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Advanced BIDS



Would like to ask, I am trying Promoted Listings Advanced, if eBay suggests Dynamic bidding 2$, I try with 4$, and still cant find my listings when I search for them.

Maybe someone knows why? Maybe its not only about bids? Thank you

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Advanced BIDS

Your pricing is high.  Here's one example:


I could buy almost 3 from this seller for what you charge for 1.  This seller also offers free shipping, you charge an additional $16.99.


I have price comparison apps that let me know where the best price is, and yours isn't shown.


Anyway, I did not check all your products, but I would suggest you do and see if you are being competitive price-wise.  On this one, you are not, and this seller reaps all the sales.  JMHO, I'm sure there are others..😀

KrazzyKats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 2 of 4
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Advanced BIDS

Well, try changing your location to lets say Italy and then compare prices. But the question was about ads.

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Advanced BIDS

Hi, we are trying to understand eBay advertisers pain points. Could you please respond to this short (<1min) survey to help improve advertising experience for eBay community? Thank you Link:

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