you for using the wrong reason to cancel the order.

Looks like that buyer needs to choose their sellers better.

Have a great day.
Message 10 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

I never would have looked at the record of the feedback left by the buyer. It is an accumulation of one-sided information, which you have apparently interpreted with the idea that there are few scummy sellers.


Some categories are full of scummy sellers, others are full of scummy buyers.


I do not sell in categories which are full of scummy buyers - my solution to the problem.



Message 11 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

My instincts really didn't have to be too good, the evidence was Overwhelming that he was a Scammer , what I did was really the only sane thing to do, considering my odds of not getting a Negative were less than a Coin Toss, and I'm just not going to be held hostage or be blackmailed or any of that Non-Sense, these people are Smart and they know what not to say. I will do something different next, I will message the buyer and tell them even though I would like to complete the sale, their Feedback for Others is  Unsatisfactory, and then place them on my block list.

Message 12 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

You would have had a 50% chance of avoiding a neg if you had shipped the item and had handled the situation very delicately.


I don't think a negative was only concern on the OP's mind. A serial negative buyer might also be a serial scammer.

Message 13 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

Because even they make money for eBay, thru partial refunds "Which eBay does not give partial fee refunds", Sold return labels etc. the Big loser is always the Seller, in other words eBay has no skin in the game. I was in contact with one of the sellers that got scammed on a Marantz Receiver return the guy claimed he swapped  the guts out of the receiver and returned it, and eBay sided with the Buyer.  Guy told me he lost 500 bucks  in refund and his Marantz Receiver in  that deal. 

Message 14 of 89
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Feedback Left for Others, ("Buyers that leave way too many Negatives")

And I'm sure I will have to do it again.

Message 15 of 89
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